Feature #18603
openAllow syntax like obj.method(arg)=value
I propose here to allow a syntax like:
obj.method(arg) = value
It would be translated to the following:
obj.__send__(:method=, arg, value)
The lack of this syntax kind of limits the ability to design DSLs in Ruby in my opinion. I don't think this would bring any conflicts with existing parser rules.
My proposal would be to put the value at the last argument, akin to how []=
works. So, for example this code would work:
module Indexable
def dig=(*path, last, value)
if path.empty?
self[last] = value
first = path.shift
self[first]&.dig(*path, last) = value
Hash.include Indexable
Array.include Indexable
The kwargs may be supported similarly to how they work on []=
, ie. becoming a penultimate Hash argument. While maybe not perfect, it is consistent with how []=
works and I imagine most usecases won't require kwargs.
Updated by sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada) about 3 years ago
Notice that, while []
in []=
cannot be omitted, ()
in method invocation can be omitted. Are you expecting ()
in the proposed feature to be omittable or not? Either way, I think it would introduce complexity. I think that is a crucial difference between []=
and the proposed feature; the latter is not as simple as the former.
Updated by baweaver (Brandon Weaver) about 3 years ago
I believe in this particular case it would make more sense to have a dual method to dig
, rather than adding additional complexity to the syntactic sugar around =
. There were proposals in the past for Enumerable#bury
that targeted this behavior:
module Enumerable
def bury(*paths, &value_fn)
return unless block_given?
*lead, target = paths
if lead.empty? # Single item in path
self[target] = yield(self[target])
above_value = self.dig(*lead)
above_value[target] = yield(above_value[target])
collection = [{ a: 1, b: 2, c: [{ d: 3 }] }]
# => [{:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>[{:d=>3}]}]
collection.bury(0, :c, 0, :d) { |v| v + 5 }
# => 8
# => [{:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>[{:d=>8}]}]
The difficulty for such functions is how to differentiate between the varadic path and the value setter. For me I believe block functions strike a good medium here, and may be a viable solution, though Matz has previously rejected the idea of adding a bury
function. Perhaps it may make sense to bring it up again if this is compelling, as it does bear some similarity to merge
Updated by hmdne (hmdne -) about 3 years ago
@sawa - My proposal would be to allow omitting parentheses only if there are no arguments provided, ie. how it is currently.
self.xyz = 6 # correct currently
self.xyz() = 6 # correct under the proposal
self.xyz(a) = 6 # correct under the proposal
self.xyz a = 6 # parser conflict, it is already a correct code meaning something else
I am not very familiar with MRI code unfortunately, so I can't estimate if this will introduce a lot of complexity or not. Certainly lvalue will need to accept a lot more types of expression. I develop an alternative Ruby implementation (Opal), though not its parser, and there I have a clear path for implementation of this feature.
A similar, though a little different, feature exists in C, where *get_mem(123) = 123
is a correct code.
Another argument for this feature is that it's easy to pass an arbitrary number of arguments to any operator, like +
, *
, []=
, []
, something?
, something!
. From what I know, something=
is the only kind of operator that needs __send__
to pass other number of arguments than 1 (self.x=(1,2,3)
is not a correct code, perhaps it could be an alternative to accept it, instead of this proposal, but I assume it will be a lot harder).
I happen to sometimes want to add an optional argument to setter and it ends up with a code refactor that makes code a lot more complicated, needing methods like set_x
, while I can easily add arguments to a getter.
The difficulty for such functions is how to differentiate between the varadic path and the value setter
While block adds a lot of flexibility for certain cases, like bury
, this proposal more clearly separates what's a variadic path and what's a value (following the semantics of []
and []=
operators). Perhaps my pseudo-code with dig=
isn't the greatest idea, but it demonstrates the concept.
A more real life example happened in my code. I wanted to create an API like the following:
entity.attribute(3) # => value of attribute 3
entity.attribute("attrtype 3 by name") # => value of attribute 3
entity.attribute(AttrType.new(3)) # => value of attribute 3
entity.attribute(3) = 10
entity.attribute("attrtype 3 by name") = 10
entity.attribute(AttrType.new(3)) = 10
Of course I ended up with extending Hash
to accurately resolve the hash keys. Instead of the API described above, I created this:
entity.attributes[3] # => value of attribute 3
entity.attributes["attrtype 3 by name"] # => value of attribute 3
entity.attributes[AttrType.new(3)] # => value of attribute 3
entity.attributes[3] = 10
entity.attributes["attrtype 3 by name"] = 10
entity.attributes[AttrType.new(3)] = 10
While I achieved the same goal by it, the resulting API implementation added a lot of complexity.
Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) about 3 years ago
IMHO way too complicated and []=
seems good enough for this use case.
Also it would be very confusing as the similar and existing syntax def obj.method(arg) = value
means something completely different.