



Bug #20082


Killing fibers across threads: unexpected exception

Added by zverok (Victor Shepelev) about 1 year ago. Updated 11 months ago.

Target version:


For providing the example in a changelog, I tried to imitate killing fibers belonging to other threads.
Documentation claims

Raises FiberError if called on a fiber belonging to another thread.

So, I created this artificial example to check how it works:

fibers = [] {
  f = { (1..).each { sleep(0.1) } }
  fibers << f
sleep(0.1) # to make sure the thread has started


The example indeed fails with FiberError, but the error message is confusing:

in `kill': attempt to resume a resumed fiber (double resume) (FiberError)

Is this an expected message for such case? Or am I misunderstanding something?

Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) about 1 year ago

UPD: OTOH, without resuming, the code doesn't see any problem at all (despite the claim about killing other thread's fibers):

fibers = [] {
  f = { (1..).each { sleep(0.1) } }
  fibers << f
sleep(0.1) # to make sure the thread have started

p fibers.last.kill
#=> #<Fiber:0x00007f73f682c078 examples/fiber_kill.rb:7 (terminated)>

Updated by rubyFeedback (robert heiler) about 1 year ago

The error message is indeed somewhat peculiar:

"attempt to resume a resumed fiber ( double resume )"

I am not sure what "double resume" means here. But, even aside
from this, I could not even try to want to explain what "to
resume a resumed fiber" really means. Perhaps something else
was meant here? Or it was meant to convey that the code tried
to resume an already-resumed fiber. Either way it is indeed

I'd even be radical and suggest to get rid of fibers and instead
put everything under Thread, but I guess that is not possible
for various reasons. To me Threads seem easier to understand
than Fibers though.

Updated by ioquatix (Samuel Williams) about 1 year ago

Raises FiberError if called on a fiber belonging to another thread.

I agree the error is a little confusing, but the reality is it's probably okay.

"in `kill': attempt to resume a resumed fiber (double resume) (FiberError)"

You are literally reaching across into a fiber which is currently resumed and executing sleep. This is a text book definition of a double resume.

To get the error message I imagine you are after:

fibers = [] {
  f = { Fiber.yield }
  fibers << f


without resuming, the code doesn't see any problem at all (despite the claim about killing other thread's fibers):

A fiber is lazily constructed according to the first thread it is resumed on. So, this behaviour looks okay to me.

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Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) 11 months ago

  • Status changed from Open to Assigned

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