



Feature #21015


Add in a `-g` flag, like `-s` but with a few more quality of life features

Added by sampersand2 (Sam Westerman) about 1 month ago. Updated about 1 month ago.

Target version:


Add in a -g flag, like -s but with a few more QOL features



Ruby's -s flag has quite a few shortfalls that make it difficult to use when writing scripts . A new -g flag will fix it:

# Support `-abc` as a shorthand for `-a -b -c`
ruby -ge'p [$a, $b, $c]' -- -abc #=> [1, 1, 1]
# ^ (see "How short-form options (`-abc`) are handled" for why it's `1` and not `true`)

# Support `-vvv` as a shorthand for `-v=3`
ruby -ge'p $v' -- -vvv #=> 3

# Support things other than strings:
ruby -ge'p [$n, $f]' -- -n90 -f=false #=> [90, false]

# long-forms don't have a leading `_`
ruby -ge'p $foo_bar' -- --foo-bar #=> true

Background: What is -s

Ruby's -s flag is an extremely helpful feature when writing short little scripts to set config options; it automatically processes ARGV and removes leading "flags" for you, assigning them to global variables.

#!/bin/ruby -s

# echo, ruby-style! If `-n` is given, no newline is printed
print ARGV.join(' '), ($n ? "" : "\n")

While -s is significantly less powerful than OptionParse, or even via just parsing options yourselves, it's incredibly useful when writing simple little scripts where the option parsing code would be longer than the script itself.

Problem 1 (The big one): No support for chained short-form flags

The biggest problem with -s is that it doesn't let you concatenate short-form flags together: conventionally, ./myprogram -x -y -z should be the same as ./myprogram -xyz. However, if ./myprogram were a ruby program using -s, you'd end up with the global variable $xyz.

Short scripts that use -s to parse options thus need to add the following code to handle all different permutations of -x, -y, and -z:

# Handle all permutations of `-xyz`
$xyz || $xzy || $yxz || $yzx || $zxy || $zyx and $x=$y=$z=true

# Handle only two options given
$xy || $yx and $x=$y=true
$xz || $zx and $x=$z=true
$yz || $zy and $y=$z=true

Four flags becomes even worse:

$wxyz || $wxzy || $wyxz || $wyzx || \
    $wzxy || $wzyx || $xwyz || $xwzy || \
    $xywz || $xyzw || $xzwy || $xzyw || \
    $ywxz || $ywzx || $yxwz || $yxzw || \
    $yzwx || $yzxw || $zwxy || $zwyx || \
    $zxwy || $zxyw || $zywx || $zyxw and $w=$x=$y=$z=true

$wxy || $wyx || $xwy || $xyw || $ywx || $yxw and $w=$x=$y=true
$wxz || $wzx || $xwz || $xzw || $zwx || $zxw and $w=$x=$z=true
$wyz || $wzy || $ywz || $yzw || $zwy || $zyw and $w=$y=$z=true
$xyz || $xzy || $yxz || $yzx || $zxy || $zyx and $x=$y=$z=true

$wx || $xw and $w=$x=true
$wy || $yw and $w=$y=true
$wz || $zw and $w=$z=true
$xy || $yx and $x=$y=true
$xz || $zx and $x=$z=true
$yz || $zy and $y=$z=true

This is a huge problem for simple little scripts, as they're forced into an uncomfortable choice:

  1. Use OptionParser, which is very much overkill for tiny scripts
  2. Break from unix standards and require passing short-forms individually (i.e. ./program.rb -x -y -z)
  3. Do the cumbersome permutation checks as shown above
  4. Give up on flags all together and use environment variables.

None of these options are great, especially because Ruby's all about programmer happiness and none of these options spark joy.

Problem 2: All values are Strings

Less important than the short-form issue is that all values provided to flags become Strings (e.g. ruby -se'p $foo' -- -foo=30 yields "30"). While this can be solved by $foo = $foo&.to_i somewhere early on, it's verbose:

#!ruby -s

# Very simple benchmarking program
$log_level = $log_level&.to_i
$amount = $amount&.to_i
$timeout = $timeout&.to_i
$precision = $precision&.to_i

$amount.times do |iter|
  start =

  $log_level > 1 and puts "[iteration: #{iter}] running: #{ARGV}"
  pipe = IO.popen ARGV

  unless select [pipe], nil, nil, $timeout
    warn "took too long!"

  printf "%0.#{$precision}f", - start

Moreover, there's no way to create a falsey flag other than just omitting it, which can make interacting with -s scripts somewhat irritating:

# Have to use `*[... ? ... : nil].compact`, otherwise
# we'd end up passing an empty string/nil as an arg
system("./myprogram.rb", *[enable_foo ? "--foo" : nil].compact)

A better solution would be to allow for --foo=false or --foo=true, and then parse the false/true.

Problem 3 (Minor): Long-form options have a leading _

Long-form options, such as --help, have a leading _ appended to them (to disambiguate them from -help). While it can be worked around (either alias $help $_help or just using $_help directly), it's irritating enough that I've been known to just force end-users to use -help. This diverges from the common "long-form options should have two dashes in front of them," further making ruby scripts with -s a bit awkward to use

Problem 4 (Minor): Repeated flags aren't supported

Sometimes it's useful to know how many times a flag was repeated, such as -vvv to enable "very very verbose mode": Using -s you must do

is_verbose = $v ? 1 : ($vv ? 2 : ($vvv ? 3 : ($vvvv ? 4 : ...)))

While I've yet to see a use-case for repeating a flag beyond three or four times, having to manually enumerate everything out is, again, a bit of a pain.

Solution: Add a new -g flag, which supports all this

I propose the addition of a new command-line flag, -g, which adds in a new form of argument parsing that solves all these issues. PR


ruby -ge'p [$a, $b, $c]'    -- -abc                 #=> [1, 1, 1]
ruby -ge'p $d'              -- -d90                 #=> 90
ruby -ge'p [$d, $e]'        -- -d90e=foo            #=> [90, "foo"]
ruby -ge'p [$hi, $foo_bar]' -- --hi --foo-bar=false #=> [true, false]
ruby -ge'p $x'              -- -xxx                 #=> 3

# Putting it together now, lol.
ruby -g -e'p [$a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $world]' -- -abbcd90e=hello --world=false
# => [true, 2, true, 90, "hello", false]```


After all ruby arguments are parsed, just like -s, "switch parsing" is enabled. Just like -s, switches are read until -- or a non-switch (ie doesn't start with -) is encountered. The key differences from -s are how the switches are handled.

How short-form options (-abc) are handled:

The entire point of this feature, short-form options are handled in a more posix-like style: each character (ASCII-only, akin to -s) is parsed as a switch of just one character long. So -abc is handled the same exact way as -a -b -c. This allows for chaining short-form options together when calling ruby scripts in a convenient and natural way.

There's a few caveats: First, if an = is encountered, the last-most character gets that value. So -abc=foo is the same as -a -b -c=foo. (This is akin to most command-line options, eg ruby's ruby -aine..., the e gets the ....)

Secondly, because numbers aren't valid global variables ($1..$9 are used for regex groups), I think repurposing them to have an implicit = beforehand is beneficial. So you can do -n90 and it'd be the same as -n=90. It even supports signs, so -n+39 is -n=+39. (In fact, the implementation I have right now supports -a123b as -a=123 -b, which I'm a fan of.)

Lastly, to support -vvv implying "$v = 3", repeating a character sets that variable to the repetition count. A consequence of this is that for -x, -g will set $x to 1 (unlike -s which sets $x to true). This is convenient, as otherwise puts "log!" if $v > 1 wouldn't really work well. And, since they're both truthy, I think it's ok. However, I could be swayed to just drop this entirely.

How long-form options (--foo) are handled:

Unlike short-form options, long-form ones are handled much more closely to how -s handles them, with one key difference: The leading _ is dropped. (In -s, all - other than the very first is converted to a _, so --foo is $_foo, and ---bar is $__bar.) I feel like it's much more natural to have --long-form be equivalent to the global variable $long_form, especially when -x is equivalent to $x.

(Note: Unlike -x, --foo will set $foo to true, not 1.)

Parsing after =s

The -s flag allows supplying values to switches, such as -foo=abc will set $foo to "abc". However, this is a bit annoying when you want to use integers (or booleans) as the values, as you have to manually check yourself.

So, when -g encounters a switch with a =, if the value is exactly true, false, or nil, it'll use that value (so --foo=false sets $foo to false, or -x=nil sets $x to nil). Otherwise, it'll attempt to parse the value as an integer, using standard ruby integer parsing rules (i.e. allows signs, underscores, and prefixes like 0x). This allows users to pass in --count=30 and then use ($count || 10) in their code, and not have to do any conversions.

While this implicit conversion usually'd not be great, I think it actually fits quite well: The whole point of -s (and -g) are for short scripts, which presumably aren't doing a large amount or robust error handling. If error handling's needed, then -g's not the right tool and OptionParser or something else should be used. (And, if you need a string always, you can just $count = $count&.to_s and get it anyways.)



  1. Do nothing
  2. Continue using -s
  3. Create some function in the runtime, or on $*/ARGV, that does parsing

Prior art

Ruby's -s is based off of perl's -s, which functions (as far as I can tell) identically to Ruby's. I Don't know of any other language that does -s, much less -g.

Open Questions

How should supplying both -g and -s work?

This is the first flag that'd directly conflict with another command-line flag, so what should be done when both -g and -s are given (such as ruby -gs -e'p $x' -- -x=9). Here's the options as I see them:

  1. Use to last supplied flag (in the example -s). This'd act like how incompatible flags work in other utilities
  2. Always use -g, as it can be considered a sort-of a "super set" of -s.
  3. Emit a warning, and then do either 1. or 2.
  4. Emit an error, and then do either 1. or 2.

I'm personally partial to emitting a warning on -W2, and then using the last supplied flag, however I could be convinced to any of the options

What values after = should be parsed?

Currently, if the values are exactly true, false, nil it uses those literals; otherwise, it attempts to parse an int, and if that fails, uses a string.

Should additional types be supported, such as Floats, Symbols, or Pathname? I personally think no, as anything that complicated can be handled by $x and $x = Float $x or just OptionParser

Should -x do $x = true or $x = 1

I personally'd like -x to be true, just like -s. However, this conflicts with -xx yielding 2, as log if $x > 1 wouldn't work. Since 1 is truthy, I've defaulted -x to 1, but I could be convinced to remove it (and even remove the entire -xx thing if there was a good argument.)

Why introduce a new flag? Why name it -g?

I think adding in a new flag makes sense: -g is a modification of -s, so it naturally should be a new flag. (Attempting to shoehorn these options into -s would be a nightmare.)

I briefly considered using -ss as the flag name, to make it clear that it was a modification of -s, however that'd be the first two-character short flag and I didn't want to introduce that. (And, it'd be pretty ironic as a large portion of the impetus behind -g is to parse short flags, which -ss isn't :-P.)

As for -g specifically, I considered -o for "options" (nixed because most utilities use it for "output," and I didn't want the cognitive overload), and -f for "flags" (nixed because some utilities use it to mean "file," and ruby might use it in the future.) I picked -g because it's short for "globals" or "getflags".


Ruby's all about programmer happiness, and making writing programs easier. Currently, -s provides a very rudimentary argument parser, and a slightly more sophisticated one is sorely needed.

Actions #1

Updated by sampersand2 (Sam Westerman) about 1 month ago

  • Subject changed from Add in a `-g` flag, like `-s` but with a few more quality of life features to [DRAFt] Add in a `-g` flag, like `-s` but with a few more quality of life features
Actions #2

Updated by sampersand2 (Sam Westerman) about 1 month ago

  • Description updated (diff)

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 1 month ago

sampersand2 (Sam Westerman) wrote:

Prior art

(TODO) Perl has -s, and it works like Ruby's -s. IDK of any other languages which even attempt this.

Inversion. Ruby borrowed it from Perl.

Actions #4

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 1 month ago

  • Subject changed from [DRAFt] Add in a `-g` flag, like `-s` but with a few more quality of life features to [DRAFT] Add in a `-g` flag, like `-s` but with a few more quality of life features
Actions #5

Updated by sampersand2 (Sam Westerman) about 1 month ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #6

Updated by sampersand2 (Sam Westerman) about 1 month ago

  • Subject changed from [DRAFT] Add in a `-g` flag, like `-s` but with a few more quality of life features to Add in a `-g` flag, like `-s` but with a few more quality of life features
  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #7

Updated by sampersand2 (Sam Westerman) about 1 month ago

  • Description updated (diff)

Updated by zenspider (Ryan Davis) about 1 month ago

For the record, I love this and want it very badly.

I advocated for -ss to mean "an extension of -s", much like some CLIs do -vv to mean "more verbose". This would mean "more switches"... Since sflag is already an integer and ruby -ss is nonsensical I figured it wouldn't conflict with anything... but -g is perfectly fine.

I proposed that the values default to 1, such that -vv is easily supported and you never have to typecheck or cast anything from true, eg:

puts extra_debugging_info if $v > 1

I think this feature would fill 80% of my use cases for options processing, esp for single file scripts (which i write a lot of).

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) about 1 month ago

I like the basic idea of this proposal. But, I am against:

  • -g option name. -s is relatively unpopular. Even with the proposed improvement, this is kinda old-fashioned way to parse command-line options. I don't want to consume precious single character option here.
  • Adding up the multiple options. If you want more precise interpretation of the command line options, use optparse or something similar.
  • Interpreting option values. Conversion should be done by the application, even for the basic values like nil, true, false and integers.


Updated by sampersand2 (Sam Westerman) about 1 month ago ยท Edited

matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) wrote in #note-9:

I like the basic idea of this proposal. But, I am against:

  • -g option name. -s is relatively unpopular. Even with the proposed improvement, this is kinda old-fashioned way to parse command-line options. I don't want to consume precious single character option here.
  • Adding up the multiple options. If you want more precise interpretation of the command line options, use optparse or something similar.
  • Interpreting option values. Conversion should be done by the application, even for the basic values like nil, true, false and integers.


  • Adding up the multiple options. If you want more precise interpretation of the command line options, use optparse or something similar.
    Totally agree with this. It's a bit awkward, and I think removing it is a good idea. 100% on-board.
  • Interpreting option values. Conversion should be done by the application, even for the basic values like nil, true, false and integers.
    While a bit less of a fan of this, I'm ok dropping this, because it's not a huge burden for applications to do $foo == 'true'.
  • -g option name. -s is relatively unpopular. Even with the proposed improvement, this is kinda old-fashioned way to parse command-line options. I don't want to consume precious single character option here.

Few things here:

  1. I'd argue the reason -s is relatively unpopular is because it's cumbersome and awkward to use---IMO, if it supported -abc == -a -b -c from the outset, I think it'd see a lot more use.
  2. While this is a somewhat old-fashioned way to parse arguments, I think that it's quite useful when writing shorter scripts. Compare the following, for example:
#!ruby -G
while line = gets
  $stdout.flush if $f
  line.chomp! if $l
  print line.dump.slice!(1..-2).gsub(/\\([#'"'])/, '\1')
  puts if $l
puts unless $l || $n


require 'optparse' do |op|
  op.on '-n' do $n = true end
  op.on '-l' do $l = true end
  op.on '-f' do $f = true end

while line = gets
  $stdout.flush if $f
  line.chomp! if $l
  print line.dump.slice!(1..-2).gsub(/\\([#'"'])/, '\1')
  puts if $l
puts unless $l || $n

The fact that the option parsing in the second OptionParser example is just as long as the entire program in the -G example is quite cumbersome. I think there's definitely a niche for "small scripts which just need to support parsing a handful of flags"

  1. If -g is considered precious, would -G or --switches be acceptable alternatives? We currently have 28 unused flags (bfgjkmoqtuzABDGHJLMNOPQRTVYZ), and of the 26 currently supported flags (0CEFIKSUWXacdeghilnprsvwxy), 55% of them are still shared with ruby 0.49 (FIXacdeilnpsvxy). I'd argue adding a single extra short or long flag to support this use-case would be reasonable.

I've also considered adding a singleton method on $*/ARGV (just like how $LOAD_PATH has resolve_feature_path, however using this would need to be done in BEGIN blocks for scripts using -n/`-p).


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