Bug #3178
closedFileutils#rmdir does rescue Dir Errors without raising new
another one from #ruby@freenode
15:29 < jetienne> apeiros: on 1.8.7, FileUtils.rmdir('/tmp/nonempty_dir') trigger a Errno::ENOTEMPTY exception, but it doesnt on 1.9.1
/tmp/nonempty_dir is a directory which contains further directories. prior to 1.9.1, this will raise ENOTEMPTY, with 1.9.1 this will return an array, containing the directory.
Fileutils contains a block, which will rescue ENOTEMPTY from Dir#rmdir, without further raising the error. This not only breaks backward compatibility, but is also unexpected. From what i see, i spose this is related to the :parent feature (i.e. recursive removal, afaiu).
The proper behaviour seems to be to return an array containing the real deleted entries if :parent is true and to just re-raise the error if it isnt. ill try to illustrate with ++ and -- how i'd modify rmdir() in a 1.9.1-p376
def rmdir(list, options = {})
fu_check_options options, OPT_TABLE['rmdir']
list = fu_list(list)
parents = options[:parents]
fu_output_message "rmdir #{parents ? '-p ' : ''}#{list.join ' '}" if options[:verbose]
return if options[:noop]
++ done = Array.new if parents
list.each do |dir|
Dir.rmdir(dir = dir.sub(%r</\z>, ''))
if parents
until (parent = File.dirname(dir)) == '.' or parent == dir
++ done.push(dir) # inside "if parents {}", so we dont need to check here
rescue Errno::ENOTEMPTY, Errno::ENOENT
++ raise $! if parents # re-raise the error if parents is not set.
++ return done # return successfully removed directories otherwise
module_function :rmdir
OPT_TABLE['rmdir'] = [:parents, :noop, :verbose]