



Feature #8168


Feature request: support for (single) statement lambda syntax/definition

Added by garysweaver (Gary Weaver) over 11 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Target version:


Abstract: Proposal for single statement lambda support, either via a new type of stab '->>', such that '->> some value;' would be equivalent to '-> {some value;}', or by just supplying a stab operator '->' with a value instead of a block (which would be more intuitive).

Background: Often proc and lambda blocks are one statement long. Braces or do/end in this case are mostly unnecessary and result in less beautiful code

Pros: may reduce amount of syntax required, especially if can re-use same operator.

Cons: different stab operator may be confusing because of similarity to existing lambda operator. With either proposal, may cause additional overhead for interpreters.

Updated by garysweaver (Gary Weaver) over 11 years ago

Probably should have called it "expression lambda", not "statement lambda". Similarly "expression" not "value". Sorry, can't seem to edit.

Updated by garysweaver (Gary Weaver) over 11 years ago

So, redefining the proposal somewhat, '-> an_expression' or '->> an_expression' would be a shortcut for '-> {an_expression}'.

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Feedback
  • Assignee set to matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)

What if the lambda takes the parameter e.g. (({->(x){x*x}}))?


Actions #4

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) over 11 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature

Updated by garysweaver (Gary Weaver) over 11 years ago

@matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto), You know best. :) !! I know that this request varies a bit when you consider that stab is a function call, but the goal is to de-uglify code that we are starting to have like:

some_method :some, :args, :here, -> {the block makes a single expression look ugly}

some_method :some, :args, :here, ->(x,y) {the block makes a single expression look ugly}

instead of the more beautiful expression lambda proposed as ->>. But, I think you are alluding to the issue that:

some_method :some, :args, :here, ->>(x,y) some expression

is bad, because with those parentheses, it looks like a function call to ->> which should take a block.

So, how about some other operator that could turn a single expression into a block?

Perhaps this could be ultracool, and look like:

some_class_method :some, :arg, ->(x,y)> some expression

The obvious problem with that is that, though, may be that ">" would be taking on a special meaning in certain contexts, which would be difficult to read (and even more context sensitive to interpret?).

So, I guess that the best solution is possibly a syntactical symbol that indicates that the expression that follows it should be converted into a block during parsing.

I'm probably way off though. I wish that ->> would work, but perhaps it should be ->| or something. Thanks for taking time to consider this. It is just a nice to have, but Ruby is a beautiful language, and lambdas get so ugly, even with stabs.

Updated by garysweaver (Gary Weaver) over 11 years ago

Thinking about it a bit more, I guess it would have to be context sensitive. Just some character that is parsed when the block is being parsed that indicates that the following statement is a block. So maybe the best that could be done without a lot of overhead is whitespace between it, the method, and the block.

Then you just need to pick a good operator. I don't like the smiley here, but the world needs more smiles, so here it is for an example:

some_method :some, :args, :here, -> :) expression

Then you could also do:

def hello :) puts "hello world"

A single character that doesn't have many pixels like a colon would be best/most readable:

def hello : puts "hello world"

but colon is used by itself already in the ternary/conditional operator ?: (i.e., a ? b : c) so that might be confusing. Equals might look too much like an assignment:

def hello = puts "hello world"

I wish colon would work, because it would be a lot nicer-looking.

def a: b; def b: c; def c: d;

That just looks nice! :)

Updated by garysweaver (Gary Weaver) over 11 years ago

Oops except then they are symbols. Darn, too much to worry about...

Updated by headius (Charles Nutter) over 11 years ago

As a feature that affects all Ruby implementations, this should probably move to CommonRuby:

Actions #9

Updated by alexeymuranov (Alexey Muranov) over 10 years ago

I do not understand the argument about the code presumably looking ugly with curly braces (maybe if code looks ugly, it is better to read poetry? :)).

I do not think that

foo ->>

is more beautiful or clear than

foo lambda{ }

P.S. I think this proposal is somewhat related to #9076.

P.P.S. I also think that the notation ->(x){ bar(x) ... } was misplaced in the first place (should be more like something like { x |-> bar(x) ... }, if usual mathematical notation is implied), and the proposed use of ->> looks to me even more inappropriate, unless it is not expected to have anything to do with mathematical notation.



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