Feature #9047
closedAlternate hash key syntax for symbols
In Ruby, if you can create a symbol with ((|:"symbolname"|)), it seems consistent to allow moving the colon to the right side in a hash and dropping the hash rocket (=>).
:str => "v", # symbol
str: "v", # symbol
:"str" => "v", # symbol
"str": "v", # should also be a symbol
It would look like this:
h = {
"mykey": "value",
"otherkey": "othervalue",
regular_symbol: "value"
String and other non-symbol keys would retain the hash rocket syntax to avoid ambiguity.
"string" => "v",
MyObj.new => "v",
@my_var => "v"
Updated by rosenfeld (Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas) over 11 years ago
I'd prefer to reserve this syntax as a short hash syntax for string keyed hashes:
'string': 'v' # equivalent to 'string' => 'v'
If your proposal is accepted, then it wouldn't be possible add the short syntax support for strings.
Do you have any real-world use case where a symbol would be useful but you need the :'xxx' constructor to generate it? I don't think this is a common thing to happen...
Updated by jamonholmgren (Jamon Holmgren) over 11 years ago
I would be okay with your idea, Rodrigo, although it's less consistent (if you look at my first code block in the description). It would result in symbols looking like this:
:'symbol': 'v'
Not the end of the world, though. Would you then also allow other literals to use the colon, not just strings / symbols?
[ 1, 2, 3 ]: 'v'
I realize these are edge cases, but it's worth considering.
Updated by rosenfeld (Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas) over 11 years ago
yes, it makes sense to me to accept anything as a key. The only problem is that we can't use names in variables with this syntax :(
key = 'a'
{key: 1} # will be {:key => 1}, not {'a' => 1}
Alternatively we could do:
{"#{key}": 1}
But it wouldn't be shorter in such case :P
Updated by mohawkjohn (John Woods) over 11 years ago
This may or may not be related, but we here at NMatrix (part of SciRuby) would love to be able to index ranges in NMatrix using a 1:3 notation. This can be accomplished with a hash, but only if it will allow numeric (rather than symbolic keys) before the colon. Currently we have to type:
n[1=>3, 2=>4]
or use the .../.. notation, but we would prefer
Updated by jamonholmgren (Jamon Holmgren) over 11 years ago
I still think my original suggestion is more consistent and has fewer implications, but would like further input.
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 11 years ago
- Assignee set to matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)
- Target version set to 2.6
@mohawkjohn let us separate the issue. There may be a chance to introduce num:num literals for your purpose (just maybe).
@jamonholmgren having Symbol GC, it is realistic to have that kind of notation to cope well with JSON. But I am still not sure how much useful this is. Any use-case?
Updated by mohawkjohn (John Woods) over 11 years ago
@matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) Very well, and thank you for the consideration. I opened a new issue on that topic: #9049.
Updated by jamonholmgren (Jamon Holmgren) over 11 years ago
@matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) -- sorry, I didn't receive an email notification, so I didn't realize you had responded.
This isn't MRI, I realize, but in RubyMotion this notation would come in handy.
add UIButton.new, {
"setTitle:forState:" => ['Register', UIControlStateNormal],
"addTarget:action:forControlEvents:" => [self, 'register', UIControlEventTouchUpInside]
# becomes:
add UIButton.new, {
"setTitle:forState:": ['Register', UIControlStateNormal],
"addTarget:action:forControlEvents:": [self, 'register', UIControlEventTouchUpInside]
Another situation is when you want to map strings:
def map_string(source_string)
"jamon-holmgren": "Jamon A. Holmgren",
"matzumoto-yukihiro": "Yukihiro Matsumoto"
Perhaps somewhat contrived, but you get the point. The first (RubyMotion) example I do deal with on a regular basis, being the creator of ProMotion.
Updated by jamonholmgren (Jamon Holmgren) about 11 years ago
I should also mention this allows for similar syntax between JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. In this case, all three languages could translate the same dictionary/hash in a more or less compatible way.
Updated by jamonholmgren (Jamon Holmgren) about 11 years ago
Looks like there is a patch already for this:
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 11 years ago
- Is duplicate of Feature #4276: Allow use of quotes in symbol syntactic sugar for hashes added
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
Applied in changeset r47649.
parse.y: quoted ID key
- parse.y (assoc): allow quoted ID as a key of a hash literal.
[ruby-core:34453] [Feature #4276]