Bug #9899
closedSeg fault on Ruby 2.1.1 with newrelic_rpm
A user of New Relic has reported seeing a seg fault using Ruby 2.1.1 with our agent. Given that newrelic_rpm is pure Ruby code, this seems likely to be a Ruby bug.
We haven't been able to reliably reproduce it yet, but the user reports they are running "Rails 4.0.5, with mysql (mysql2 gem), on ubuntu 12.04 64bit, passenger enterprise 4.0.41, Ruby MRI 2.1.1p76". We've asked about upgrading to 2.1.2 but they haven't been able to yet.
Issue was reported to newrelic_rpm: https://github.com/newrelic/rpm/issues/167
Tidied up gist of the seg fault output: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/benweint/3aad49f1a65cff2ca721/raw/20caa8f7988866185aec0e791beb40c94aec62c8/gistfile1.txt
The specific line in the version of the gem being reported is at https://github.com/newrelic/rpm/blob/
Is there other specific information we could help gather to make this more actionable?