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# Project Tracker Status Subject Assignee Updated
19485 Ruby master Bug Closed Unexpected behavior in squiggly heredocs core 03/26/2023 04:21 AM Actions
14473 Ruby master Feature Closed Add Range#subrange? tarui (Masaya Tarui) 09/05/2018 07:06 PM Actions
12637 Ruby master Feature Rejected Unified and consistent method naming for safe and dangerous methods core 09/21/2017 07:25 AM Actions
12044 Ruby master Bug Closed net/ftp.rb: add NullSocket#closed? to fix closing not yet opened connection core 03/29/2016 07:29 AM Actions
11564 Ruby master Bug Third Party's Issue Segementation fault while doing rake db:migrate core 10/29/2015 05:13 PM Actions
11385 Ruby master Bug Rejected `==` with bidirectional/cyclic dependency core 07/24/2015 04:00 PM Actions
11341 Ruby master Bug Third Party's Issue Rails server command is not working fine core 07/09/2015 11:29 PM Actions
11303 Ruby master Bug Third Party's Issue [BUG] Segmentati on fault ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x64-mingw32] core 06/27/2015 02:04 PM Actions
11141 Ruby master Feature Rejected new syntax suggestion for abbreviate definition on block parameters in order core 05/14/2015 10:54 AM Actions
11109 Ruby master Bug Third Party's Issue Crash of irb. core 05/01/2015 12:34 AM Actions
10850 Ruby master Bug Rejected BigDecimal division incorrect core 04/27/2015 10:15 AM Actions
10833 Ruby master Feature Third Party's Issue getting argument error in rails production core 12/23/2021 11:40 PM Actions
10630 Ruby master Bug Third Party's Issue ERB tags nested in escaped blocks are skipped core 11/09/2017 07:10 PM Actions
10525 Ruby master Bug Rejected SegFault with mysql2 gem core 11/19/2014 02:42 PM Actions
10162 Ruby master Bug Closed Error while installing ruby 2.1.2 on freebsd core 12/18/2014 05:16 PM Actions
10113 Ruby master Bug Rejected Ruby memoization behaving oddly when using hash keys with spaces core 10/07/2014 08:08 PM Actions
10083 Ruby master Feature Rejected String.to_i unexpected behavior core 07/23/2014 05:38 AM Actions
9729 Ruby master Bug Closed Hash#each が無限ループする tarui (Masaya Tarui) 07/07/2014 03:58 AM Actions
9590 Ruby master Feature Assigned introduce st_foreach_update and st_foreach_update_check for performance. tarui (Masaya Tarui) 04/03/2024 03:50 AM Actions
9458 Ruby master Bug Rejected File write mode core 01/28/2014 06:39 PM Actions
7597 Ruby master Bug Closed $0を変更するとbug_reportでsegvする tarui (Masaya Tarui) 12/22/2012 02:21 AM Actions
7563 Ruby master Bug Closed test of gem_ext_cmake_builder in another directory tarui (Masaya Tarui) 12/15/2012 08:46 AM Actions
7510 Ruby master Feature Closed irb --help が古い tarui (Masaya Tarui) 06/05/2013 12:33 AM Actions
5565 Backport193 Backport Closed STDOUT.puts writes LF (not CR+LF) in textmode tarui (Masaya Tarui) 11/08/2011 01:37 AM Actions
4633 Ruby master Feature Rejected iterate method / extended version of for tarui (Masaya Tarui) 07/05/2012 12:03 PM Actions
4591 Ruby master Bug Closed (1.5...2).max #=> 1 (Range#max) tarui (Masaya Tarui) 07/10/2011 09:47 AM Actions
4131 Ruby master Bug Closed can't set length of shared string error in IO#read tarui (Masaya Tarui) 04/30/2011 10:04 PM Actions
4097 Ruby master Bug Third Party's Issue Unexpected result of on Windows tarui (Masaya Tarui) 07/27/2011 04:34 AM Actions
3452 Ruby master Bug Closed ENV 'make' is not considered in the rubygems test. tarui (Masaya Tarui) 04/30/2011 10:04 PM Actions
3328 Ruby master Feature Rejected Kernel#p outputs as default_internal encoding, and so on tarui (Masaya Tarui) 11/27/2017 07:57 AM Actions

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