



Misc #10032


Matrix classについて

Added by gogotanaka (Kazuki Tanaka) about 10 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.



こんにちは. 突然のご連絡失礼します.


  • 以下本文


こちらのPRなど最初のレビューを頂くまでに一ヶ月半を要しました. 問題だと感じました.




↓ 今まで投げたPRです.




Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) about 10 years ago

  • Category set to lib

Since this request talks about Matrix, of which I'm the maintainer, and refers to a PR I reviewed, I'd very much like an english translation.


Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) about 10 years ago

こちらのPRなど最初のレビューを頂くまでに一ヶ月半を要しました. 問題だと感じました.

対面でもお伝えしましたが、 github は補助的なものなので、レビューを要するものは
オフィシャルの issue tracker である redmine に最初にパッチを投稿することをお勧めします。

また、Ruby の標準添付ライブラリのメンテナンスはライブラリごとにメンテナが


まず最初に直したものを gem として出すと良いかも知れません。

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) about 10 years ago

Marc-Andre Lafortune wrote:

Since this request talks about Matrix, of which I'm the maintainer, and refers to a PR I reviewed, I'd very much like an english translation.

In short, he is interested in improving Matrix class. And to accelerate development he wants to be a maintainer of the library.


Updated by gogotanaka (Kazuki Tanaka) about 10 years ago

@ Mr. Marc-Andre Lafortune

You reviewed all of my PR about Matrix, I really appreciate your review, thank you.

As Mr. Yukihiro Matsumoto said, I want to accelerate development. And I'm afraid that nobody but you can maintain matrix..

For example,

Nobody but you haven't maintained EigenvalueDecomposition class, and it's little complicated.

@ Mr. Hiroshi SHIBATA

Thank you for your kind comments. But I think Whether I use github or redmine, It's not problem. (If it's github's problem, We should solve that right now. )

I can find some codes only Mr. Marc-Andre Lafortune maintain,

and it's kind of complicated for commiter who is not familiar with Linear algebra.

Like that

@ Mr. Yukihiro Matsumoto

Thank you! I really appreciate your kindness. You get my point.


Updated by sorah (Sorah Fukumori) about 10 years ago

gogo tanaka wrote:

And I'm afraid that nobody but you can maintain matrix..
Nobody but you haven't maintained EigenvalueDecomposition class, and it's little complicated.
But I think Whether I use github or redmine, It's not problem. (If it's github's problem, We should solve that right now. )

Sorry I couldn't take what these mean, could you say again in Japanese to avoid misunderstanding?
すいません、この英語が正しく読みとれているか自信がありません 日本語で構わないので日本語で書いていただけませんか?
必要であれば翻訳して再度 ML に投げます

Updated by gogotanaka (Kazuki Tanaka) about 10 years ago

@ Shota Fukumori さん

すみません、僕の英語力が拙いばかりに. お手数おかけ致します.

I'm really sorry for my poor English.


And I'm afraid that nobody but you can maintain matrix..
JP ->僕はあなた(Marc-Andre Lafortuneさん)以外の誰もMatrix class をメンテナンスをする事が出来ないのではないかと危惧しています.

Nobody but you haven't maintained EigenvalueDecomposition class, and it's little complicated.
JP ->あなた(Marc-Andre Lafortuneさん)以外の誰も EigenvalueDecompositionクラスにコミットの履歴がないし、これは少し複雑である.

But I think Whether I use github or redmine, It's not problem. (If it's github's problem, We should solve that right now. )
JP ->(そもそもメンテナが不足しているのが問題であって)Githubであるかredmineであるかどうかは問題には思っていません、(もしそれがGithubの問題であるならばどちらにせよすぐにどうにかすべきだと思います)


Updated by sorah (Sorah Fukumori) about 10 years ago

Translating from Japanese...

gogo tanaka wrote:

And I'm afraid that nobody but you can maintain matrix..
JP ->僕はあなた(Marc-Andre Lafortuneさん)以外の誰もMatrix class をメンテナンスをする事が出来ないのではないかと危惧しています.
-> I'm afraid for losing maintainers.

Nobody but you haven't maintained EigenvalueDecomposition class, and it's little complicated.
JP ->あなた(Marc-Andre Lafortuneさん)以外の誰も EigenvalueDecompositionクラスにコミットの履歴がないし、これは少し複雑である.
-> Because only Marc-Andre commits to EigenvalueDecomposition class, which is little complex.

But I think Whether I use github or redmine, It's not problem. (If it's github's problem, We should solve that right now. )
JP ->(そもそもメンテナが不足しているのが問題であって)Githubであるかredmineであるかどうかは問題には思っていません、(もしそれがGithubの問題であるならばどちらにせよすぐにどうにかすべきだと思います)

-> The problem is it has few maintainers. I don't think this is a problem of tools (e.g. GitHub, Redmine); If the problem's origin is a tool, I think it should be fixed ASAP.

And here's my reply for the above comment:

IMO we're welcome to your conrtibution. Patches are welcomed and you can be a committer if it's needed, and you wants to.
But please remember that almost of us are volunteer. I think you already know as you did, write a code, not only criticizing.


ただ、コミッターのほとんどは volunteer である事を忘れないで欲しいです。すでにパッチを書いているとの事なので問題ないと思いますが、

And about delayed review on GitHub -- because we use (Redmine) for primary, please file a ticket if you
want to be reviewed. See

(but I agree to this documentation is little weak to say about this...)

また柴田さんのコメントがつたわっているかよくわからないので再度書きますが、わたしたちはメインの issue tracking をこの Redmine で行なっているので、
レビューが必要なパッチであればそちらを使った方が返答が速いと思います。ruby/ruby は全員が常に見ている訳ではないので… もごらんください。ただ、それを伝えるにはちょっと文言が足りないなあという点については同意します。


Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) about 10 years ago

But I think Whether I use github or redmine, It's not problem.

github の pull request へのレビューが行われないことは、公式の issue tracker ではないので

一方で、redmine に継続的にパッチを送っているにもかかわらず、何も行動がない、という状況が

Updated by gogotanaka (Kazuki Tanaka) about 10 years ago

@ Shota Fukumori

But please remember that almost of us are volunteer. I think you already know as you did, write a code, not only criticizing.

はい、多いに同意致します. ただ毎回、同じ方がレビュワーで、レビューに時間を要していたので(すみません結果的には僕がGithubを使っていたせいでした)

問題ではないかと思い発議した次第です. 今後はモクモクとredmine上にパッチ投げます. ご指南ありがとうございました.

I agree with you. But I think only Mr. Marc-Andre Lafortune can review my PR, and this is why it take time to review.

OK, I will throw the patches to redmine in silence. Thank you for your comment.

@ Hiroshi SHIBATA


ひとまず、 Redmine上にissueを作り直してみました. これでまたレビューに長らく時間を要すようであればまた何か考えます.

I see that is not problem, Thank you for your comment.


Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) about 10 years ago

gogo tanaka wrote:

I think only Mr. Marc-Andre Lafortune can review my PR, and this is why it take time to review.

I find it ironic that you feel it took me much time to review your patch, when it took you the same time to make the needed changes. Also, please feel free to "ping" me about issues I might have forgotten about, either by updating the issue or by emailing me directly. Note that I responded a couple of days after zzak did just that.

Finally, my personal goal is that PRs are dealt as early as convenient, but definitely before a major release. Please realize that there is no real way to accelerate this cycle for new features.

I can find some codes only Mr. Marc-Andre Lafortune maintain,
and it's kind of complicated for commiter who is not familiar with Linear algebra.

I don't understand your comment. I certainly hope that any committer to the Matrix library has some familiarity with linear algebra, this is what the library deals with!

Like that

The eigenvalue decomposition code is indeed intricate, because it was adapted directly from
You will find the same method names and the same code, the same method and variable names, etc...

Updated by gogotanaka (Kazuki Tanaka) about 10 years ago

Marc-Andre Lafortune wrote:

Finally, my personal goal is that PRs are dealt as early as convenient, but definitely before a major release. Please realize that there is no real way to accelerate this cycle for new features.

OK, I got your point. Take your time to review my PR, because matrix class is not so important compared to other Ruby issues.

Actually I really appreciate your review and I definitely respect your jobs (you made EigenvalueDecomposition by yourself. nice!!!).

But I am afraid that you might be singlepoint about that.

It was just my own thought. Thank you for your comments!

Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) about 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Matrix has been extracted as the bundled gem for Ruby 3.1. We can discuss about Matrix class on


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