Feature #11777
closedChange NameError#local_variables to return the list of local variables where the method is raised
Sasada-san and I talked about this briefly a few weeks ago, but I also wanted to let others know about this.
This change will make it possible to pull out the list of local variables where the exception is raised without TracePoint. The did_you_mean
gem uses TracePoint, and the current code looks like this:
# lib/did_you_mean.rb
TracePoint.new(:raise) do |tp|
e = tp.raised_exception
if SPELL_CHECKERS.include?(e.class.to_s) && !e.instance_variable_defined?(:@frame_binding)
e.instance_variable_set(:@frame_binding, tp.binding)
# lib/did_you_mean/spell_checkers/name_error_checkers/variable_name_checker.rb
def initialize(exception)
@lvar_names = exception.frame_binding.local_variables
If we change NameError#local_variables
as described it'll look like this:
# lib/did_you_mean/spell_checkers/name_error_checkers/variable_name_checker.rb
def initialize(exception)
@lvar_names = exception.local_variables
The problem with TracePoint is that it's still a little buggy (also see #11668, #11667) and also makes Ruby slower as reported by Sasada-san. I would like to change the behaviour of NameError#local_variables
and remove the use of TracePoint from the gem entirely so we can make the gem much more stable.
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 9 years ago
Do you want to add NameError#local_variables
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 9 years ago
It's OK to add. But I think we should mark it as 'internal use' in the reference.
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 9 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
Applied in changeset r52942.
error.c: name_err_local_variables
- error.c (name_err_local_variables): new method
NameError#local_variables for internal use only.
[Feature #11777]
Updated by znz (Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA) over 9 years ago
NEWS does not mention about this feature.
Is it intended?
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 9 years ago
Yes, this method is only for did_you_mean gem.