Feature #14132
closedModule#attr{|_reader|_writer} should be public
Modules and classes can be reopened and changed (unless frozen).
This is used in many meta programming techniques.
Currently, attr_accessor
, attr_writer
and attr_reader
are private, so we need to either do a class_eval
, reopen the class somehow, or resort to :send
As I previously stated in #6539, I feel that the use of send
should be reserved for incorrect usage of actually private methods that might change of interface or aren't meant to be called this way (e.g. respond_to_missing?
Matz has stated before that "class/module operations should be done in the scope.". Nevertheless, common usage shows that there are many cases where Rubyists prefer using a single line for this, even if it means having to call send
Here are 15k+ examples of send :attr_accessor
in the wild:
15k+ examples of send :attr_writer
in the wild:
15k+ examples of send :attr_reader
in the wild:
Please make consider making :attr
, :attr_accessor
, :attr_writer
and :attr_reader
Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) over 7 years ago
- Related to Feature #6539: public and private for core methods added
Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) over 7 years ago
- Related to Feature #14133: Module#{define|alias|undef}_method should be made public added
Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) over 7 years ago
[...] I feel that the use of send should be reserved for incorrect usage
of actually private methods that might change of interface or aren't
meant to be called this way (e.g. respond_to_missing?)
But you are here conveying an extra meaning onto .send().
I like .send() because it gives me a simple way to call whatever I want
to, at any moment in time. So when you write "aren't meant to be called
this way" then you are contradicting what .send() allows ruby hackers
to do. I'd hate to lose that.
There is more than one way to do things in ruby and that includes
Matz has stated before that "class/module operations should be done
in the scope.". Nevertheless, common usage shows that there are many
cases where Rubyists prefer using a single line for this, even if
it means having to call send.
I have no problem at all whatsoever with .send(). The reason I use
it is because it is so simple. It is also shorter than .public_send()
which I do not use myself and do not need (as long as .send() is
By the way note that I am in no way against your suggestion at al.
I am somewhat in support of your suggestion. I myself, however had,
have largely stopped using the attr* variants; not completely but
largely. They are still useful to me to dynamically batch-define
methods, but other than that for my own classes, I tend to go "the
extra mile" and manually define methods; also because I tend to
define a lot of "def foo?; @foo; end"-like methods, and as far as
I know, there is no default attr. (I could specify my own attr
but carrying this modification in distributed ruby code is rather
cumbersome. I default to MRI usually when I distribute ruby code,
it makes my life easier.)
I do, however had, also have to admin that I never used:
.send attr_reader
and so forth. That looks really weird. But I think I can understand
what you mean so I agree, this is really strange. Or at the least
it looks strange to my eyes. I never used that so far. :)
By the way, I think you also have some false positives in the above
search query such as:
alias :read_attribute_for_serialization :send
attr_reader :results
People do write weird ruby code indeed ...
As for alternatives, I guess one can use one of the eval variants
and define_method. But .send() has the edge here still - because it
is so simple! :D
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 7 years ago
OK, I understand. They will be public in 2.5
Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
Great, thank you :-)