Feature #14836
closedMethod to return first/last lineno/column of Proc
As written in https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/6012, we want to know column no of Proc location.
In addition to it, I want to know the last_lineno and last_column.
If we don't have these values, we cannot know whether the "a" in code below is defined in block, or not.
b1 = ->(){ foo() }; a = 1; b2 = ->(){ bar() }
Updated by joker1007 (Tomohiro Hashidate) almost 7 years ago
I want this feature too.
I wrote a rubygem that parses proc and converts to AST::Node (of ast gem).
To inspect proc source code is main purpose.
Usage example.
# this is sample of rspec-parameterized gem
describe "lambda parameter" do
where(:a, :b, :answer) do
[1 , 2 , -> {should == 3}],
[5 , 8 , -> {should == 13}],
[0 , 0 , -> {should == 0}]
with_them do
subject {a + b}
it "should do additions" do
And output example.
lambda parameter
a: 1, b: 2, answer: -> {should == 3}
should do additions
a: 5, b: 8, answer: -> {should == 13}
should do additions
a: 0, b: 0, answer: -> {should == 0}
should do additions
But the gem has very heuristic hacks and it is fragile.
If multi procs exist at same line, it is very difficult to detect particular proc.
Accurate Proc location resolves the probrem.
Updated by yui-knk (Kaneko Yuichiro) over 6 years ago
If you use location information of proc to get AST nodes, I feel adding class method to AST module which receives proc and return AST nodes directly is useful.
What do you think about it?
For example:
def a(&block)
node = RubyVM::AST.of(block)
p node
p node.children
p node.children.last.children
a do
1 + 2
$ ./miniruby /tmp/of.rb
#<RubyVM::AST::Node(NODE_SCOPE(0) 8:2, 11:3): >
[[], nil, #<RubyVM::AST::Node(NODE_BLOCK(1) 9:2, 10:14): >]
[#<RubyVM::AST::Node(NODE_OPCALL(36) 9:2, 9:7): >, #<RubyVM::AST::Node(NODE_CALL(35) 10:2, 10:14): >]
Ref: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/compare/trunk...yui-knk:feature/ast_of?expand=1
Updated by joker1007 (Tomohiro Hashidate) over 6 years ago
Great work!!
What I want is this!
If ruby-trunk merges this patch, I will try to use.
Updated by yui-knk (Kaneko Yuichiro) over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed