



Feature #15602


Eliminate recording full-width hash value for small Hash

Added by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) about 6 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Target version:



Let's shape up small hash value (1 to 8 entries) from 192B to 128B on 64bit ptr environments.

Data structure proposal

(step 1) Record only key and value pairs.

Now Ruby 2.6, 1 to 8 entry Hash objects allocate 192 byte (8B * 3 (key, value and hash value triple) * 8 entry = 192B) with ar_table (instead of st_table).
Eliminating to record hash value will reduce this allocation from 192B to 128B (8 * 2 * 8).

(step 2) 1 byte hash value

For 1 to 8 entries, full-width Hash value (8 bytes) may be too long to lookup the entry.
1 byte hash value can be generated from 8 byte hash value.
(hash_value & 0xff is most simple way to get it, but not sure it is enough)

Name 1 byte hash value as "hash hint" on my patch.

(step 3) Embed hash hint into RHash

RHash::iter_lev is used to recognize nesting level of a hash (h.each{ "h's iter_lev is 1 here" }).
However, there are only a few cases that this value is bigger than 1.
So we can put this value into flags (if it exceeds the limit, we can store this value into hidden attribute).
8 hash hints becomese 8B == sizeof(VALUE), so we can embed this value into RHash.


  • Pros.
    • We can reduce allocation size of small Hash.
    • Increase cache locality on hash lookup
      • We don't need to touch ar_table (allocate memory) if hash hints doesn't match.
      • We can access correct ar_table entry directly.
  • Cons.
    • hash hints can conflict more than full-width hash value => may increase eql? call.
      • performance down
      • incompatibility


I tested this patch and it slightly increase performance (not so big, on my micro-benchmark).
Memory consumption is reduced theoretically.


Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) about 6 years ago

IIRC, not storing #hash breaks specs, does it pass test-spec?
Maybe the 8-bit #hash is enough to avoid problems?

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) about 6 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

Eregon (Benoit Daloze) wrote:

IIRC, not storing #hash breaks specs, does it pass test-spec?

Fortunately, no problem.

Maybe the 8-bit #hash is enough to avoid problems?

I'm not sure what "the 8-bit #hash" is.

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) about 6 years ago

ko1 (Koichi Sasada) wrote:

I'm not sure what "the 8-bit #hash" is.

The same as "1 byte hash value".
i.e. after step 1 I would expect tests/specs to fail, but probably the "1 byte hash value" is enough to fix them.

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 6 years ago

Eregon (Benoit Daloze) wrote:

The same as "1 byte hash value".
i.e. after step 1 I would expect tests/specs to fail, but probably the "1 byte hash value" is enough to fix them.

I think so. I'm unsure how may people encounter this incompatibility.

class Foo
  def hash

obj =
h = {}
$hash = 0
h[obj] = 42
$hash = 256
p h[obj] #=> nil in trunk, 42 in patched

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Assigned
  • Assignee set to ko1 (Koichi Sasada)

Patch is updated:


  • Support 32bit CPU
  • Support > 127 Hash iteration level
  • Fix bugs


Discourse benchmark

overall benchmark

With discourse benchmark, there is no speed improvement.

# master
ruby 2.7.0dev (2019-07-26T07:34:15Z master 51f22deadb) [x86_64-linux]
  50: 37
  75: 38
  90: 46
  99: 76
  50: 38
  75: 39
  90: 47
  99: 83
  50: 38
  75: 39
  90: 41
  99: 63
  50: 60
  75: 64
  90: 75
  99: 113
  50: 63
  75: 64
  90: 77
  99: 111
  50: 64
  75: 66
  90: 73
  99: 102
  load_rails: 3593
ruby-version: 2.7.0-p-1
rss_kb: 316540
pss_kb: 307648

# this patch
ruby 2.7.0dev (2019-07-26T08:11:10Z :detached: 8f8d83fa3f) [x86_64-linux]

  50: 36
  75: 37
  90: 44
  99: 70
  50: 37
  75: 38
  90: 47
  99: 82
  50: 37
  75: 38
  90: 45
  99: 71
  50: 62
  75: 65
  90: 74
  99: 130
  50: 62
  75: 64
  90: 76
  99: 125
  50: 63
  75: 65
  90: 75
  99: 118
  load_rails: 3674
ruby-version: 2.7.0-p-1
rss_kb: 269296
pss_kb: 260475

However, it achieves 50MB memory efficiency.

rss_kb: 316540
pss_kb: 307648

this patch:
rss_kb: 269296
pss_kb: 260475

conflict measurement

I added new debug counters:

  • hit: the count hint match and eql?() #=> true
  • miss: the count hint match but eql?() #=> false
  • notfound: the count that there are no hint match.

In otherwords, lookup count is "hit + notfound".

[RUBY_DEBUG_COUNTER]    artable_hint_hit                    81,394,995
[RUBY_DEBUG_COUNTER]    artable_hint_miss                      968,533
[RUBY_DEBUG_COUNTER]    artable_hint_notfound               84,984,795

With discourse benchmark, we can see 160M lookup and 1M miss.
Hint values will be conflict in 1/256 (because hint is 1B). So not strange result (*1).

(*1) 0.6M is ideal, so there is a room to improve. However, making hint algorithm more complicated introduce additional overhead.

1M times usless eql? can be a matter.

hint algorithm

To make 1B from hash value (8B), now I only use (unsigned char)hash_value, the lowest 8 bits.
There are several algorithm:

  • (1) lowest 8 bit
  • (2) xor with least 4B
  • (3) xor with least 2B
  • (4) using 15 to 8 bits ((unsigned char)hash_value >> 8)

However, (1) got high-score (1M misses. others > 2M misses).

Rdoc benchmark

(make gcbench-rdoc)

ruby 2.7.0dev (2019-07-26T07:34:15Z master 51f22deadb) [x86_64-linux] ["USE_RGENGC", "RGENGC_DEBUG", "RGENGC_ESTIMATE_OLDMALLOC", "GC_ENABLE_LAZY_SWEEP"]

      user     system      total        real
 25.753310   0.308549  26.061859 ( 26.065280)
GC total time (sec): 0

VmHWM: 467852 kB

Summary of rdoc on 2.7.0dev     26.065279869362712      0       179
         (real time in sec, GC time in sec, GC count)

ruby 2.7.0dev (2019-07-26T08:11:10Z :detached: 8f8d83fa3f) [x86_64-linux] ["USE_RGENGC", "RGENGC_DEBUG", "RGENGC_ESTIMATE_OLDMALLOC", "GC_ENABLE_LAZY_SWEEP"]

      user     system      total        real
 25.876454   0.392925  26.269379 ( 26.273089)
GC total time (sec): 0

VmHWM: 495984 kB

Summary of rdoc on 2.7.0dev     26.273089297115803      0       175
         (real time in sec, GC time in sec, GC count)

VmHWM is corrupted :(

Maybe because GC count is not so high because of low xmalloc() consumption.

Actions #6

Updated by Anonymous over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Closed

Applied in changeset git|72825c35b0d8b9d566663de961fddbf4f010fff7.

Use 1 byte hint for ar_table [Feature #15602]

On ar_table, Do not keep a full-length hash value (FLHV, 8 bytes)
but keep a 1 byte hint from a FLHV (lowest byte of FLHV).
An ar_table only contains at least 8 entries, so hints consumes
8 bytes at most. We can store hints in RHash::ar_hint.

On 32bit CPU, we use 4 entries ar_table.

The advantages:

  • We don't need to keep FLHV so ar_table only consumes
    16 bytes (VALUEs of key and value) * 8 entries = 128 bytes.
  • We don't need to scan ar_table, but only need to check hints
    in many cases. Especially we don't need to access ar_table
    if there is no match entries (in many cases).
    It will increase memory cache locality.

The disadvantages:

  • This technique can increase #eql? time because hints can
    conflicts (in theory, it conflicts once in 256 times).
    It can introduce incompatibility if there is a object x where
    x.eql? returns true even if hash values are different.
    I believe we don't need to care such irregular case.
  • We need to re-calculate FLHV if we need to switch from ar_table
    to st_table (e.g. exceeds 8 entries).
    It also can introduce incompatibility, on mutating key objects.
    I believe we don't need to care such irregular case too.

Add new debug counters to measure the performance:

  • artable_hint_hit - hint is matched and eql?#=>true
  • artable_hint_miss - hint is not matched but eql?#=>false
  • artable_hint_notfound - lookup counts

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