Feature #15861
openCorrectly parse `file:c:/path/to/file` URIs
Recently ruby has getting better at parsing URIs using the "file" scheme, with the addition of "URI::File". Still, some Windows edge cases are not implemented, and it would be nice to have them. For example, while the addressable gem can correct parse "file:c:/path/to/file", the builtin library is not that smart yet:
irb(main):001:0> URI.parse("file:c:/path/to/file").path
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> require 'addressable'
=> true
irb(main):003:0> Addressable::URI.parse("file:c:/path/to/file").path
=> "c:/path/to/file"
I think this would be a matter of implementing https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8089#appendix-E.2, which is not normative but it would be certainly nice to have.
Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) almost 6 years ago
Looking at RFC 8089, Appendix E (Nonstandard Syntax Variations
) states:
These variations may be encountered by existing usages of the file
URI scheme but are not supported by the normative syntax of
Section 2.
This appendix is not normative.
Appendix E.2 says that the following form is already supported: file:///c:/path/to/file
. Using that with the URI library:
=> "/c:/path/to/file"
I can see where the preceding /
may present an issue. However, I am not sure whether we want to add support for nonstandard syntax variations to the file
Updated by deivid (David Rodríguez) almost 6 years ago
Yep, that's correct.
The alternative is to use the alternative form, but as you point out, the preceding slash is certainly inconvenient.
Anyways, thanks for considering this.
Updated by deivid (David Rodríguez) almost 6 years ago
This is definitely intentional behavior, by the way. This is how the current tests look:
u = URI("file:///c:/path/to/file")
assert_equal "/c:/path/to/file", u.path
# this form is not supported
u = URI("file:c:/path/to/file")
assert_equal "c:/path/to/file", u.opaque
I just wished working with file URIs on Windows was a bit easier.
Updated by phluid61 (Matthew Kerwin) almost 6 years ago
jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) wrote:
Looking at RFC 8089, Appendix E (
Nonstandard Syntax Variations
) states:These variations may be encountered by existing usages of the file URI scheme but are not supported by the normative syntax of Section 2. This appendix is not normative.
"may be encountered" here is meant to mean that old "poorly formed" URIs exist in the wild, and occasionally we encounter them. For example, if I were to write a Ruby script to update a bunch of historical documentation from 1997. It can also mean the kind of stuff humans input, which "worked for me when I did it in Internet Explorer".
Appendix E.2 says that the following form is already supported:
. Using that with the URI library:URI.parse("file:///c:/path/to/file").path => "/c:/path/to/file"
In other words, implement a pre-parser that detects E.2-flavoured URIs and inserts the extra slash. FWIW there's actually a gem out there that does essentially this, however since it was written and published alongside RFC 8089 it predates the core File URI handling.
require 'file-uri/win'
=> "/c:/path/to/file"
I can see where the preceding
may present an issue. However, I am not sure whether we want to add support for nonstandard syntax variations to thefile
It's a pain, but it's a pain we've lived with forever. FWIW, I added a #to_file_path
method in that gem to see if it makes this particular paint point any easier. But I don't think this is the major driver, more it's having to detect and correct those other URIs.
All said; if all else fails there's always Addressable.
Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) about 4 years ago
- Related to Feature #14035: URI module always serializes to the minimal form insted of the traditional one added