Bug #17345
closedripper: nothing raised when assigning to keyword variables
require "ripper"
Ripper.tokenize("retry=1", raise_errors: true)
# => SyntaxError (syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting end-of-input)
Ripper.tokenize("nil=1", raise_errors: true) # => ["nil", "=", "1"]
lexer = Ripper::Lexer.new("nil=1")
lexer.tokenize # => ["nil", "=", "1"]
lexer.error? # => true
lexer.errors # => []
Lexer recognizes there was an error, but nothing is set to errors
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
Applied in changeset git|f5ca3ff4dbcf5c140a77d1de5ff3fe3eed2d558d.
Store all kinds of syntax errors [Bug #17345]
Updated by no6v (Nobuhiro IMAI) about 4 years ago
Thanks for the quick fix, however *_error
parser events except parse_error
seem not to set an error message properly.
$ ruby -rripper -ve 'Ripper.lex("nil=1", raise_errors: true)'
ruby 3.0.0dev (2020-11-26T11:14:34Z master f5ca3ff4db) [x86_64-linux]
/home/nov/.rvm/rubies/ruby-head/lib/ruby/3.0.0/ripper/lexer.rb:134:in `parse': #<struct Ripper::Lexer::Elem pos=[1, 0], event=:on_kw, tok="nil", state=END, message=nil> ;#<struct Ripper::Lexer::Elem pos=[1, 3], event=:on_op, tok="=", state=BEG, message=nil> ;#<struct Ripper::Lexer::Elem pos=[1, 4], event=:on_int, tok="1", state=END, message=nil> (SyntaxError)
Updated by no6v (Nobuhiro IMAI) about 4 years ago
no6v (Nobuhiro IMAI) wrote in #note-2:
Thanks for the quick fix, however
parser events exceptparse_error
seem not to set an error message properly.$ ruby -rripper -ve 'Ripper.lex("nil=1", raise_errors: true)' ruby 3.0.0dev (2020-11-26T11:14:34Z master f5ca3ff4db) [x86_64-linux] /home/nov/.rvm/rubies/ruby-head/lib/ruby/3.0.0/ripper/lexer.rb:134:in `parse': #<struct Ripper::Lexer::Elem pos=[1, 0], event=:on_kw, tok="nil", state=END, message=nil> ;#<struct Ripper::Lexer::Elem pos=[1, 3], event=:on_op, tok="=", state=BEG, message=nil> ;#<struct Ripper::Lexer::Elem pos=[1, 4], event=:on_int, tok="1", state=END, message=nil> (SyntaxError)
Won't to fix this?
This breaks irb --colorize
which uses Ripper::Lexer#scan
and which expects Ripper::Lexer::Elem#message
to return a string.
While typing nil=
, the following exception raises immediately on pressing =
$ docker run --rm -it rubylang/all-ruby:latest ./bin/ruby-3.0.0-preview2 -rirb -eIRB.start
irb(main):001:0> nil/build-all-ruby/3.0.0-preview2/lib/ruby/3.0.0/irb/color.rb:163:in `block (2 levels) in scan': no implicit conversion of Array into String (TypeError)
Updated by no6v (Nobuhiro IMAI) about 4 years ago
Sharing error messages between ruby core and ripper is fine, thank you!
Now, the '#tok' on some error events are Elem
instead of string.
$ ./ruby -rripper -ve 'pp Ripper::Lexer.new("alias $x $1").scan'
ruby 3.0.0dev (2020-12-16T07:17:54Z master c668772b14) [x86_64-linux]
[#<Ripper::Lexer::Elem: on_kw@1:0 FNAME|FITEM token: "alias">,
#<Ripper::Lexer::Elem: on_sp@1:5 FNAME|FITEM token: " ">,
#<Ripper::Lexer::Elem: on_gvar@1:6 END token: "$x">,
#<Ripper::Lexer::Elem: on_sp@1:8 END token: " ">,
#<Ripper::Lexer::Elem: on_backref@1:9 END token: "$1">,
on_alias_error@1:11 # <-
token: #<Ripper::Lexer::Elem: on_gvar@1:6 END token: "$x"> # <-
message: can't make alias for the number variables>]
A quick patch is below (also fixes lineno
and column
as well):
diff --git a/ext/ripper/lib/ripper/lexer.rb b/ext/ripper/lib/ripper/lexer.rb
index 6a9a9cb39a..26a53a00ce 100644
--- a/ext/ripper/lib/ripper/lexer.rb
+++ b/ext/ripper/lib/ripper/lexer.rb
@@ -190,8 +190,9 @@ def _push_token(tok)
- def on_error(mesg, tok = token())
- @errors.push Elem.new([lineno(), column()], __callee__, tok, state(), mesg)
+ def on_error(mesg, tok = nil)
+ lineno, column, token = tok ? [*tok.pos, tok.tok] : [lineno(), column(), token()]
+ @errors.push Elem.new([lineno, column], __callee__, token, state(), mesg)
PARSER_EVENTS.grep(/_error\z/) do |e|
alias_method "on_#{e}", :on_error
In particular, the #tok
on on_alias_error
may be wrong.
It should be $1
in above example.
$ ./ruby -e 'alias $x $1' 2>&1 | cat
-e:1: can't make alias for the number variables
alias $x $1
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to Open
- Backport changed from 2.5: UNKNOWN, 2.6: UNKNOWN, 2.7: UNKNOWN to 2.5: REQUIRED, 2.6: REQUIRED, 2.7: REQUIRED
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
Applied in changeset git|47328ad217ecaf240f0faedac89723dcd6a917ac.
Ripper: Fixed erred token on wrong alias [Bug #17345]
Updated by no6v (Nobuhiro IMAI) about 4 years ago
Now, the '#tok' on some error events are
instead of string.
pull request: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/3936
Updated by nagachika (Tomoyuki Chikanaga) almost 4 years ago
MEMO: I tried to backport f5ca3ff4dbcf5c140a77d1de5ff3fe3eed2d558d,e0bdd54348514ff06df88a9bac88fa56058235a4,47328ad217ecaf240f0faedac89723dcd6a917ac,9c859f4b3c2098af590d3e0eadc2d1011fb32bb8,e33eb09b76e9070fd49837e8b896319636501b38 but I run into compile error on ripper.
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) 7 months ago
- Related to Bug #20649: Ripper fails to tokenize `def f; (x)::A =` added