



Feature #20066


Reduce Implicit Array/Hash Allocations For Method Calls Involving Splats

Added by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) over 1 year ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

Target version:


I have submitted a pull request ( to reduce implicit array and hash allocations for method calls involving splats. The following optimizations are included:

VM_CALL_ARGS_SPLAT_MUT callinfo flag

This is similar to the VM_CALL_KW_SPLAT_MUT flag added in Ruby 3.0. This makes it so if the caller-side allocates an array for the method call, the flag is used to signal to the callee that it can reuse the allocated array and does not need to duplicate it.

concattoarray VM instruction

This instruction is similar to concatarray, but assumes the object being concatenated to is already a mutable array (such as those created by the splatarray VM instruction). This optimizes method calls with multiple splats such as f(*a,*a,*a) (which previously allocated 3 arrays), allocating a single array instead of an array per splatted array.

pushtoarray VM instruction

This is similar, but handles non-splat arguments after a splat. Previously, the VM would wrap those arguments in an array using newarray, and then call concatarray, such that f(*a, a) allocated 3 arrays caller-side. This instruction just appends to the mutable array, reducing the number of arrays allocated to 1.

Allocationless Anonymous Splat Forwarding

This allows def f(*, **) end to not allocate an array or hash callee side. This works because it is not possible to mutate the local variables, only pass them as splats to other methods. This can make the following call chain allocation less:

def f(a, b: 1) end
def g(*, **) f(*, **) end

a = [1]
kw = {b: 2}
g(*a, **kw) # No allocations in this call

Switch ... argument forwards to not use ruby2_keywords

Using ruby2_keywords has probably been slower since Koichi's changes early in the Ruby 3.3 development cycle to not combine keyword splats into the positional splat array. This removes the FORWARD_ARGS_WITH_RUBY2_KEYWORDS define, so that def f(...) end operates similarly to def f(*, **) end, allowing allocationless splat forwarding

Reduce array and hash allocations for nested argument forwarding calls

This uses a combination of frame flags and callinfo flags to track mutability of anonymous splat variables. It can make it so the following call example only allocates a 1 array and 1 hash:

def m1(*args, **kw)

def m2(...)

def m3(*, **)
  m2(*, **)

m3(1, a: 1) # 1 array and 1 hash allocated

In the above example, the call to m3 allocates an array ([1]) and a hash ({a: 1}), but the call to m2 passes them as mutable splats, m2 treats them as mutable splats when calling m1, and m1 reuses the array that m3 allocated for args and the hash that m3 allocated for kw.

I created a benchmark for all of these changes. In the method calls optimized by these changes, it is significantly faster:

after:   5344097.6 i/s 
before:   3088134.0 i/s - 1.73x  slower

after:   5401882.3 i/s 
before:   2629321.8 i/s - 2.05x  slower

after:  12242780.9 i/s 
before:   6845413.2 i/s - 1.79x  slower

after:  11277398.7 i/s 
before:   4329509.4 i/s - 2.60x  slower

after:   5132699.5 i/s 
before:   3018103.7 i/s - 1.70x  slower

after:   5602915.1 i/s 
before:   2645185.5 i/s - 2.12x  slower

after:  15403727.3 i/s 
before:   6249504.6 i/s - 2.46x  slower

after:   2985715.3 i/s 
before:   2049159.9 i/s - 1.46x  slower

after:   2941030.4 i/s 
before:   2100380.0 i/s - 1.40x  slower

after:   2801008.7 i/s 
before:   2012416.4 i/s - 1.39x  slower

after:   2742670.4 i/s 
before:   1957707.2 i/s - 1.40x  slower

after:   2309246.6 i/s 
before:   1375924.6 i/s - 1.68x  slower

after:   2193227.6 i/s 
before:   1351184.1 i/s - 1.62x  slower

Only fallout from these changes:

  • Minor change to AST output for ... not using ruby2_keywords
  • Prism and rbs need updating for ... not using ruby2_keywords
  • typeprof need updating for new VM instructions (at least pushtoarray)

VM_CALL_ARGS_SPLAT_MUT, concattoarray, and pushtoarray only affect uncommon callsites (multiple splats, argument after splat). Other commits only optimize calls to methods using anonymous splats or ... argument forwarding. Previously, there was no performance reason to use anonymous splats or ... argument forwarding, but with this change, using them can be faster, and can offer a new way for users to optimize their code.

In my opinion, this is too late for consideration in Ruby 3.3, but it could be considered for Ruby 3.4.

Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) about 1 year ago

These are very nice optimizations, though they lead me to wonder: would it be possible to also optimize def foo(**x) = bar(**x) in the same way that def foo(&x) = bar(&x) is currently optimized? If a named block param can be optimized to avoid "materialization" in this case, I think it should be possible to do the same with a named splat param, and have it become equivalent to def foo(**) = bar(**). This would have the nice benefit that existing forwarding code with named params would become faster, without having to convert to anonymous params.

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) about 1 year ago

Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) wrote in #note-1:

These are very nice optimizations, though they lead me to wonder: would it be possible to also optimize def foo(**x) = bar(**x) in the same way that def foo(&x) = bar(&x) is currently optimized? If a named block param can be optimized to avoid "materialization" in this case, I think it should be possible to do the same with a named splat param, and have it become equivalent to def foo(**) = bar(**). This would have the nice benefit that existing forwarding code with named params would become faster, without having to convert to anonymous params.

See the commit message for why you cannot do this for named variables (at least, without escape analysis):

Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) about 1 year ago

The thing is, I don't understand how is this different from the def f(&b) situation.

def f(&block)

Here above, foo may be eval and bar may be a string referencing block. So how does the &block optimization work in this case? It looks like the Proc object is allocated lazily only if foo(bar) turns out to be eval("block"). How is this different from keyword arguments? I'd appreciate if you could elucidate.

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) about 1 year ago

Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) wrote in #note-3:

The thing is, I don't understand how is this different from the def f(&b) situation.

def f(&block)

Here above, foo may be eval and bar may be a string referencing block. So how does the &block optimization work in this case? Is a Proc object allocated from the start? Is it allocated lazily only if foo(bar) turns out to be eval("block")? How is this different from keyword arguments? I'd appreciate if you could elucidate.

Proc-activation works differently. Before Ruby 2.5, Ruby always allocated a Proc object in such cases. Since Ruby 2.5, it does not, I believe using a block param proxy (getblockparamproxy VM instruction). I don't know the details, though I'm sure @ko1 (Koichi Sasada) does.

The positional and keyword splats currently always allocate up front. Maybe a similar approach could work for those (getsplatparamproxy/getkwsplatparamproxy), but it would assuredly be much more invasive. The nice part of the Allocationless Anonymous Splat Forwarding optimization is that it recognizes that you cannot modify the anonymous parameters, and therefore they don't need to allocate, which takes minimal changes to the existing code.

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) about 1 year ago

jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) wrote in #note-4:

The nice part of the Allocationless Anonymous Splat Forwarding optimization is that it recognizes that you cannot modify the anonymous parameters

I thought it might not hold for:

$ ruby -e 'def g(*,**h); h; end; def m(h); h[:a] = 2; p h; end; def f(*, **); m(*,**); g(*,**); end; p f(a: 1)'

but it seems fine.
Which method does the copy there? #f when calling #m?

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) about 1 year ago

Something else is one might want to observe what is the value of * or ** or & in the debugger.
And if that's somehow available then it becomes a way to mutate them, unless that way always makes a copy.
Notably it's not uncommon for debuggers to allow to eval code with any receiver, field, argument, etc.

What about the :call TracePoint, doesn't that provide access to arguments?
It seems not currently, only the binding and parameters (= Method#parameters).

Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) about 1 year ago

jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) wrote in #note-4:

The positional and keyword splats currently always allocate up front. Maybe a similar approach could work for those (getsplatparamproxy/getkwsplatparamproxy), but it would assuredly be much more invasive.

I was thinking that something similar would be possible, except that instead of lazily allocating a Proc object, we'd be lazily copying the kwrest argument. I wasn't aware there's a special getblockparamproxy VM instruction, and indeed that sounds fairly invasive.

Please note that I'm only discussing an additional optimization related to rest/kwrest arguments, not something that would replace Allocationless Anonymous Splat Forwarding (which, it's worth repeating, is really quite nice).

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) about 1 year ago

Eregon (Benoit Daloze) wrote in #note-5:

jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) wrote in #note-4:

The nice part of the Allocationless Anonymous Splat Forwarding optimization is that it recognizes that you cannot modify the anonymous parameters

I thought it might not hold for:

$ ruby -e 'def g(*,**h); h; end; def m(h); h[:a] = 2; p h; end; def f(*, **); m(*,**); g(*,**); end; p f(a: 1)'

but it seems fine.
Which method does the copy there? #f when calling #m?

Close, m duplicates the hash callee-side. There was a bug in Ruby 3.0-3.2 where it would not (#20012), but I fixed it in Ruby 3.3 after finding it during this optimization work.

With the optimizations, I think f(a: 1) allocates 1 array and 2 hashes (I didn't double check):

  • array - f (callee-side), empty array for anonymous positional splat parameter
  • hash - f (callee-side), as a: 1 keyword argument is converted to anonymous keyword splat parameter
  • hash - m (callee-side), as anonymous keyword splat argument is duplicated for positional parameter h

Without the 6th optimization, there is an additional hash allocated:

  • hash - g (callee-side), as anonymous keyword splat argument is duplicated for named keyword splat parameter h

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) about 1 year ago

Eregon (Benoit Daloze) wrote in #note-6:

Something else is one might want to observe what is the value of * or ** or & in the debugger.
And if that's somehow available then it becomes a way to mutate them, unless that way always makes a copy.
Notably it's not uncommon for debuggers to allow to eval code with any receiver, field, argument, etc.

What about the :call TracePoint, doesn't that provide access to arguments?
It seems not currently, only the binding and parameters (= Method#parameters).

Honestly, I didn't consider either of these. I don't see how you could do it with TracePoint, since even with the binding, you cannot get the values, only pass them as splats.

I don't know whether it is possible to change the values with a debugger API, but I would guess not. The debugger has a method for getting local variables and their values (, but it uses Binding#local_variable_get, which raises NameError for * and **, even inside a method with an anonymous splats. I tested and it skips the anonymous splat parameters completely, they don't show up in the i l command inside a method, unlike named splat parameters.

Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) about 1 year ago

I thought it might not hold for:

$ ruby -e 'def g(*,**h); h; end; def m(h); h[:a] = 2; p h; end; def f(*, **); m(*,**); g(*,**); end; p f(a: 1)'

Ok, I'm not sure what's going on, but I just tried compiling jeremy's branch and the above is not working for me

jeremy/bin/ruby -e 'def g(*,**h); h; end; def m(h); h[:a] = 2; p h; end; def f(*, **); m(*,**); g(*,**); end; p f(a: 1)'


Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) about 1 year ago

Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) wrote in #note-10:

I thought it might not hold for:

$ ruby -e 'def g(*,**h); h; end; def m(h); h[:a] = 2; p h; end; def f(*, **); m(*,**); g(*,**); end; p f(a: 1)'

Ok, I'm not sure what's going on, but I just tried compiling jeremy's branch and the above is not working for me

jeremy/bin/ruby -e 'def g(*,**h); h; end; def m(h); h[:a] = 2; p h; end; def f(*, **); m(*,**); g(*,**); end; p f(a: 1)'


Thanks for testing. I'm fairly sure @Eregon (Benoit Daloze) was checking Ruby's current behavior, not the branch. That is a regression in the branch. I'll fix it.

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) about 1 year ago

jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) wrote in #note-11:

Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) wrote in #note-10:

I thought it might not hold for:

$ ruby -e 'def g(*,**h); h; end; def m(h); h[:a] = 2; p h; end; def f(*, **); m(*,**); g(*,**); end; p f(a: 1)'

Ok, I'm not sure what's going on, but I just tried compiling jeremy's branch and the above is not working for me

jeremy/bin/ruby -e 'def g(*,**h); h; end; def m(h); h[:a] = 2; p h; end; def f(*, **); m(*,**); g(*,**); end; p f(a: 1)'


Thanks for testing. I'm fairly sure @Eregon (Benoit Daloze) was checking Ruby's current behavior, not the branch. That is a regression in the branch. I'll fix it.

It's related to the 6th optimization (the most invasive). Fix:

diff --git a/vm_args.c b/vm_args.c
index a19169de13..f22c3ad3db 100644
--- a/vm_args.c
+++ b/vm_args.c
@@ -581,7 +581,8 @@ setup_parameters_complex(rb_execution_context_t * const ec, const rb_iseq_t * co
         if (UNLIKELY((ci_flag & VM_CALL_ANON_SPLAT) && VM_FRAME_ANON_SPLAT_MUT_P(ec->cfp))) {
             args->rest_dupped = true;
-        if (UNLIKELY((ci_flag & VM_CALL_ANON_KW_SPLAT) && VM_FRAME_ANON_KW_SPLAT_MUT_P(ec->cfp))) {
+        if (UNLIKELY((ci_flag & VM_CALL_ANON_KW_SPLAT) && VM_FRAME_ANON_KW_SPLAT_MUT_P(ec->cfp) &&
+                        ISEQ_BODY(iseq)->param.flags.has_kwrest)) {
             kw_flag |= VM_CALL_KW_SPLAT_MUT;

@@ -659,7 +660,8 @@ setup_parameters_complex(rb_execution_context_t * const ec, const rb_iseq_t * co
             // f(**kw)
             VALUE last_arg = args->argv[args->argc-1];

-            if (UNLIKELY((ci_flag & VM_CALL_ANON_KW_SPLAT) && VM_FRAME_ANON_KW_SPLAT_MUT_P(ec->cfp))) {
+            if (UNLIKELY((ci_flag & VM_CALL_ANON_KW_SPLAT) && VM_FRAME_ANON_KW_SPLAT_MUT_P(ec->cfp) &&
+                          ISEQ_BODY(iseq)->param.flags.has_kwrest)) {
                 kw_flag |= VM_CALL_KW_SPLAT_MUT;

I'll commit this with a test later today or tomorrow.

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) about 1 year ago

I've decided to remove the 6th optimization, and updated the pull request to do so. In addition to being by far the most complex and invasive optimization, it's also incorrect if the anonymous splat is passed to multiple methods that accept named splats. That's unfixable (without escape analysis/deoptimization), because eval and such can be used to pass the anonymous splat, so this isn't solvable in the compiler.

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) about 1 year ago

Happy I found an example that revealed an issue :)

Switch ... argument forwards to not use ruby2_keywords
Using ruby2_keywords has probably been slower since Koichi's changes early in the Ruby 3.3 development cycle to not combine keyword splats into the positional splat array. This removes the FORWARD_ARGS_WITH_RUBY2_KEYWORDS define, so that def f(...) end operates similarly to def f(*, **) end, allowing allocationless splat forwarding

Awesome, I think this is much cleaner, and what TruffleRuby already does.
(and this kind of details tends to leak into parsers notably local tables unfortunately so it's valuable to be in sync)

Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) about 1 year ago

I'm not sure this is worth worrying about, but:

def a(**)
  @opts[:x] = 2
def b(**kw)
  p kw
opts = @opts = {x: 1}
a(**opts) # normally prints {:x=>1}, now prints {:x=>2}

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) about 1 year ago

Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) wrote in #note-15:

I'm not sure this is worth worrying about, but:

def a(**)
  @opts[:x] = 2
def b(**kw)
  p kw
opts = @opts = {x: 1}
a(**opts) # normally prints {:x=>1}, now prints {:x=>2}

That's a good point. Note that similar things are already possible:

def a(**)
def b(**kw)
  p kw
opts = @opts = {x: 1}
b =
b.define_singleton_method(:to_proc){opts[:x] = 2; proc{}}
a(**opts, &b)

This prints {:x=>2} even though you would expect {:x=>1}. This is true since Ruby 3.0 if you change the anonymous keyword splats to named keyword splats, since the duplication of the keyword splat was moved from caller-side to callee-side.

This does expand the scope in which modifying the object affects things, so it's something that should be considered when deciding whether to merge.

Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) about 1 year ago

I'm not sure if the following is relevant, but maybe just food for thought...

Before Jeremy submitted this patch I had toyed with the idea of optimizing *rest and **kwrest arguments by freezing them. The idea is that with

opts = {a: 1}.freeze

We don't need to make a copy of opts since it's frozen. And that frozen hash can be used directly in the callee depending on certain conditions:

def foo1(**)   #use frozen hash directly since there's no variable to reference
  bar(**)      #frozen hash is passed to bar, so no copy needed
def foo2(**kw) #use frozen hash directly since kw is only used in splat
  bar(**kw)    #frozen hash is passed to bar, so no copy needed
def foo3(**kw) #use frozen hash directly since kw is only used in splat
  eval("kw").frozen? #=> true; imho this is acceptable tradeoff; should almost never cause issues, and can workaround with kw=kw.dup
  bar(**kw)    #frozen hash is passed to bar, so no copy needed
def foo4(**kw) #copy hash since kw variable is used apart from splat
  kw.frozen? #=> false
  bar(**kw)    #mutable hash is passed to bar
foo1 #no kwargs; in foo1 we can use a global frozen hash like Hash::EMPTYKW = {}.freeze

And then I toyed with the idea of introducing a frozen_rest_arguments pragma so that kw can be frozen explicitly in foo3 and foo4 above.

Jeremy's approach seems better because foo(**opts) with a long forward chain results in only 1 allocation at the end, whereas my idea requires an extra allocation at the beginning if opts is not frozen. But I think the extra allocation makes this freezing approach immune to the issue in #note-15. So, food for thought, maybe.

Actions #18

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

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