



Feature #2043


incompatible character encodings

Added by vo.x (Vit Ondruch) over 15 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

Target version:


Why the following example fails with the "Encoding::CompatibilityError: incompatible character encodings: Windows-1250 and UTF-8" exception?

s = "\u017Elu\u0165ou\u010dk\u00fd"
a = s.encode 'cp1250'
b = s.encode 'utf-8'
c = a + b

I would expect that if the strings are not in the same encoding, that Ruby will do everything they can to satisfy me, but they just tries if there is possible conversion to ASCII otherwise exception is fired. This is really annoying behavior.

Have you considered to allow such string merge?

Actions #1

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) over 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Assigned
  • Assignee set to naruse (Yui NARUSE)

Sorry, what is "possible conversion to ASCII" ?

Actions #2

Updated by yugui (Yuki Sonoda) over 15 years ago

  • Target version set to 3.0



Actions #3

Updated by vo.x (Vit Ondruch) over 15 years ago

In following example, just characters from US-ASCII are used and in this case the addition works well.

s = 'abc'
a = s.encode 'cp1250'
b = s.encode 'utf-8'
c = a + b

Actions #4

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) over 15 years ago

Ruby 1.9 doesn't automatic conversion.
ASCII character set is a special
because those characters of ASCII compatible encodings are the same characters.

On Ruby 1.9's view, Unicode is not a superset of Windows-1252.

Actions #5

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Rejected



Actions #6

Updated by vo.x (Vit Ondruch) over 15 years ago


On Ruby 1.9's view, Unicode is not a superset of Windows-1252.

Is the "Ruby 1.9's view" somewhere described in detail? I still have the feeling that it is just half baked :/

Actions #7

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) over 15 years ago

I wrote above but in Japanese, second is its translation.
James' and string19 is also well documented.

People in ISO 8859 may think why Unicode is not a super set of Windows-1252.
In Japan, because of lack of standard conversion tables
between Japanese legacy encoding (Shift_JIS, EUC-JP, ISO-2022-JP) and Unicode,
vendors use different tables.
This sad situation made that Unicode is not a simple super set of legacy.
Ruby 1.9 inherits this.

If wide consensus for the standard table was made before Ruby 2.0,
Ruby 2.0 may have automatic conversion (or Unicode comes to be the internal code).

Actions #8

Updated by vo.x (Vit Ondruch) over 15 years ago

Thank you for the links. It was interesting.

I'm looking forward Ruby 2.0 and their automatic conversions, since writing c = a.encode('utf-8') + b.encode('utf-8') to safely concatenate two strings is not sexy at all.



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