



Feature #20707


Move `Time#xmlschema` into core

Added by byroot (Jean Boussier) 7 months ago. Updated 7 months ago.

Target version:



Converting Time into RFC3339 / ISO8601 representation is an significant hotspot for application that serialize data in JSON, XML or other formats.

Right now this feature is currently available through the time default gem, so it rely on Time#strftime.
While strftime could certainly be optimized, ultimately it's a very generic API so can't make a lot of assumptions about the output.

Whereas ISO8601 is a very strict format, with very few dynamic part, so it's much easier for dedicated code to be well optimized, as the final size of the string can be computed upfront etc.

I experimented with this and was able to get a ~5x speedup with a fairly straightforward implementation.

compare-ruby: ruby 3.4.0dev (2024-08-29T13:11:40Z master 6b08a50a62) +YJIT [arm64-darwin23]
built-ruby: ruby 3.4.0dev (2024-08-30T13:17:32Z native-xmlschema 34041ff71f) +YJIT [arm64-darwin23]
warming up......

|                        |compare-ruby|built-ruby|
|time._xmlschema         |      1.087M|    5.190M|
|                        |           -|     4.78x|
|utc_time._xmlschema     |      1.464M|    6.848M|
|                        |           -|     4.68x|
|time._xmlschema(6)      |    859.960k|    4.646M|
|                        |           -|     5.40x|
|utc_time._xmlschema(6)  |      1.080M|    5.917M|
|                        |           -|     5.48x|
|time._xmlschema(9)      |    893.909k|    4.668M|
|                        |           -|     5.22x|
|utc_time._xmlschema(9)  |      1.056M|    5.707M|
|                        |           -|     5.40x|


Aside from the performance reason, ISO8601 is so common that having this functionality built-in without needing to require anything would make sense to me.
xmlschema is the most common reason why I require time, and in many case having it core would allow not to load it at all.

Related issues 1 (1 open0 closed)

Related to Ruby - Feature #14274: Merge Std-Lib Time Class into CoreOpenActions

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) 7 months ago



Actions #2

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) 7 months ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Applied in changeset git|57e3fc32ea83e55d40f4cc6c3e437d485c506d34.

Move Time#xmlschema in core and optimize it

[Feature #20707]

Converting Time into RFC3339 / ISO8601 representation is an significant
hotspot for applications that serialize data in JSON, XML or other formats.

By moving it into core we can optimize it much further than what strftime will

compare-ruby: ruby 3.4.0dev (2024-08-29T13:11:40Z master 6b08a50a62) +YJIT [arm64-darwin23]
built-ruby: ruby 3.4.0dev (2024-08-30T13:17:32Z native-xmlschema 34041ff71f) +YJIT [arm64-darwin23]
warming up......

|                        |compare-ruby|built-ruby|
|time.xmlschema          |      1.087M|    5.190M|
|                        |           -|     4.78x|
|utc_time.xmlschema      |      1.464M|    6.848M|
|                        |           -|     4.68x|
|time.xmlschema(6)       |    859.960k|    4.646M|
|                        |           -|     5.40x|
|utc_time.xmlschema(6)   |      1.080M|    5.917M|
|                        |           -|     5.48x|
|time.xmlschema(9)       |    893.909k|    4.668M|
|                        |           -|     5.22x|
|utc_time.xmlschema(9)   |      1.056M|    5.707M|
|                        |           -|     5.40x|
Actions #3

Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) 7 months ago


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