Bug #4662
closedDate#strftime %v gives allcaps instead of normal caps
Since the big strftime changes of past month strftime gives a capitalised month abbreviation like so:
'%v'=>[' 3-FEB-2001' {:mday=>3,:mon=>2,:year=>2001}]
This is different from before where:
'%v'=>[' 3-Feb-2001',{:mday=>3,:mon=>2,:year=>2001}],
Is there a reason for this change or was it accidental? It breaks with all previous ruby versions and is also inconsistent with for example %b or %c.
Updated by d-snp (Tinco Andringa) almost 14 years ago
I have submitted a pull request for convenience:
Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) almost 14 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Assigned
Tell me when the patch is OK. I can pull it.
Updated by tadf (tadayoshi funaba) almost 14 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Closed
%v must be nonstandard.
pd version gives "21-MAY-2011" for today.
some BSD dist's strftime gives "21-May-2011" that is also my choice.
this time i adopted pd version which is same as Time's one.
the one of reasons is "VMS like" if v means VMS.
i'm not sure, but, anyway, revert.
Updated by wanabe (_ wanabe) over 7 years ago
- Related to Bug #13810: Inconsistency between Date and Time.strftime("%v") added