Currently (({Module#method_defined?})) does not accept "(({inherited}))" flags as (({Module#instance_methods})) and others.
To tell if a method is defined at an exact class/module, we have to use bad idiom:
So I propose to let (({method_defined?})) and etc accept the flag.
I think this is certainly a good idea. But I want to also point out that it's not always ideal either b/c #method_defined? reports false for private/protected methods. So in cases where the method in question might not have known visibility one would have to do:
if method_defined?(:foo) or private_method_defined?(:foo) or protected_method_defined?(:foo)
which sucks. Of course, this has always been an issue with #instance_methods too.
Perhaps now that named parameters are coming into their own, the interface should be modified to handle options?