Bug #7246
closedFileUtils.cp_r does not preserve attributes of directories
(({FileUtils.cp_r})) does not preserve the file attributes of directories because the attributes are set before copying to the directory.
The following monkey patch fixes this behaviour. However the monkey patch relies on the contents of the source directory not changing during the copy operation.
(({require 'fileutils'
def copy_entry(src, dest, preserve = false, dereference_root = false, remove_destination = false)
Entry_.new(src, nil, dereference_root).traverse do |ent|
destent = Entry_.new(dest, ent.rel, false)
File.unlink destent.path if remove_destination && File.file?(destent.path)
ent.copy destent.path
Entry_.new(src, nil, dereference_root).postorder_traverse do |ent|
destent = Entry_.new(dest, ent.rel, false)
ent.copy_metadata destent.path if preserve
module_function :copy_entry
Updated by wedesoft (Jan Wedekind) over 12 years ago
The following code might be a proper bugfix.
(({require 'fileutils'
module FileUtils
class Entry_
def wrap_traverse(pre, post)
pre.call self
if directory?
entries.each do |ent|
ent.wrap_traverse pre, post
post.call self
def copy_entry(src, dest, preserve = false, dereference_root = false, remove_destination = false)
Entry_.new(src, nil, dereference_root).wrap_traverse(proc do |ent|
destent = Entry_.new(dest, ent.rel, false)
File.unlink destent.path if remove_destination && File.file?(destent.path)
ent.copy destent.path
end, proc do |ent|
destent = Entry_.new(dest, ent.rel, false)
ent.copy_metadata destent.path if preserve
module_function :copy_entry
Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 12 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Assigned
- Assignee set to mame (Yusuke Endoh)
- Target version set to 2.0.0
Thanks, I'll import your fix unless there is objection.
Yusuke Endoh mame@tsg.ne.jp
Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 12 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
This issue was solved with changeset r39015.
Jan, thank you for reporting this issue.
Your contribution to Ruby is greatly appreciated.
May Ruby be with you.
lib/fileutils.rb (copy_entry, wrap_traverse): preserve attributes of
directories on FileUtils.cp_r. The fix was proposed by Jan
Wedekind. [Bug #7246] -
test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: add a test for above.
Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) over 4 years ago
- Related to Bug #5419: FileUtils.cp_rの:preserveの動作 added