Feature #8046
openallow Object#extend to take a block
Added by phluid61 (Matthew Kerwin) almost 12 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.
In #8038 david_macmahon proposed:
How about allowing Object#extend to take a block that would be executed with the context such that methods defined therein would become singleton methods of the object receiving #extend?
For example:
foo = Object.new
foo.extend do
def bar
# ...
def baz
# ...
Updated by Anonymous almost 12 years ago
There are two ways to do this - make the extend block execute in the context of the receiver's singleton class, or make it execute in the context of a new module to be mixed in to the receiver's singleton class.
For example:
def extend(&bk)
def extend(&bk)
singleton_class.send(:include, Module.new(&bk))
Which should it be?
Updated by phluid61 (Matthew Kerwin) almost 12 years ago
charliesome (Charlie Somerville) wrote:
There are two ways to do this - make the extend block execute in the
context of the receiver's singleton class, or make it execute in the
context of a new module to be mixed in to the receiver's singleton class.
Which should it be?
I'd think more like the former, as that doesn't inject a new anonymous Module into the singleton_class's #ancestors.
Does class_eval do anything dramatically different from module_eval (i.e. is the block handled differently in either case)?
Updated by david_macmahon (David MacMahon) almost 12 years ago
On Mar 7, 2013, at 6:53 PM, charliesome (Charlie Somerville) wrote:
There are two ways to do this
def extend(&bk)
def extend(&bk)
singleton_class.send(:include, Module.new(&bk))
At the risk of being overly pedantic, since we're talking about Object#extend, I think it would be more like:
def extend(*modules, &bk)
# extend singleton_class with modules, if any
singleton_class.class_eval(&bk) if bk
def extend(module=nil, &bk)
# extend singleton_class with modules, if any
singleton_class.send(:include, Module.new(&bk)) if bk
Which raises another question: what would be the order of extending if #extend is passed one or more modules and given a block? IOW, should the passed in module(s) be included first thereby giving the block the opportunity to override them or vice versa (or should this be explicitly disallowed)? I guess I'd favor the first way (include module(s) first, then block can override).
On the original question I tend to agree with @phluid61 that it would be preferable to avoid inserting an anonymous Module in the singleton_class's ancestors. Would having the anonymous module provide any advantage over not having it?
P.S. Why "singleton_class.send(:include, Module.new(&bk))" instead of just "singleton_class.include(Module.new(&bk))"? Are these somehow not equivalent?
Updated by phluid61 (Matthew Kerwin) almost 12 years ago
david_macmahon (David MacMahon) wrote:
Which raises another question: what would be the order of extending if
#extend is passed one or more modules and given a block? IOW, should
the passed in module(s) be included first thereby giving the block the
opportunity to override them or vice versa (or should this be explicitly
disallowed)? I guess I'd favor the first way (include module(s) first,
then block can override).
That's the order Facets uses: https://github.com/rubyworks/facets/blob/master/lib/core/facets/kernel/extend.rb
On the original question I tend to agree with @phluid61 that it would be
preferable to avoid inserting an anonymous Module in the
singleton_class's ancestors. Would having the anonymous module provide
any advantage over not having it?
My reasoning against was that on calling it a second time, there would be a second anonymous module, and so on.
P.S. Why "singleton_class.send(:include, Module.new(&bk))" instead of
just "singleton_class.include(Module.new(&bk))"? Are these somehow not
#include is private, so can't be called directly from outside the singleton_class object.
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 12 years ago
Without a module, it'd not be #extend but #singleton_class_eval.