



Feature #8437


custom operators, unicode

Added by eike.rb (Eike Dierks) almost 12 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Target version:


The ruby language does currently one support a predefined set of operators.
It would be nice to add custom operators.
A lot of people ask about the elvis operator aka (?:) to cope with nil, aka rails try()

This probably is a problem with the parser at first,
because introducing new operators makes parsing a lot more complicated.

Maybe we could allow symbols from the unicode space
to be used as new operators?
That would be compatible with all before code written in ascii.

So we could allow all the symbols from the unicode Math operators plane
to be available as operators in Ruby.

While few of you might have tried that,
Unicode is fully available for naming identifiers.

We should also extend the set of operators to the unicode space.

While we are still not used to it now,
to have some unicode characters in our codes,
could really add to the expressivness.

So as of today, you can already name your variable like
delta_t or Δt

Or if you're working with angles,
you might call your variables α or Θ
This is completely legal in Ruby.

I'm asking for:
this_set ∪ other_set

or maybe we could even do this for prefix like:

I'd believe the math operator plane of unicode should be removed
from the allowable names of identifiers,
but should instead be reserved for operators in the parser, like + nowdays is.

Updated by phluid61 (Matthew Kerwin) almost 12 years ago

eike.rb (Eike Dierks) wrote:

I'd believe the math operator plane of unicode should be removed
from the allowable names of identifiers,
but should instead be reserved for operators in the parser, like +
nowdays is.

Neither for nor against this idea at the moment, but which "math operator plane" do you mean? A quick read on wikipedia (PDF) lists the following potential Unicode 6 blocks:

  • Mathematical Operators (U+2200–U+22FF) ⇒ PDF
  • Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A (U+27C0–U+27EF) ⇒ PDF
  • Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B (U+2980–U+29FF) ⇒ PDF
  • Supplemental Mathematical Operators (U+2A00–U+2AFF) ⇒ PDF
  • Letterlike Symbols (U+2100–U+214F) ⇒ PDF I'd leave this block for identifiers, personally
  • Miscellaneous Technical (U+2308–U+230B) ⇒ PDF
  • Geometric Shapes (U+25A0–U+25FF) ⇒ PDF
  • Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows (U+2B30–U+2B4C) ⇒ PDF
  • Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols (1D400–1D7FF) ⇒ PDF Again, probably identifiers

Updated by eike.rb (Eike Dierks) almost 12 years ago

Hi Mathew,
thanks for the list.

This is a good definition.

All of the symbols from that lists,
as defined by Mathew above

Shall not be allowed as part of an identifier in the ruby language
but shall be reserved for other use.

Would you agree with this?
We need to name the planes to make this a bit more formal.

Is it ok if we define this by exclusion?
would every other symbol be ok?

there must be some definiton in unicode like 'letters'

But anyway,

This is so beauttiful to write it with a greek delta.

I''m really looking forward to have some code
with variable names written in japanse letters.
(but please add a comment so that we can understand it)

Updated by Anonymous almost 12 years ago


Who the heaven told you that people write code in ASCII? The Unicode idea
is quite corny. See, also
as unicode_math gem. I find the present operator assortment varied enough
to build the internal DSLs I want, such as:

SO₃ + H₂O >> H₂SO₄ | { ΔH: -146.kJ.mol⁻¹, Eₐ: 0.kJ.mol⁻¹ }

(Not functional yet, but you can already try units with Unicode exponents,
gem install sy.)

Precedence table is the main feature and strength of operators. Connected
to this is the less important feature of operators, the one that appeals to
you, which is the possibility to drop the dot in their call:

a.+( b ) #--> a + b

In my opinion, it is good to have the operators that we already have, but
I would not like to have more. As for unary operators, they can always be
replaced by unary method definitions:

def Δ( t ); ... end

Precedence table already takes months to learn (for me). My memory is not
below average, so I guess there must be some psychological snag, why even
today, I have to check the Ruby book for precedence table all the time.

EDIT: .... Can't take my mind of this ... that unsightly dot, as in

require 'unicode_math'
5.× 5 #=> 25

... so, not really more operators, but ... the ability to change the
appearance of existing operators ... such as use × or ∘ instead of * if
the user asks for it ... or ⊕ for +, ≡ for ===, ⊂ for <, but otherwise
they would be same operators, with the same precedence table, same operator
methods... And only for those cases where the user explicitly turns it on
on a per-character basis...

Updated by phluid61 (Matthew Kerwin) over 11 years ago

boris_stitnicky (Boris Stitnicky) wrote:

EDIT: .... Can't take my mind of this ... that unsightly dot, as in

require 'unicode_math'
5.× 5 #=> 25

... so, not really more operators, but ... the ability to change the
appearance of existing operators ... such as use × or ∘ instead of * if
the user asks for it ... or ⊕ for +, ≡ for ===, ⊂ for <, but otherwise
they would be same operators, with the same precedence table, same operator
methods... And only for those cases where the user explicitly turns it on
on a per-character basis...

Sounds like you want a preprocessor, or even a syntax interpreter/translator. ;)

Actions #5

Updated by eike.rb (Eike Dierks) over 9 years ago

There have been comments on this feature request.

I'd like to suggest that the unicode symbols from:
Mathematical Operators (U+2200–U+22FF) ⇒ (())
should be informally reserved for future use.

While this should not apply to the other planes of the unicode space as mentioned Mathew's post.

Informally reserving the code would not break any code.
Only very few codes would use the operators a method names,
but even that would not break existing code (at least I believe -- need to test)

It;s more up to add symbols to the parser,
so that these should be recognized as infix operators.

I believe this can easily be done and would not even break existing code.

x  set
seta  setb
seta  setb
a  b

you get the idea

This is not yet possible,
because the parser limits the infix operators to a few ascii symbols.

I suggest to modify the parser to accept all operators from the unicode operator plane,
as to be allowed as infix operator symbols.

Actions #6

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) over 9 years ago

Matthew Kerwin wrote:

Neither for nor against this idea at the moment,

Same here.

but which "math operator plane" do you mean? A quick read on wikipedia (((<link|URL:>))) lists the following potential Unicode 6 blocks:


The right way to do this is not by using blocks, but by using character properties. Unicode General Category (see would provide a starting point.

Actions #7

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 9 years ago

Eike Dierks wrote:

I suggest to modify the parser to accept all operators from the unicode operator plane,
as to be allowed as infix operator symbols.

That does not make sense, all symbols are not infix operators.


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