



Bug #9473


Corruption and Segmentation faults all over

Added by drasch (David Rasch) over 10 years ago. Updated about 8 years ago.

Third Party's Issue
Target version:
ruby -v:
ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22 revision 43786) [x86_64-linux]


We're in the process of moving from Rails 2.3 to 3.2 (both running on Ruby 1.9.3-p484)

In this process we've run into a snag where we're seeing errors crop up within 2-3 hours of taking production traffic (or replays thereof with siege). We cannot be certain that these errors would not occur with rails 2.3, however they appear more quickly and pervasively in the 3.2 branch.

These corruptions sometimes appear as: (in places where these errors are highly improbable if not impossible):
"string contains null byte"
ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError "missing attribute: ..."
"undefined method `table_name' for false:FalseClass"

for example - this error doesn't make much/any sense:
string contains null byte
activesupport (3.2.16) lib/active_support/core_ext/class/attribute.rb:97:in `block in class_attribute'

As a result we've tried:

  1. Upgrading ruby 1.9.3 HEAD
  2. Removing our Garbage collection tweaks
  3. Turning on/off different areas of our codebase
  4. upgrading gems with C extensions

and run independent tests on most of these variables but haven't been able to isolate it.

We're assuming these spurious errors are also related to the segmentation faults we've been seeing. I've attached some examples.
The segfaults have happened all over the place including GC, compile, str_replace.

We've tried running against valgrind to identify a root cause and it indicates (on several reproductions) the first error in st.c:330 in st_lookup.


valgrind.txt (28.9 KB) valgrind.txt drasch (David Rasch), 02/03/2014 04:58 PM
segfault1.txt (983 KB) segfault1.txt drasch (David Rasch), 02/03/2014 04:59 PM
segfault2.txt (1.02 MB) segfault2.txt drasch (David Rasch), 02/03/2014 04:59 PM
segfault3.txt (1.05 MB) segfault3.txt drasch (David Rasch), 02/03/2014 05:00 PM

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