



Feature #12786



Added by rringler (Ryan Ringler) about 8 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

Target version:



I would find String#casecmp? convenience method handy. I don't believe I've ever called String#casecmp without chaining #zero? to the result.

'abc'.casecmp?('ABC') #=> true
'abc'.casecmp?('DEF') #=> false


string_casecmp_.patch (4.97 KB) string_casecmp_.patch rringler (Ryan Ringler), 09/24/2016 03:55 AM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Ruby master - Feature #14055: String#casecmp should use Unicode foldingRejectedActions

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) about 8 years ago

Can you describe exactly what String#casecmp? method would do? Does it only compare for equality (after case folding)?

This proposal is interesting, because String#upcase/downcase/capitalize/swapcase now work for all of Unicode. But String#casecmp doesn't, because it would be a lot of additional work (and would depend on natural language) as to which string is larger or smaller.

But that doesn't apply to String#casecmp?, so it could be made to work rather easily with all of Unicode. Essentially, the implementation would be something like

class String
  def casecomp? (other)
    downcase(:fold) == other.downcase(:fold)
Actions #2

Updated by rringler (Ryan Ringler) about 8 years ago

  • File deleted (string_casecmp_.patch)

Updated by rringler (Ryan Ringler) about 8 years ago

  • File string_casecmp_.patch added

Updated by rringler (Ryan Ringler) about 8 years ago

Martin Dürst wrote:

Does it only compare for equality (after case folding)?

Yep. All it would do is check if the return value of #casecmp is equal to zero. I'm sure there are plenty of clever uses for #casecmp, but I've only ever used it for case-insensitive string comparision. I often find myself monkey-patching this method into String.

Actions #5

Updated by rringler (Ryan Ringler) about 8 years ago

  • File deleted (string_casecmp_.patch)

Updated by rringler (Ryan Ringler) about 8 years ago

Some thoughts on method naming...

  • New method: #casecmp?
    • PROS: Nice symmetry with Fixnum's #<=> & #equal? methods. 'casecmp' seems to imply case-insensitivity (see String#casecmp or C's strcasecmp)
    • CONS: String#casecmp returns 0 for case-insensitive matches, which while not falsey, seems less truthy than 1 or -1.
# Proposed implementation
> 'abc'.casecmp?('abc') # true
> 'abc'.casecmp?('ABC') # false
> 'abc'.casecmp?('DEF') # false
> 'abc'.casecmp?(:abc)  # TypeError
  • New method: #case_equal?, #case_insensitive_equal?, #insensitive_equal?, #iequal?
    • PROS: More expressive method name.
    • CONS: New method to learn. Method names without some flavor of 'insensitive' may be unintuitive.
# Proposed implementation
> 'abc'.case_equal?('abc') # true
> 'abc'.case_equal?('ABC') # false
> 'abc'.case_equal?('DEF') # false
> 'abc'.case_equal?(:abc)  # false
  • Repurpose #eql?. Per the string.c method description: "Two strings are equal if they have the same length and content". Is 'content' case-insensitive?
    • PROS: Seems to align with the description of the method. #eql? is currently redundant with #==.
    • CONS: New context to learn. Backwards incompatible.
# Current implementation (Using ruby 2.3.1p112 (2016-04-26 revision 54768) [x86_64-darwin15])
> 'abc'.eql?('abc') # true
> 'abc'.eql?('ABC') # false
> 'abc'.eql?('DEF') # false
> 'abc'.eql?(:abc)  # false

> 'abc' == 'abc'    # true
> 'abc' == 'ABC'    # false
> 'abc' == 'DEF'    # false
> 'abc' == :abc     # false

# Proposed implemntation
> 'abc'.eql?('abc') # true
> 'abc'.eql?('ABC') # true
> 'abc'.eql?('DEF') # false
> 'abc'.eql?(:abc)  # false

I currently like #casecmp? or #eql? but am willing to be convinced otherwise.

Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) about 8 years ago

I think .eql? is not a good name because it chops away characters.

Imagine if we would have .sz or .sz? rather than .size. Or .lngth
rather than .length. :D

.casecmp? does chop away characters too but at least it is a bit
easier to read. Though the name could be .casecompare?() or
.equal() or .case_equal? - actually the last one may be better.

You gave some more examples for names too:


I think .iequal? is not good for the same reasons; right now I
like .case_equal? the most but perhaps there may be even better
names, who knows.

Anyway I guess the name can be decided at a later point too - guess
you have to see whether matz considers the described behaviour
useful to have for ruby. If so then I am sure the name can be
easily chosen. :)

(You need to keep in mind that, once implemented and available,
it will eventually be used in ruby scripts so it should "fit"
into ruby itself too.)

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) almost 8 years ago

casecmp? accepted.


Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) almost 8 years ago

I gave an implementation in Ruby, but can somebody provide an equivalent patch in C?

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Feedback

I gave an implementation in Ruby, but can somebody provide an equivalent patch in C?

Updated by rringler (Ryan Ringler) almost 8 years ago

Yukihiro Matsumoto wrote:

casecmp? accepted.


Thank you!

Updated by rringler (Ryan Ringler) almost 8 years ago

Martin Dürst wrote:

I gave an implementation in Ruby, but can somebody provide an equivalent patch in C?

The attached patch implements #casecmp? by calling #casecmp and checking whether the return value is zero. I think this provides a clean separation of concerns (keeping all the comparison logic in #casecmp.)

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) almost 8 years ago

Ryan Ringler wrote:

The attached patch implements #casecmp? by calling #casecmp and checking whether the return value is zero. I think this provides a clean separation of concerns (keeping all the comparison logic in #casecmp.)

Thanks for the patch. "Separation of concerns" is in general a good idea, but in this case, it will lead to a suboptimal result. In particular, as discussed in, we can easily make sure that casecmp? works with all of Unicode, so that e.g.

assert_equal(true, 'äöü'.casecmp? 'ÄÖÜ')

works. But your patch doesn't do this. Making sure that casecmp itself works for all of Unicode is extremely difficult, because it needs full Unicode sorting.

Btw, this reminds me that we need options such as :turkic on casecmp?. The simplest set of tests would be:

assert_equal(true, 'I'.casecmp? 'i')
assert_equal(true, 'I'.casecmp? 'ı', :turkic)
assert_equal(true, 'i'.casecmp? 'İ', :turkic)

So my implementation above would change to

class String
  def casecmp? (other, *args)
    downcase(:fold, *args) == other.downcase(:fold, *args)

Given that casecmp? can easily be made to work across Unicode soon, whereas for casecmp, this may take another few years or so, I wonder whether it might not be better to use a slightly different name, e.g. case_equal? or so.

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 8 years ago

String#casecmp also should have those options, I think.

Updated by rringler (Ryan Ringler) almost 8 years ago

Nobuyoshi Nakada wrote:

String#casecmp also should have those options, I think.

I agree, and feel strongly that the logic to support those options should live there. Someone smarter than I should probably make the changes Martin has suggested to String#casecmp; I just want a predicate method that indicates whether String#casecmp indicates a match or not.

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) almost 8 years ago

Nobuyoshi Nakada wrote:

String#casecmp also should have those options, I think.

I agree that once String#casecmp supports full Unicode, it should have these options (and more, because for Unicode sorting, you need/can have a lot more options than for simple casing operations). But I think we can add these options once we need them.

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Open
  • Assignee set to duerst (Martin Dürst)
Actions #19

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Applied in changeset r56912.

implement String/Symbol#casecmp? including Unicode case folding

  • string.c: Implement String#casecmp? and Symbol#casecmp? by using
    String#downcase :fold for Unicode case folding. This does not include
    options such as :turkic, because these currently cannot be combined
    with the :fold option. This implements feature #12786.

  • test/ruby/test_string.rb/test_symbol.rb: Tests for above.

Updated by rringler (Ryan Ringler) almost 8 years ago

Thank you for incorporating this!

I see the changeset implements the new method by calling String#downcase on both strings and compares the results for equality. While this does allow unicode support in advance of String#casecmp, it sacrifices the performance of character-by-character comparison that #casecmp provides. It's also going to lead to some inconsistent behavior:

'äöü'.casecmp('ÄÖÜ').zero? # false
'äöü'.casecmp?('ÄÖÜ')      # true

I hope this was considered, and perhaps when String#casecmp provides better support for unicode we can update #casecmp? to use it.

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) almost 8 years ago

Ryan Ringler wrote:

I see the changeset implements the new method by calling String#downcase on both strings and compares the results for equality.

Yes, this is as proposed at

While this does allow unicode support in advance of String#casecmp, it sacrifices the performance of character-by-character comparison that #casecmp provides.

Yes, I realized this as I implemented it. For the moment, my take is "better slow than fast and wrong".

It's also going to lead to some inconsistent behavior:

'äöü'.casecmp('ÄÖÜ').zero? # false
'äöü'.casecmp?('ÄÖÜ')      # true

Yes. I added some additional explanations to the documentation today to make this clearer.

I hope this was considered, and perhaps when String#casecmp provides better support for unicode we can update #casecmp? to use it.

It would definitely be great to implement Unicode sorting, and in that case, we will make sure that casecmp and casecmp? are consistent again. But that will be a LOT of work. Also, please note that implementing Unicode sorting will make casecmp slower, too.

Actions #22

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 7 years ago

  • Related to Feature #14055: String#casecmp should use Unicode folding added

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