



Feature #13551


Add a method to alias class methods

Added by JustJosh (Joshua Stowers) about 7 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

Target version:


There doesn't seem to be an intuitive way to alias class methods.

Perhaps we can add a method such as

alias_class_method :new_name, :old_name
Actions #1

Updated by JustJosh (Joshua Stowers) about 7 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) about 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Feedback

What do you mean by 'intuitive'?

How frequent/important is this?

It's easily possible as follows:

class Array
  class << self
    alias :my_new :new

Array.my_new # => []
Actions #3

Updated by phluid61 (Matthew Kerwin) about 7 years ago

Do you mean singleton methods?

Something like this would work:

module Kernel
  def alias_singleton_method new_name, old_name
    singleton_class.class_exec { alias_method new_name, old_name }
class Foo

  alias_singleton_method :baz, :bar
end  #=> :bar
Foo.baz  #=> :bar

Updated by JustJosh (Joshua Stowers) about 7 years ago

Thanks Matthew, that result is exactly what I had in mind.

Having to nest the logic within class << self makes it difficult to understand what is going on, and the code less readable.

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) about 7 years ago

JustJosh (Joshua Stowers) wrote:

Thanks Matthew, that result is exactly what I had in mind.

Given that it's very easy (as shown by Matthew) to create such a method, do you think it's necessary that this be implemented by Ruby itself? You haven't yet answered the question about frequency of use or use cases.

Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) about 7 years ago

Given that it's very easy (as shown by Matthew) to create such a method, do you think it's necessary that this
be implemented by Ruby itself? You haven't yet answered the question about frequency of use or use cases.

Well I do not have a statistical dataset myself, but I use it all the time.

The thing is that for me it is very natural to use "alias".

def foo; puts 'hi from foo()'; end

alias bar foo

I love it. I love aliases. They make me happy. :)

I use aliases mostly because I have a bad memory. And also because
I want to remain flexible. Some time ago I started to adopt a more
"logical" scheme with my classes, when it may make sense. For example,
most of my classes, if necessary, have a "reset" method. Often I also
have a "menu" method, which I consider as the interface that can
parse the commandline (or optionally any other input that is sent
to it).

And so on and so forth.

So in this context, I totally agree with Joshua Stowers.

I think that ruby itself should not care too much if a user
wants to use an alias on the class/module level instance
or within the context of self with regular instance methods
of the class.

So here, I agree with Joshua.

The awkward thing, though, is that I actually dislike the syntax

alias_class_method :new_name, :old_name

The reason is, and this may be trivial, is that I really really
hate the ',' character there. The symbols are ok although it's
better to avoid them.

I also understand that alias_method is not the same as alias,
but alias is so cute and short, it is just built to be loved!

Now you may wonder, how do I alias class methods then?

I use a VERY clumsy way. I do not recommend anyone to use it
and I am sure there are better ways but here goes:

self.instance_eval { alias stop_codons stop_codons? } 

I dislike the self.instance_eval part because it is so long
and verbose - but I love the alias part within the { } because
to my eyes, it is neat and cuddly.

I can't say whether I would use alias_class_method - the name
is not soooo bad (though, what if we have a module Foo; end
method? Do we call it alias_module_method then?), but I am
not sure about the syntax.

BUT I also dislike typing the:

self.instance_eval { }

part altogether, so in this context, I agree with Joshua Stowers.

(I also understand that one should not use too many aliases but
I love aliases. The main method is usually the one I use the
most, and then I may use some aliases, some for backwards
compatbility and sometimes I remove them too at a later point
so it just provides some more flexibility "as you go".)

Anything that would be as neat or almost as short as:

"alias foo bar"

but for class-methods / module-methods would be great!

Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) about 7 years ago

Martin showed this example:

class Array
class << self
alias :my_new :new

Ruby allows this flexibility, this is true. This is also great, we
love it.

But when you use this code and want to distribute it, it is more
cumbersome. And not everyone likes to have modifications that
are non-standard ruby in their code.

I understand that the ruby team wants to be conservative and not
proliferate with lots of extra methods that have only a special
case (say active* gems), but to me I also completely understand
Joshua Stowers here - if possible it is MUCH, much better when
it would be in main ruby. So that everyone could use it.

  • I may use it if it is in ruby core/stdlib.
  • I may use duck patching (sometimes people use the monkey rather
    than the duck) for my local code.
  • But it is VERY unlikely that I would modify a core class of
    ruby like this AND distribute my code to other people too. I
    just consider it too cumbersome (and refinements, while the
    idea is ok, I never really liked the syntax... and it felt
    awkward... but this is for another discussion, lots of time
    towards ruby 3.x I hope).

Updated by JustJosh (Joshua Stowers) about 7 years ago

I think Robert is exactly right.
I've hoped for such a method on several occasions myself, but highly dislike cluttering up the codebase with logic that is difficult to understand.
One of the best things about Ruby is that when written well it can read almost like English. Such a method would help apply that further.

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Rejected

As Martin-sensei pointed out, use singleton class notation.

class Foo
class <<Foo
def foo; end
alias bar foo

I don't think it's worth adding a new method to avoid this simple thing.


Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) almost 7 years ago

shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) wrote:

Martin showed this example:

class Array
class << self
alias :my_new :new

Ruby allows this flexibility, this is true. This is also great, we
love it.

But when you use this code and want to distribute it, it is more
cumbersome. And not everyone likes to have modifications that
are non-standard ruby in their code.

Sorry, I should have used another example than Array. This issue is about aliasing class methods, and aliasing a method in a builtin class would be a problem whether it's done with a new feature or with the way I showed. So the fact that I used Array is confusing, but orthogonal to the issue at hand.


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