Bug #14012
closedNameError is raised when use class variables in Refinements
Sorry in advance if other ticket exists.
In a case, Reference to class variables raises unnatural NameError.
A class variable is defined in a module.
And include the module in "refine" block.
Refined method cannot use the class variable, and raises NameError.
module FooMod
@@foo_mod1 = 1
def foo_mod1
p self.class.class_variable_get("@@foo_mod1")
module FooMod2
@@foo_mod2 = 1
def foo_mod2
p self.class.class_variable_get("@@foo_mod2")
class Foo
@@hoge = 1
include FooMod
def hoge1
p @@hoge
module Ext
refine Foo do
def hoge2
p self.class.class_variable_get("@@hoge")
include FooMod2
using Ext
Foo.new.hoge1 # => 1 OK
Foo.new.hoge2 # => 1 OK
Foo.new.foo_mod1 # => 1 OK
Foo.new.foo_mod2 # => uninitialized class variable @@foo_mod2 in Foo (NameError)
Is This behavior Refinements spec? or bug?
Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) over 7 years ago
I have no idea if this is a bug or a feature, but I believe it seems more
of a bug. The @@variables should be accessible within the namespace of
the specific class right? So it should be viewable in a refinement too -
but admittedly, I have no idea about the specification of refinements
and I also have not been using @@variables in ages either. I just think
that this is more likely to be a bug.
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 7 years ago
- Related to Feature #12533: Refinements: allow modules inclusion, in which the module can call internal methods which it defines. added
Updated by shugo (Shugo Maeda) over 4 years ago
I'm not against the change, if there is no implementation difficulty.
However, class variables are not accessible in class_eval either, and reflection APIs can be used as a workaround as you suggested, so the change may not be necessary.
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Rejected
I officially reject this proposal. Class variables are no longer encouraged to use.