



Bug #14193


--enable-frozen-string-literal and rubygems, erb, & rdoc

Added by MSP-Greg (Greg L) over 6 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Third Party's Issue
Target version:
ruby -v:
ruby 2.5.0dev (2017-12-16 trunk 61295) [x64-mingw32]


A popular gem that I use for my doc site doesn’t currently test against MinGW trunk, but I’ve got a PR there for that. Noticed that the current CI’s were failing, and took a look.

One could debate the practicality of doing so, but for 2.4 and trunk, --enable-frozen-string-literal was set in RUBYOPT. The builds were failing in RubyGems while setting up the test environment. That took me to my fork of rubygems/rubygems, which led me back to trunk.

Attached are three patch files that are required for ‘runner.rb’ testing to pass on rdoc & rubygems folders when --enable-frozen-string-literal is used.


RubyGems - I believe its tests run against the files in the src directory, but it needs the other patches in the app directory to pass.

RDoc - I used “”.dup for an unfrozen string, not sure if is preferred or better.

ERB - I haven’t worked with or debugged bindings that much, but I started looking at the bindings passed from RDoc, and when I added a begin/rescue to look at the string variables in them, all the tests for RDoc passed. Seems odd...

Thanks, Greg

PS - I use markdown a lot, may look odd in email. Don't know how many people use email vs browser...


frozen_rubygems.patch (462 Bytes) frozen_rubygems.patch MSP-Greg (Greg L), 12/16/2017 09:55 PM
frozen_rdoc.patch (1.25 KB) frozen_rdoc.patch MSP-Greg (Greg L), 12/17/2017 04:02 PM

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