



Bug #14873


Compile failure - MinGW build as of 63768

Added by MSP-Greg (Greg L) about 6 years ago. Updated about 6 years ago.

Target version:
ruby -v:
ruby 2.6.0dev (2018-06-27 trunk 63758) [x64-mingw32]


normalperson (Eric Wong),

The MinGW build (ruby-loco) on 63768 had the following error:

building .ext/include/x64-mingw32/rb_mjit_min_header-2.6.0.h
./miniruby.exe -I../ruby/lib -I. -I.ext/common  ../ruby/tool/transform_mjit_header.rb "x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc " rb_mjit_header.h .ext/include/x64-mingw32/rb_mjit_min_header-2.6.0.h
../ruby/tool/ifchange "--timestamp=.rbconfig.time" rbconfig.rb rbconfig.tmp
rbconfig.rb updated
creating verconf.h
verconf.h updated
../ruby/tool/transform_mjit_header.rb:118:in `block in check_code!': undefined method `success?' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
	from ../ruby/tool/transform_mjit_header.rb:181:in `block in with_code'
	from C:/projects/ruby-loco/src/ruby/lib/tempfile.rb:295:in `open'
	from ../ruby/tool/transform_mjit_header.rb:178:in `with_code'
	from ../ruby/tool/transform_mjit_header.rb:115:in `check_code!'
	from ../ruby/tool/transform_mjit_header.rb:210:in `<main>'
make: *** [ .ext/include/x64-mingw32/rb_mjit_min_header-2.6.0.h] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
Command exited with code 1

Thanks, Greg

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) about 6 years ago


verconf.h updated
../ruby/tool/transform_mjit_header.rb:118:in block in check_code!': undefined method success?' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

Sorry for the delay. Do you SIGCHLD on that platform?

"pp Signal.list" should show it

I'm not seeing where it's failing to call rb_last_status_set
from rb_waitpid based on recent changes...
(but I had a long and tiring day dealing with stuff offline
and I'm running on fumes at this point)

Updated by MSP-Greg (Greg L) about 6 years ago

@normalperson (Eric Wong)

Do you SIGCHLD on that platform?

Really, not sure. But, I don't believe so. For instance, Puma describes using signaling for server control, and I think all the tests dealing with it are bypassed for windows. I'm really *nix challenged. One of these days...

PS C:\Greg\GitHub> ruby -e "pp Signal.list"

Thanks, Greg

Actions #3

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Applied in changeset trunk|r63785.

process.c: fix typo in non-SIGCHLD waitpid :x

I expect this to fix [Bug #14873]

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) about 6 years ago

Eric, your recent changes about process.c actually broke Windows build.
r63785 fixed a little, but test-all still reports 14904E.
I recommend to revert all commits from r63754, and restart.

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) about 6 years ago


Eric, your recent changes about process.c actually broke Windows build.
r63785 fixed a little, but test-all still reports 14904E.
I recommend to revert all commits from r63754, and restart.

Can you try r63790? (Cc: you directly since ruby-core seems very slow)

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) about 6 years ago

Hi, Eric

r63790 seems almost OK.



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