



Bug #14909


Method call with object that has to_hash method crashes (method with splat and keyword arguments)

Added by johannes_luedke (Johannes Lüdke) over 6 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

Target version:
ruby -v:
ruby 2.4.1p111 (2017-03-22 revision 58053) [x86_64-darwin17]


In a method with a splat method argument followed by a keyword argument, it leads to an ArgumentError when calling the method with an object that reacts to to_hash

def my_func(*objects, error_code: 400)

class Test
  def to_hash
    # an example hash
    { to_hash_key: "to_hash" }


Observed result: an exception is raised: in my_func: unknown keyword: to_hash_key (ArgumentError)
Expected result: [#<Test:0x007fc8c9825318>] is returned by the my_func call

It should behave the same when calling with objects that have a to_hash method and objects that don't, shouldn't it?

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Ruby master - Feature #14930: sample/trick2018Closedmame (Yusuke Endoh)Actions

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Feedback

In the plan of Ruby 3 (#14183), keyword arguments will be separated from other kinds of arguments. If this plan is implemented successfully, you can use my_func( and my_func(** for each purpose. If you call my_func(, the argument will be passed as a part of the rest parameter objects. If you call my_func(**, the argument will be handled as a keyword parameter.

So, I'd like to propose keeping the current behavior as is, because changing the semantics will bring extra complexity. Instead, just wait for Ruby 3.

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 6 years ago

At least, it behaves the same if passing a keyword arguments directly:

def my_func(*objects, error_code: 400)
my_func(to_hash_key: "to_hash") # => unknown keyword: to_hash_key (ArgumentError)

So this has nothing to do with the to_hash conversion.

One way to workaround this is:

def my_func(*objects, error_code: 400, **kwargs)
p my_func(to_hash_key: "to_hash") # => {:to_hash_key=>"to_hash"}

So adding a keyrest argument (**kwargs), because there is already a keyword argument which means keywords have to fit in the declared keyword args, unless there is a keyrest arg.

Actions #3

Updated by funny_falcon (Yura Sokolov) over 6 years ago

Why your object has to_hash method?

Ruby uses long named methods for implicit conversion: to_str - if your object should act as a string, to_int - if your object should act as an integer, to_ary - if your object should act as an array. Looks like same for to_hash.

For explicit conversion short names are used: to_s, to_i, to_a, to_h.

Updated by johannes_luedke (Johannes Lüdke) over 6 years ago doesn't resolve the issue for me

Why your object has to_hash method?

the objects in question are instances of Dry::Validation::Result (dry-validation gem)

So, I'd like to propose keeping the current behavior as is, because changing the semantics will bring extra complexity. Instead, just wait for Ruby 3.

Could this maybe be highlighted in the docs -- to be careful when passing objects that respond to_hash when there are keyword arguments?

In order to make it work both ways, my_func(obj1, obj2, error_code: 422) as well as my_func(obj1, obj2) with a default value for error_code, I ended up doing this workaround:

def my_func(*args)
  opts, objects = args.partition { |el| el.is_a? Hash }
  error_code = opts&.first&.fetch(:error_code, nil) || 400

It would be cool if ruby would support that out of the box though.

Actions #5

Updated by znz (Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA) over 6 years ago

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

The changes in #14183 solve this issue. You will now get warnings:

# (irb):101: warning: The last argument is used as the keyword parameter
# (irb):92: warning: for `my_func' defined here
# ArgumentError (unknown keyword: :to_hash_key)

In Ruby 3, this will be passed as a positional argument. To get the Ruby 3 behavior with the master branch:

my_func(, **(;{}))

Updated by AlexWayfer (Alexander Popov) about 5 years ago

There are problems with Sequel Models, which have #to_hash method (implicit conversion), and Memery gem, which defines methods with *args, **kwargs, &block (**kwargs was added after warning from Ruby 2.7).

So, Sequel Models as arguments for memoized methods becomes Hashes and it breaks everything.

The **(;{}) approach is:

  • unclear for me (what it does in Ruby?);
  • additional changes at every call;
  • offenses RuboCop (should be resolved there, yes).

I'll try to make dynamic methods definition in Memery with exactly expected parameters instead of *args, **kwargs, &block, but it's harder.

And, probably, impossible at all, like define_method(:bar) do |*instance_method(:foo).parameters|. Only eval, I guess.

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) about 5 years ago

AlexWayfer (Alexander Popov) wrote in #note-7:

There are problems with Sequel Models, which have #to_hash method (implicit conversion), and Memery gem, which defines methods with *args, **kwargs, &block (**kwargs was added after warning from Ruby 2.7).

Memery may want to switch to using ruby2_keywords instead.

So, Sequel Models as arguments for memoized methods becomes Hashes and it breaks everything.

The **(;{}) approach is:

  • unclear for me (what it does in Ruby?);

It passes empty keywords, so that the final positional object is not treated as a hash.

  • additional changes at every call;

Should not be necessary with the ruby2_keywords approach.

  • offenses RuboCop (should be resolved there, yes).

I'll try to make dynamic methods definition in Memery with exactly expected parameters instead of *args, **kwargs, &block, but it's harder.

And, probably, impossible at all, like define_method(:bar) do |*instance_method(:foo).parameters|. Only eval, I guess.

*args, &block as arguments and ruby2_keywords :bar after defining the method should work, and that is the approach I would recommend.


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