



Feature #15485


Refactor String#split

Added by zverok (Victor Shepelev) over 6 years ago. Updated about 6 years ago.

Target version:


In #4780, new "block form" of #split was introduced. It behaves this way:

"several\nlong\nlines".split("\n") { |part| puts part if part.start_with?('l') }
# prints:
#   long
#   lines
# => "several\nlong\nlines"

Justification is stated as: "If the string is very long, and I only need to play with the split string one by one, this will not create a useless expensive array."

I understand the justification, but strongly believe that implementation is unfortunate. In the current implementation, the only way to "play with the split string one by one" is side-effect-full, like this:

result = []
lines.split("\n") { |ln| result << ln if ln.match?(PATTERN) }

This is very unidiomatic and unlike most of other methods that accept both block and no-block forms (it is understandable as original ticket is 7 years old, community practices were pretty different back then).

Our typical modern solution of the same problem is enumerators.

I propose redefining method as following:

lines.split("\n") # => Array, calculated immediately
lines.split("\n", enumerator: true) # => Enumerator, yielding split results one by one

It will allow all kind of idiomatic processing without any intermediate Array creation, like:

lines.split("\n", enumerator: true).take_while { |ln| ln == '__END__' }
lines.split("\n", enumerator: true).grep(PATTERN)
# ...and so on...

One more thing to note, that this call-sequence underlines "just an optimization" nature of the change: When you have "too large string" to process, you just add enumerator: true to your code without changing anything else.

PS: We can't change split to return enumerator always, because it would break a lot of sane code like lines.split("\n").join("\r\n")


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