



Feature #19541


Proposal: Generate frame unwinding info for YJIT code

Added by kjtsanaktsidis (KJ Tsanaktsidis) over 1 year ago. Updated 9 months ago.

Target version:


What is being propsed?

Currently, when Ruby crashes with yjit generated code on the stack, rb_print_backtrace() is unable to actually show any frames underneath the yjit code. For example, if you send SIGSEGV to a Ruby process running yjit, this is what you see:

/ruby/miniruby(rb_print_backtrace+0xc) [0xaaaad0276884] /ruby/vm_dump.c:785
/ruby/miniruby(rb_vm_bugreport) /ruby/vm_dump.c:1093
/ruby/miniruby(rb_bug_for_fatal_signal+0xd0) [0xaaaad0075580] /ruby/error.c:813
/ruby/miniruby(sigsegv+0x5c) [0xaaaad01bedac] /ruby/signal.c:919 [0xffff91a3e8bc]
/ruby/miniruby(map<(usize, yjit::backend::ir::Insn), (usize, yjit::backend::ir::Insn), yjit::backend::ir::{impl#17}::next_mapped::{closure_env#0}>+0x8c) [0xaaaad03b8b00] /rustc/897e37553bba8b42751c67658967889d11ecd120/library/core/src/
/ruby/miniruby(next_mapped+0x3c) [0xaaaad0291dc0] src/backend/
/ruby/miniruby(arm64_split+0x114) [0xaaaad0287744] src/backend/arm64/
/ruby/miniruby(compile_with_regs+0x80) [0xaaaad028bf84] src/backend/arm64/
/ruby/miniruby(compile+0xc4) [0xaaaad0291ae0] src/backend/
/ruby/miniruby(gen_single_block+0xe44) [0xaaaad02b1f88] src/
/ruby/miniruby(gen_block_series_body+0x9c) [0xaaaad03b0250] src/
/ruby/miniruby(gen_block_series+0x50) [0xaaaad03b0100] src/
/ruby/miniruby(branch_stub_hit_body+0x80c) [0xaaaad03b1f68] src/
/ruby/miniruby({closure#0}+0x28) [0xaaaad02eb86c] src/
/ruby/miniruby(do_call<yjit::core::branch_stub_hit::{closure_env#0}, *const u8>+0x98) [0xaaaad035ba3c] /rustc/897e37553bba8b42751c67658967889d11ecd120/library/std/src/

(n.b. - I compiled Ruby with -fasynchronous-unwind-tables –rdynamic –g in cflags to make sure gcc generates appropriate unwind info & keeps the symbol tables).

Likewise, if you attach gdb to a Ruby process with yjit enabled, gdb can't show thread backtraces through yjit-generated code either.

My proposal is that YJIT generate sufficient unwinding and debug information on all platforms to allow both rb_print_backtrace() and the platform's debugger (gdb/lldb/WinDbg) to show:

  • Full stack traces all the way back to main. That is, it should be possible to see frames underneath [0xaaaad035c9b4] from the backtrace above.
  • Names for the dynamically generated yjit blocks (e.g. instead of [0xaaaad035c9b4], we should see something like yjit$$name_of_ruby_method, where name_of_ruby_method is the label for the iseq this is JIT'd code for).


I have a few motivations for wanting this. Firstly, I feel this functionality is independently useful. When Ruby crashes, the more information we can get, the more likely we are to find the root cause. Likewise, the same principle applies to debugging with gdb - you can get a fuller understanding of what the process is doing if you see the whole stack.

I have often found attaching gdb to the Ruby interpreter helps in understanding problems in Ruby code or C extensions and is something I do relatively frequently; yjit breaking that will definitely be inconvenient for me!


I have a draft implementation here on how I'd implement this: It's currently missing tests & platform support (it only works on Linux aarch64). Also, it implements unwind info generation, so unwinding can work through yjit code, but it does not currently emit symbols to give names to those yjit frames.

My PR contains a document which explains how the Linux interfaces for registering unwind info for JIT'd code work, so I won't duplicate that information here.

The biggest implementation question I had is around the use of Rust crates. Currently, I prototyped my implementation using the gimli & object crates, for generating DWARF info and ELF binaries. However, the yjit build does purposefully does not use cargo & external crates for release builds. There are a few different ways we could go here:

  • Don't use the gimli & object crates; instead, re-implement all debug info & object file generation code in yjit.
  • Don't use the crates; instead, link againt C libraries to provide this functionality & call them from Rust (perhaps some combination of libelf, libdw, libbfd, or llvm might do what we need)
  • Use cargo after all for the release build & download the crates at build-time
  • Use cargo for the release build, but vendor everything, so the build doesn't need to download anything
  • Only make unwind info generation available in dev mode where cargo is used, and so mark the gimli/object dependencies as optional in Cargo.toml.

We'd need to decide on one of these approaches for this proposal to work. I don't really have a strong sense of the pros/cons of each.

(Side note - my PR actually depends on a fork of gimli - I've been discussing adding the needed interfaces upstream here:


I ran the yit-bench suite on my branch and compared it to Ruby master:

This is a (very simple) comparison:

-------------- ------------ ------------ ---------------
bench          yjit (ms)    branch (ms)  branch/yjit (%)
activerecord   97.5         98.5         101.03%
hexapdf        2415.3       2458.2       101.78%
liquid-c       61.9         63.1         101.94%
liquid-render  135.3        135.0        99.78%
mail           104.6        105.5        100.86%
psych-load     1887.1       1922.0       101.85%
railsbench     1544.4       1556.0       100.75%
ruby-lsp       88.4         89.5         101.24%
sequel         147.5        151.1        102.44%
binarytrees    303          305.6        100.86%
chunky_png     1075.8       1079.4       100.33%
erubi          392.9        392.3        99.85%
erubi_rails    14.7         14.7         100.00%
etanni         792.3        791.4        99.89%
fannkuchredux  3815.9       3813.6       99.94%
lee            1030.2       1039.2       100.87%
nbody          49.2         49.3         100.20%
optcarrot      4142         4143.3       100.03%
ruby-json      2860.7       2874.0       100.46%
rubykon        7906.6       7904.2       99.97%
30k_ifelse     348.7        345.4        99.05%
30k_methods    828.6        831.8        100.39%
cfunc_itself   28.8         28.9         100.35%
fib            34.4         34.5         100.29%
getivar        115.5        109.7        94.98%
keyword_args   37.7         38.0         100.80%
respond_to     26           26.1         100.38%
setivar        33.8         33.5         99.11%
setivar_object 208.7        194.3        93.10%
str_concat     52.6         52.2         99.24%
throw          23.8         24.1         101.26%
-------------- ------------ ------------ ---------------

It seems like the performance impact of generating and registering the debug info is marginal.


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