



Bug #19837


Concurrent calls to Process.waitpid2 misbehave on Ruby 3.1 & 3.2

Added by kjtsanaktsidis (KJ Tsanaktsidis) over 1 year ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Target version:
ruby -v:
ruby 3.1.4p236 (2023-07-26 revision a8670865c0) [arm64-darwin22]


On Ruby 3.1 & 3.2, if you have one thread blocked into a directed call to Process.waitpid2 with a pid specified, a concurrent call to Process.waitpid2 -1 will not be able to find & reap any other terminated child process, even one with a different pid that is not individually being waited on.

I've attached a Ruby program which should terminate but doesn't as a result of this bug, as well as a C program which demonstrates that the underlying syscalls (at least on Linux) do behave how you would expect. My reproduction creates two processes; a long-running process that does not exit, and a short one which does. There is a background thread calling Process.waitpid2 on the long process. Then, a concurrent call to Process.waitpid2 -1 does not notice that the short-running process has exited.

My wait_bug.rb program does work properly and terminate on the current master branch of Ruby; I assume this is because all of the MJIT-related process management stuff with the waiting_pids & stuff has been cleaned up as part of the MJIT -> RJIT refactoring. Because of this, I'm not sure exactly how to make a patch; should I open a pair of PRs targeting the ruby_3_2 and ruby_3_1 branch?



wait_bug.c (1.55 KB) wait_bug.c kjtsanaktsidis (KJ Tsanaktsidis), 08/11/2023 12:53 AM
wait_bug.rb (735 Bytes) wait_bug.rb kjtsanaktsidis (KJ Tsanaktsidis), 08/11/2023 12:53 AM

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