Feature #20925
openAllow boolean operators at beginning of line to continue previous line
I would like for this to become accepted syntax:
|| condition2
&& condition2
or condition2
and condition2
This is similar to how method chaining on the second line was added in Ruby 1.9
And it has the same advantage: when you have a multi-line expression, instead of hunting for the dot or boolean operator at the end of line1, it's right there at the beginning of line2, making the structure very obvious and readable. Please contrast:
request.secret_key_base.present? &&
request.encrypted_signed_cookie_salt.present? &&
request.encrypted_cookie_salt.present? &&
&& request.encrypted_signed_cookie_salt.present?
&& request.encrypted_cookie_salt.present?
&& request.use_authenticated_cookie_encryption
The first expression must rely on indentation to communicate the multi-line nature of the condition, and even then it's not as immediately obvious as the second expression, where we can see easily and immediately that this is a multi-line &&
This syntax is also similar to how a trailing comma is allowed in arrays and hashes (and method calls since Ruby 1.9), with the same advantage. It makes for a cleaner diff when you add an element to the array/hash/conditional. Taking the previous example, imagine we are adding the condition && request.use_authenticated_cookie_encryption
. Now contrast the diff between the two styles:
request.secret_key_base.present? &&
request.encrypted_signed_cookie_salt.present? &&
- request.encrypted_cookie_salt.present?
+ request.encrypted_cookie_salt.present? &&
+ request.use_authenticated_cookie_encryption
&& request.encrypted_signed_cookie_salt.present?
&& request.encrypted_cookie_salt.present?
+ && request.use_authenticated_cookie_encryption
Based on the above I would say this syntax is natural and consistent with existing Ruby syntactical elements, and would greatly improve code readability.
Updated by martinemde (Martin Emde) 2 months ago
· Edited
The difference seems nice when you consider code like:
if request.secret_key_base.present?
&& request.encrypted_signed_cookie_salt.present?
&& request.encrypted_cookie_salt.present?
which is much easier to read than
if request.secret_key_base.present? &&
request.encrypted_signed_cookie_salt.present? &&
I admit that neither of these looks great, maybe the body should be indented further, but code like this exists nonetheless. At least the first is more clear about where we've switched from condition to body.
Just because it looks interesting, here it is with and
if request.secret_key_base.present?
and request.encrypted_signed_cookie_salt.present?
and request.encrypted_cookie_salt.present?
Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) 2 months ago
As a developer involved in the implementation of Ruby grammar, I am not a fan in this extension, but as a Ruby programmer, I understand you want to write that.
I might want to write it with the following indentation anyway.
if request.secret_key_base.present?
&& request.encrypted_signed_cookie_salt.present?
&& request.encrypted_cookie_salt.present?
Updated by lpogic (Łukasz Pomietło) 2 months ago
+1. Regarding indentation, I once read that a multi-line "if" condition looks better with "then":
if request.secret_key_base.present?
&& request.encrypted_signed_cookie_salt.present?
&& request.encrypted_cookie_salt.present?
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) about 2 months ago
+1. Although it might take time to implement since we have duplicated parser implementations at the moment.
Updated by kddnewton (Kevin Newton) about 2 months ago
This PR is for Prism support: https://github.com/ruby/prism/pull/3337. I will add some CRuby tests that we can skip on parse.y for now in a follow-up PR.
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 2 months ago
and ||
are questionable for me because they can change RHS of assignment.
Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) about 2 months ago
· Edited
a = b
&& c
should be parsed as
a = (b
&& c)
correct? That would not change the RHS of assignment.
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 1 month ago
Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) wrote in #note-8:
a = b
&& c
should be parsed asa = (b
&& c)
correct? That would not change the RHS of assignment.
Currently the first line in the former is complete code.
I mean that the second line will change the RHS to b && c
Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) about 1 month ago
It's the same thing for method calls right?
a = 1
It changes the RHS of assignment to 1.to_s
A boolean operators on the second line is consistent with that so I don't see a problem, since there's no backward incompatibility.