Bug #21001
unexpected nil result from proc with ensure and next
I have noticed a different program behavior in Ruby 3.4 compared to previous versions. This is a simplified example for debugging that returns the expected result in Ruby 3.3 but nil in Ruby 3.4
Here is the example program:
puts "Ruby: #{RUBY_VERSION}"
# okay all versions
# RUN_ARRAY = [1]
# fails ruby 3.4 only
RUN_ARRAY = [1,2]
MAP_PROC = Proc.new do |&blk|
block_results = []
RUN_ARRAY.each do |value|
block_value = blk.call(value)
block_results.push block_value
next block_results
test_fn_results = MAP_PROC.call do |value|
break if value > 1
next value
puts test_fn_results.inspect
For Ruby 3.3.6 the output is:
Ruby: 3.3.6
For Ruby 3.4.1 the output is:
Ruby: 3.4.1
I am expecting the Ruby 3.3 output even for Ruby 3.4. This appears to be a bug, since the program implementation is unchanged. Perhaps there is a bug in the code that is now only showing up with Ruby 3.4, but that seemed unlikely since it's working as expected in other versions.
Thank you
Updated by ydah (Yudai Takada) about 1 month ago
· Edited
memo) This does not occur even in Ruby 3.4.1 when --parser=parse.y
❯ ruby --parser=parse.y -e 'puts "Ruby: #{RUBY_VERSION}"
# okay all versions
# RUN_ARRAY = [1]
# fails ruby 3.4 only
RUN_ARRAY = [1,2]
MAP_PROC = Proc.new do |&blk|
block_results = []
RUN_ARRAY.each do |value|
block_value = blk.call(value)
block_results.push block_value
next block_results
test_fn_results = MAP_PROC.call do |value|
break if value > 1
next value
puts test_fn_results.inspect'
Ruby: 3.4.1
Updated by kddnewton (Kevin Newton) about 1 month ago
- Assignee set to prism
Updated by kddnewton (Kevin Newton) about 1 month ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
Applied in changeset git|31905d9e23ec6d1fa2a52f1ef2533f2056e7c9fb.
Allow escaping from ensures through next
Fixes [Bug #21001]
Updated by alanwu (Alan Wu) about 1 month ago
- Backport changed from 3.1: UNKNOWN, 3.2: UNKNOWN, 3.3: UNKNOWN, 3.4: UNKNOWN to 3.1: UNKNOWN, 3.2: UNKNOWN, 3.3: UNKNOWN, 3.4: REQUIRED