Feature #5461
openAdd pipelining to Net::HTTP
The attached patch adds HTTP/1.1 pipelining support to Net::HTTP.
Pipelining is only performed on HTTP/1.1 servers. Net::HTTP will check if the server supports pipelining by using the first request in the list. The user can override this via setting (({http.pipelining = true})).
If a server does not support pipelining or there is an error during pipelining an error will be raised that contains the requests that not have been delivered yet and the responses that have been received.
The patch includes documentation explaining the fine details.
requests = []
requests << Net::HTTP::Get.new('/images/bug.png')
requests << Net::HTTP::Get.new('/images/date.png')
requests << Net::HTTP::Get.new('/images/find.png')
http = Net::HTTP.new 'localhost'
http.start do
http.pipeline requests do |req, res|
open File.basename(req.path), 'wb' do |io|
io.write res.body
Implementation notes:
- The current Net::HTTP tests make it very difficult to test bad behavior by servers. In test/net/http/utils.rb I introduced a method to replace Net::BufferedIO with a subclass that can behave incorrectly.
- Net::HTTP#pipeline does not fall back to sending requests one-by-one for HTTP/1.1 servers. I think this is acceptable as the user can use existing Net::HTTP code to send requests one-by-one.