



Feature #8723


Array.any? predicate returns true for empty array.

Added by nurettin (Nurettin Onur TUGCU) almost 11 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Target version:


Are all your children redheaded?
Would this be true if you have no children?
I have no children, therefore none of my children are redheaded.
[].any?{ true } == true makes no sense.
Expected behavior:
[].any?{ true } == false because the array is empty.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Has duplicate Ruby master - Bug #9022: all? method in empty array should return falseRejected10/15/2013Actions

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Feedback

Which version do you use? Please add your ruby -v.

irb for ruby 2.0.0 r36395

[].any? { true }
=> false

I guess you meant for #all?

[].all? { true }
=> true

The doc says it well:
"The method returns true if the block never returns false or nil."
Since the block is never used, it is not false or nil, so true.

Updated by nurettin (Nurettin Onur TUGCU) almost 11 years ago

Yes, I meant for .all? (wasn't able to edit) and the behavior is correct according to docs, and incorrect according to my interpretation of sets. (can a predicate be true when you have empty set?)

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Rejected

One way to see it is

enum.all? { |e| predicate(e) } == !enum.any? { |e| !predicate(e) }

And it seems logical to have #any? be false when the array is empty, right?


enum.all? { |e| predicate(e) } == enum.none? { |e| !predicate(e) }

If enum is empty, there is in fact none element which could not satisfy the predicate.

And that also means all elements satisfy since there is no element which could possibly not satisfy it.

Please comment if you find other interpretations supporting yours,
but my guess is most language will satisfy these semantics.

Updated by alexeymuranov (Alexey Muranov) almost 11 years ago

nurettin (Nurettin Onur TUGCU) wrote:

Yes, I meant for .all? (wasn't able to edit) and the behavior is correct according to docs, and incorrect according to my interpretation of sets. (can a predicate be true when you have empty set?)

[].any? { |x| predicate(x) }

means in human/mathematical language: "there exists x in [] such that predicate(x) is true", this is false because there are no elements in [].

[].all? { |x| predicate(x) }

means: "for every x in [], predicate(x) is true", this is true because there are no elements in [].

If you have no children, it is true that all your children are redhead.

Updated by david_macmahon (David MacMahon) almost 11 years ago

Just for fun...

true regardless of whether [].all? returns true or false

[].all? { |x| predicate(x) } == [].all? { |x| !predicate(x) }

true iff enum is empty, but false otherwise

enum.all? { |x| predicate(x) } == enum.all? { |x| !predicate(x) }

Q: If enum.all? is true, can enum.any? be false?

A: Yes, if enum is empty. (This is arguably non-intuituve. IMHO.)

if enum.all? { |x| predicate(x) } && !enum.any? { |x| predicate(x) }
puts "enum is empty"

True statement 1: All of my pets are dogs.
True statement 2: None of my pets are dogs.
Conclusion: I have no pets.

True statement 1: All of my pets are dogs.
True statement 2: All of my pets are cats.
Conclusion: I have no pets.


Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) almost 11 years ago

Several explanations for the correctness of how Ruby currently works
have already been given. Here's one more:

For any Enumerable, e.g. [x, y, z], Enumerable#any {|x| predicate(x) }
is essentially the Ruby way of expressing predicate(x) ∨ predicate(y) ∨
predicate(z). This is similar to calculating a sum (with addition) or a
product (with multiplication). For #all, replace the logical or with a
logical and (∧).

In Math (and therefore in Unicode) there are even big versions of ∨ and
∧ for these operations, in the same way there are big versions of Σ and
Π for sum and product notations.

What do you get when you calculate the sum of 0 elements? 0 of course.
And what do you get when you calculate the product of 0 elements? 1. Why
do you get 0 and 1 in these cases? Because 0 ad 1 are the neutral
element for addition and multiplication. The neutral element is the
number that you can add (or multiply) as many times as you want without
changing the result.

So what's the neutral element of logical or (∨)? It's false. And what's
the neutral element of logical and (∧)? It's true. That means that we
get false for [].any {|x| predicate(x) }, and true for [].all {|x|
predicate(x) }.

Changing to a more programmer-oriented viewpoint, all the above can be
computated as follows (pseudocode):

memo = neutral_element
for x in Enumerable do
memo = memo operation x # or predicate(x)

or in Ruby:

inject(neutral_element) { |memo, x| memo = memo operation x }

or for the inidividual cases:

sum: inject(0) { |memo, x| memo += x }
product: inject(1) { |memo, x| memo *= x }
any: inject(false) { |memo, x| memo = memo || predicate(x) }
all: inject(true) { |memo, x| memo = memo && predicate(x) }

I hope you can see the symmetry and how this all works out nicely (and
how we would need to make all kinds of weird special rules if it worked

Regards, Martin.

On 2013/08/02 21:42, nurettin (Nurettin Onur TUGCU) wrote:

Issue #8723 has been updated by nurettin (Nurettin Onur TUGCU).

Yes, I meant for .all? (wasn't able to edit) and the behavior is correct according to docs, and incorrect according to my interpretation of sets. (can a predicate be true when you have empty set?)

Feature #8723: Array.any? predicate returns true for empty array.

Author: nurettin (Nurettin Onur TUGCU)
Status: Feedback
Priority: Normal
Target version:

Are all your children redheaded?
Would this be true if you have no children?
I have no children, therefore none of my children are redheaded.
[].any?{ true } == true makes no sense.
Expected behavior:
[].any?{ true } == false because the array is empty.

Updated by nurettin (Nurettin Onur TUGCU) almost 11 years ago

I find I need to address all the questions


"If enum is empty, there is in fact none element which could not satisfy the predicate. " -- Eregon

none element which could not satisfy, you could interpret this as "all elements satisfy" however I think this is wrong because there are no elements to satisfy, which means the result is undefined (maybe you could say nil), not true.


"So what's the neutral element of logical or (∨)? It's false. And what's the neutral element of logical and (∧)? It's true. That means that we get false for [].any {|x| predicate(x) }, and true for [].all {|x| predicate(x) }. " -- duerst

I see completely what you are getting at and it does make sense only if the result is either true or false. (which is what predicate is defined as, mathematically, loosely speaking) However I find the result needs not be defined. Also, defining "all?" or "any?" makes no sense for empty set since they will never execute. Programmatically speaking, one could treat, based on this opinion, the result of all and any as any false'ey value such as nil or false.


Of course I understand that there are other languages which do this the same, I also understand that it would break existing code, and I know that docs are clear, and of course I can write my own, but is it really correct behavior to treat undefinedness as truth? In my opinion, no.

Updated by alexeymuranov (Alexey Muranov) almost 11 years ago

Nurettin, what would be a benefit of introducing this exception to a simple rule? You propose to make the truth value undefined where it is well defined. Can you cite some mathematical theory or natural language where it is undefined?

Do you agree at least that you initial proposal with assigning false to [].all?{...} was unreasonable?

Trying to make sense of your alternative point of view in a natural language, suppose it is false that ALL of your children are redhead. Would it be true then that NOT ALL of them are redhead? If i follow your logic, this should mean that you have both redhead and non-redhead children. What if you have no children?

In my opinion, your confusion arises from the fact that in natural languages you would not say a phrase like this, because it is simpler and more informative to say that you have no children. If someone asks you if all your children are redhead and you have none, you will answer "yes" if you are a mathematician, and probably "i have no children/none of your business" otherwise.


In you original proposal you seemed to be opposing ALL with NONE, but they are not opposite: it can happen that both are false (if you have one redhead and one blond child), or both are true (if you have no children).

On the practical side, try to define the truth value differently and do some computations. Many logical laws will fail. Users will be wondering how they've got:

sub_array ={|x| predicate(x) }
assert sub_array.all?{|x| predicate(x) } # => Fail

#all? and #any? satisfy the following law:

array.all?{|x| predicate(x) } == !array.any?{|x| !predicate(x) }


array.any?{|x| predicate(x) } == !{|x| predicate(x) }.empty?
array.all?{|x| predicate(x) } =={|x| !predicate(x) }.empty?

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) almost 11 years ago

On 2013/08/03 15:40, nurettin (Nurettin Onur TUGCU) wrote:

Issue #8723 has been updated by nurettin (Nurettin Onur TUGCU).

I find I need to address all the questions

However I find the result needs not be defined. Also, defining "all?" or "any?" makes no sense for empty set since they will never execute.

You say:

Also, defining "all?" or "any?" makes no sense for empty set since
they will never execute.

So should be write code like

unless enum.empty?
enum.all { |x| predicate(x) }

Think about this in a bigger context. Assume we are applying .any or
.all not to a simple array, but to an array of arrays.

We would e.g. write

arrays.all { |a| a.all { |x| predicate(x) } }

If we use what we currently have in Ruby, this just works, even if there
are some empty lists in the 'arrays' array. With your proposal, we'd
have to write a lot of special code.


Of course I understand that there are other languages which do this the same, I also understand that it would break existing code, and I know that docs are clear, and of course I can write my own, but is it really correct behavior to treat undefinedness as truth? In my opinion, no.

It would be incorrect behavior to treat undefinedness as truth, but the
results of these operations are not undefined. They have a clear
underlying mathematical background. People familiar with this area know
what the results are, and they expect them to work the way they do.
Anything else would be highly confusing for everybody except maybe

I suggest you read some introductory book in this area (discrete math).
An alternative is to read a book on Haskell, especially one that
discusses code transformations/equivalences and proofs.

Regards, Martin.

Updated by fuadksd (Fuad Saud) almost 11 years ago

Some more explanation reading on the subject - and reasons for this:

It's a basic classic logic definition.
On Aug 3, 2013 5:02 AM, Martin J. Dürst wrote:

On 2013/08/03 15:40, nurettin (Nurettin Onur TUGCU) wrote:

Issue #8723 has been updated by nurettin (Nurettin Onur TUGCU).

I find I need to address all the questions

However I find the result needs not be defined. Also, defining "all?" or

"any?" makes no sense for empty set since they will never execute.

You say:

Also, defining "all?" or "any?" makes no sense for empty set since they
will never execute.

So should be write code like

unless enum.empty?
enum.all { |x| predicate(x) }

Think about this in a bigger context. Assume we are applying .any or .all
not to a simple array, but to an array of arrays.

We would e.g. write

arrays.all { |a| a.all { |x| predicate(x) } }

If we use what we currently have in Ruby, this just works, even if there
are some empty lists in the 'arrays' array. With your proposal, we'd have
to write a lot of special code.


Of course I understand that there are other languages which do this the
same, I also understand that it would break existing code, and I know that
docs are clear, and of course I can write my own, but is it really correct
behavior to treat undefinedness as truth? In my opinion, no.

It would be incorrect behavior to treat undefinedness as truth, but the
results of these operations are not undefined. They have a clear underlying
mathematical background. People familiar with this area know what the
results are, and they expect them to work the way they do. Anything else
would be highly confusing for everybody except maybe beginners.

I suggest you read some introductory book in this area (discrete math). An
alternative is to read a book on Haskell, especially one that discusses
code transformations/equivalences and proofs.

Regards, Martin.

Updated by nurettin (Nurettin Onur TUGCU) almost 11 years ago


"Do you agree at least that you initial proposal with assigning false to [].all?{...} was unreasonable?" --alexeymuranov

Well yes, I wanted it to return any false'y value, actually. Including nil. Sorry for not making it clear.


"They are true because a material conditional is defined to be true when the antecedent is false (or the conclusion is true)." --

OK I agree that the behavior is well-defined in mathematics now. Thanks for the effort everyone.

My confusion arose from the fact that where the mathematical notation for all? would be:

"for all x element of an sequence S where predicate Q is true, the result of all? is true"

∀x(x ∈ S -> Q)

There were no x where predicate Q was true.

However I see now that Vacuous Truth principle defines that case as well.

So this makes

"... but the results of these operations are not undefined." -- Martin

Completely correct. I have no more issue with any? or all?

Actions #12

Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) over 2 years ago

  • Project changed from 14 to Ruby master

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