Bug #9990
closedURI.parse and URI.encode use different RFCs
The latest code for URI.parse uses RFC3986 but URI.encode/URI.escape still uses the old URI::RFC2396_Parser implementation of encode. This causes problems when the specs diverge.
In RFC3986 square brackets "[" and "]" are reserved and need to be percent encoded in the query string, although they didn't in RFC2396. This means the the following url cannot be parsed by the new parser, and isn't encoded correctly by the old encoder: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/projects/ruby-trunk/issues?set_filter=1&f[]=status_id&op[status_id]=o
Here's a quick ruby script which demonstrates the issue on 2.2.0dev:
url = "https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/projects/ruby-trunk/issues?set_filter=1&f[]=status_id&op[status_id]=o"
puts URI.encode(url)
The output of running this script can be seen at: https://gist.github.com/lengarvey/c1d17913f9ea95fd999c
I believe a new encoder needs to be written up according to the RFC3986 spec and this should be used as the default in URI.