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From 09/09/2023 to 09/15/2023
Ruby master: Bug #19885: Invalid Warning for Default Gems That Will Move to Bundled Gems Like1
Ruby master: Feature #19842: Introduce M:N threads: #19842#note-30 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #19884: Make Safe Navigation Operator work on classes: #19884#note-1 Like2
Ruby master: Feature #19839: Need a method to check if two ranges overlap: #19839#note-14 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #19698: Need an idiomatic way to define an empty range Like1
Ruby master: Feature #19698: Need an idiomatic way to define an empty range: #19698#note-2 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #19839: Need a method to check if two ranges overlap: #19839#note-11 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #19875: Ruby 3.0 -> 3.1 Performance regression in String#count: #19875#note-2 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #19875: Ruby 3.0 -> 3.1 Performance regression in String#count: #19875#note-4 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #17354: Module#const_source_location is misleading for constants awaiting autoload: #17354#note-8 Like1
Ruby master: Bug #19878: Math.log is broken for bignum Like1
Ruby master: Feature #19737: Add `IO::Buffer#cat` for concat `IO::Buffer` instances Like3
Ruby master: Feature #19874: Re-introduce heap sort by pinned count prior to GC compaction Like2
Ruby master: Misc #19870: Why is a long-run thread allocated more memory than a short-run one?: #19870#note-1 Like1
Ruby master: Feature #19842: Introduce M:N threads Like3