Ok, thanks Nobuyoshi. Is this documented somewhere? It caused a lot of strife for me, and I don't think I'll be the only one. I wrote a short post about it as I had no clue this was scheduled as a bug fix. I'll update my post with a link to the original bug and the related fixes. Thanks!
I hear you, Akira. I am asking for a link to the issue or conversation that tracked this change. I want to know why the change was made in more detail, so I would like to read the discussion.
Can we start a discussion? I'm surprised major changes like this are made without one. I didn't see anything in the changelogs either. This will undoubtedly cause significant problems. I've tried upgrading and came across issues with rails, multiple gems, etc.
I have a strong feeling this is going to be a major problem as people try to move forward. Adding "local" time everywhere you use Time.parse simply is not feasible. This change is also outside of the scope of a "minor" version change for ruby.
Finally, the amount of dependencies a typical ruby project has (gems). There is so much of this behavior we can not control. I can't even think of a backwards compatible patch, as gems start to adopt this new behavior, I'm not sure how we'd distinguish the "before" and "after" gems.
I have a strong feeling this is going to be a major problem as people try to move forward. Adding "local" time everywhere you use Time.parse simply is not feasible. This change is also outside of the scope of a "minor" version change for ruby.
I strongly disagree.
It's a bug that had ignored a part of the input which should not be ignored, and should be fixed as usual.
It seems a small issue that no one notice before 2.2.0 released
You may know Ruby sometimes break compatibility to achieve better specs/functions.
For Time class it didn't save its time zone before.
After 1.9 whose time objects can save its timezone, Time methods supports time zone gradually.
This change is considered as a part of them.
see also https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2013/12/21/ruby-version-policy-changes-with-2-1-0/
Of course such changes may cause trouble.
Therefore we provide preview releases and release candidates to test changes.
Since Travis supports such previews, you can test your applications easily. http://rubies.travis-ci.org/
Heroku also supports preview versions.
You can report if a change is too large.
We may withdraw the change or provide more graceful transition.
Thank you for the explanation. I'll continue to debug and see if I can help measure it's impact. I more clearly understand the issue, and agree with the change. Unfortunately, I feel it's going to have a bigger impact than anticipated. If so, we should discuss a backwards compatible method of introducing this change.
Thank you for the explanation. I'll continue to debug and see if I can help measure it's impact. I more clearly understand the issue, and agree with the change. Unfortunately, I feel it's going to have a bigger impact than anticipated. If so, we should discuss a backwards compatible method of introducing this change.
After 1.9 whose time objects can save its timezone,
I welcome the change, even if it's backward incompatible.
However, I noticed that although the object is meant to save its own timezone, it does not return it any more:
It seems to me that to be consistent with the spirit of the change, #zone should still return the same value.
Is this a bug? If not, what is the reason?