U+FF21 (A, FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A) and U+00c0 (À, LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE) is Uppercase_Letter so it should match and return 0 in following case but this returns 1.
Some additional comments following up on the commiters' meeting yesterday:
There are many single-byte non-Unicode encodings that have case tables.
Checking the paper versions of the standards in question, À (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE) exists in JIS X 0212-1990 at position (区点) 10-2, and in JIS X 0213-2004 at position 9-23 on the first plane (面). JIS X 0213-2004 is the version I have at hand, but that character didn't change from the -2000 version.
Checking the actual encoding of À in EUC-JP in Ruby shows the following:
This is clearly the JIS X 0212-1990 version, using SS3 (0x8F) to switch to the JIS X 0212 plane at G3. The 1990 version of JIS X 0212 is the first one, so the À character didn't exist in EUC-JP before.