Feature #13919
closedAdd a new method to create Time instances from unix time and nsec
Added by tagomoris (Satoshi Tagomori) over 7 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.
Time object contains nsec
, but Time class doesn't have method to create an instance with nsec.
Time.at() accepts 2nd argument, but it's micro-sec, and we need to divide nsec by 1000.0.
t1 = Time.now
t1.nsec #=> nsec value
t2 = Time.at(t1.to_i, t1.usec) # not nsec!
t3 = Time.at(t1.to_i, t1.nsec / 1000.0) # additional division
I think it's better to have another method to create an instance from time(unix time) and nsec, for example, Time.of(unix_time, nsec)
t = Time.now
Time.of(t.to_i, t.nsec) == t
Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) over 7 years ago
I have no objection to a new method at all.
I think the name "Time.of()" is strange though.
With Time.at(), we can say "ok, at this or that moment, we want the time".
With Time.of(), I am confused what that should mean. I am not a native
english speaker though, so who knows.
Would Time.nsec be any worse? That is, it would want the time input in
nanoseconds (nsec is nano seconds right?)
I agree that Time.at() is not very convenient with the second parameter
mandating microsecond IF one wants to use nanoseconds instead. I think
the reason why that was chosen, though, was because nsec may be less
frequent than msec. Like hour-minutes-seconds notation, and then the
milliseconds after a ',' or so.
Just putting some more ideas for names out there:
Time.at(t.to_i, nsec: t)
Time.at(t.to_i, :nsec)
Hmm. Or perhaps be able to modify the default for Time so that you can
switch it to nsec, like:
Time.default_to = :microseconds
Time.default_to = :nanoseconds
Or anything like that. Just trying to find good alternatives, giving
things a good name that can easily stick mentally is not always easy.
Updated by tagomoris (Satoshi Tagomori) over 7 years ago
is ok for me, but it seems to take just one argument of nano seconds from epoch.
Time.at_nsec(seconds_from_epoch, nsec)
Is it not confusing? Or should it get exactly two arguments?
Updated by akr (Akira Tanaka) over 7 years ago
I think new method is possible if we find a good method name.
Another idea is adding an optional argument, unit, for Time.at.
Time.at(s, ns, :nanosecond) for example.
Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) over 7 years ago
Following is a patch based on akr's API.
diff --git a/test/ruby/test_time.rb b/test/ruby/test_time.rb
index c92aafc149..31d245ade7 100644
--- a/test/ruby/test_time.rb
+++ b/test/ruby/test_time.rb
@@ -236,6 +236,17 @@ def test_at2
assert_equal(1, Time.at(0, 0.001).nsec)
+ def test_at_with_unit
+ assert_equal(123456789, Time.at(0, 123456789, :nanosecond).nsec)
+ assert_equal(123456789, Time.at(0, 123456789, :nsec).nsec)
+ assert_equal(123456000, Time.at(0, 123456, :microsecond).nsec)
+ assert_equal(123456000, Time.at(0, 123456, :usec).nsec)
+ assert_equal(123456000, Time.at(0, 123456, nil).nsec)
+ assert_equal(123000000, Time.at(0, 123, :millisecond).nsec)
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError){ Time.at(0, 1, 2) }
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError){ Time.at(0, 1, :invalid) }
+ end
def test_at_rational
assert_equal(1, Time.at(Rational(1,1) / 1000000000).nsec)
assert_equal(1, Time.at(1167609600 + Rational(1,1) / 1000000000).nsec)
diff --git a/time.c b/time.c
index e55628fc1b..2431a2406a 100644
--- a/time.c
+++ b/time.c
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
static ID id_divmod, id_submicro, id_nano_num, id_nano_den, id_offset, id_zone;
static ID id_quo, id_div;
+static ID id_nanosecond, id_microsecond, id_millisecond, id_nsec, id_usec;
#define NDIV(x,y) (-(-((x)+1)/(y))-1)
#define NMOD(x,y) ((y)-(-((x)+1)%(y))-1)
@@ -2347,11 +2348,32 @@ time_s_now(VALUE klass)
return rb_class_new_instance(0, NULL, klass);
+static int
+get_scale(VALUE unit) {
+ if (unit == ID2SYM(id_nanosecond) || unit == ID2SYM(id_nsec)) {
+ return 1000000000;
+ }
+ else if (NIL_P(unit) || unit == ID2SYM(id_microsecond) || unit == ID2SYM(id_usec)) {
+ return 1000000;
+ }
+ else if (unit == ID2SYM(id_millisecond)) {
+ return 1000;
+ }
+ else {
+ rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "unexpected unit: %"PRIsVALUE, unit);
+ }
* call-seq:
* Time.at(time) -> time
* Time.at(seconds_with_frac) -> time
* Time.at(seconds, microseconds_with_frac) -> time
+ * Time.at(seconds, milliseconds, :millisecond) -> time
+ * Time.at(seconds, microseconds, :usec) -> time
+ * Time.at(seconds, microseconds, :microsecond) -> time
+ * Time.at(seconds, nanoseconds, :nsec) -> time
+ * Time.at(seconds, nanoseconds, :nanosecond) -> time
* Creates a new Time object with the value given by +time+,
* the given number of +seconds_with_frac+, or
@@ -2362,24 +2384,26 @@ time_s_now(VALUE klass)
* If a numeric argument is given, the result is in local time.
- * Time.at(0) #=> 1969-12-31 18:00:00 -0600
- * Time.at(Time.at(0)) #=> 1969-12-31 18:00:00 -0600
- * Time.at(946702800) #=> 1999-12-31 23:00:00 -0600
- * Time.at(-284061600) #=> 1960-12-31 00:00:00 -0600
- * Time.at(946684800.2).usec #=> 200000
- * Time.at(946684800, 123456.789).nsec #=> 123456789
+ * Time.at(0) #=> 1969-12-31 18:00:00 -0600
+ * Time.at(Time.at(0)) #=> 1969-12-31 18:00:00 -0600
+ * Time.at(946702800) #=> 1999-12-31 23:00:00 -0600
+ * Time.at(-284061600) #=> 1960-12-31 00:00:00 -0600
+ * Time.at(946684800.2).usec #=> 200000
+ * Time.at(946684800, 123456.789).nsec #=> 123456789
+ * Time.at(946684800, 123456789, nsec).nsec #=> 123456789
static VALUE
time_s_at(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
- VALUE time, t;
+ VALUE time, t, unit = Qnil;
wideval_t timew;
- if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &time, &t) == 2) {
+ if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "12", &time, &t, &unit) >= 2) {
+ int scale = get_scale(unit);
time = num_exact(time);
t = num_exact(t);
- timew = wadd(rb_time_magnify(v2w(time)), wmulquoll(v2w(t), TIME_SCALE, 1000000));
+ timew = wadd(rb_time_magnify(v2w(time)), wmulquoll(v2w(t), TIME_SCALE, scale));
t = time_new_timew(klass, timew);
else if (IsTimeval(time)) {
@@ -4819,6 +4843,11 @@ Init_Time(void)
id_nano_den = rb_intern("nano_den");
id_offset = rb_intern("offset");
id_zone = rb_intern("zone");
+ id_nanosecond = rb_intern("nanosecond");
+ id_microsecond = rb_intern("microsecond");
+ id_millisecond = rb_intern("millisecond");
+ id_nsec = rb_intern("nsec");
+ id_usec = rb_intern("usec");
rb_cTime = rb_define_class("Time", rb_cObject);
rb_include_module(rb_cTime, rb_mComparable);
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 7 years ago
I agree with the new behavior (except for accepting nil
as a unit).
Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
Applied in changeset trunk|r60017.
Time#at receives 3rd argument which specifies the unit of 2nd argument [Feature #13919]