Feature #14392
openPipe operator
I would like to see implemented in ruby a pipe operator as we have in elixir.
An example of application I have in mind is this:
class Foo
def bar(var)
puts “Hello #{var}!”
end |> private
def baz(arg)
foo = Foo.new
foo.baz("Fred") # => "Hello Fred!"
It can also help simplify method chains:
class Secret
def initialise(user, password)
@user = user
@password = password
def second_pass(encrypted_string)
end |> private
# Super encryption
def super_encryption
|> second_pass
end |> public
And also simplify codes like this:
class Foo
def bar(*args)
baz = args.select { |arg| arg =~ /regex/ }.first
public :bar
def good(arg)
arg.to_s.size > 10
private :good
to become:
class Foo
# Bar public method.
def bar(*args)
args.select { |arg| arg =~ /regex/ }.first
|> good?
end |> public
def good(arg)
arg.to_s.size > 10
end |> private
Lots of local variables would be saved and I would expect some performance improvements with that.
Updated by dsferreira (Daniel Ferreira) about 7 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by dsferreira (Daniel Ferreira) about 7 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by dsferreira (Daniel Ferreira) about 7 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) about 7 years ago
We already have yield_self
(2.5+) exactly for this.
class Foo
# Bar public method.
def bar(*args)
args.select do { |arg| arg =~ /regex/ }.first
def good(arg)
arg.to_s.size > 10
# Though this method of publicize and privatize seem... well, less-than-optimal for me, pipe or yield_self
While introducing it, different alternatives have been discussed, including Elixir-like operator, and rejected.
Updated by Hanmac (Hans Mackowiak) about 7 years ago
class Foo
private def bar(var)
puts “Hello #{var}!”
def baz(arg)
method def already return their method name, so they can be used with private/protected
Updated by dsferreira (Daniel Ferreira) about 7 years ago
zverok (Victor Shepelev) wrote:
We already have yield_self (2.5+) exactly for this.
I will not use it like that.
Not for the situations I presented.
To ugly and verbose.
Updated by dsferreira (Daniel Ferreira) about 7 years ago
Hanmac (Hans Mackowiak) wrote:
private def bar(var)
I don't like the syntax it provides.
What I do currently is:
class Foo
def bar(var)
puts “Hello #{var}!”
private :bar
def baz(arg)
public :baz
Looking forward for a solution to reduce the impact of that declaration.
(In my libraries I want the declaration of the access modifier for every method in every class and every module with proper documentation in place to understand what is the visibility of each method at all times.)
Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) about 7 years ago
Let me, then, introduce some philosphy here (I know this issue will be rejected anyways, so whatever).
When you propose new language feature, it is often useful to think a bit of it: how it plays with other features and general language intuition? Would it benefit from existing concepts, or will require the introduction of a bunch of new concepts? Will it look similar to other situations or strikingly dissimilar "special case just for the prettyness for one particular usage"?
value |> method_name
...is really awful on all those accounts.
What is method_name
here? Because in ALL other contexts, naked method_name
means immediate call of the method. Can we have proc there? If no, why? If yes, how it will be compatible with method_name
Applying some "next processing" to ONE value is strikingly different from applying some to COLLECTION:
In Elixir:
collection |> Enumerable.map(...)
one_value |> String.split(...)
In Ruby 2.5
collection.map { ... }
one_value.yield_self { ... }
# with some method
Your proposal:
collection.map { ... }
one_value |> something
It already looks messed up :)
I agree that yield_self(&method(:puts))
is less-than-optimal. Two problems here are:
, the price we pay for having()
-less method calls; there are ongoing discussions of shorthand syntax; - REALLY unfortunate
name, which I'll never get tired to blame.
But otherwise, it is perfectly idiomatic and readable Ruby, playing well with all usual metaphors and intuitions.
People tend to constantly mix "syntax akin to other language" or "syntax as I imagine it in my head" with "syntax which is clear and idiomatic". ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) about 7 years ago
private def bar(var)
I don't like the syntax it provides.
So, what you saying is "I don't like how the consistent set of features in language looks [it can't even be said to be "verbose", man!], so please introduce a new inconsistent feature for me to like it"?
That's the way, obviously.
Updated by dsferreira (Daniel Ferreira) about 7 years ago
zverok (Victor Shepelev) wrote:
It already looks messed up :)
Didn't understand very well how messed up it is.
Is that syntax impossible to implement or messed up just because the way ruby people tend to look at code syntax?
Is there a problem with this if we must?:
{ ... } |> collection.map
one_value |> something
Am I asking here to break backwards compatibility?
Updated by dsferreira (Daniel Ferreira) about 7 years ago
zverok (Victor Shepelev) wrote:
That's the way, obviously.
Fortunately not every one look at things the same way, and I believe ruby core allows us to come in and discuss matters.
This is an important matter to me.
I know not many people looks at it the way I do but still it is my view and my requirement.
In my code I like to organise the methods in alphabetical order and not by public, protected, private hierarchy.
The reason why I do that?
Because that simplifies a bunch of things. It may be the way my mind works.
It doesn't mean I'm not able to work with the code format that is out there in the wild to see.
Code like mine I never saw.
But I do it like that because I consider it the best way.
This type of code:
class Foo
private def bar
# Baz public method.
public def baz
hurts my eyes. So the best I can achieve right now is:
class Foo
def bar
private :bar
# Baz public method.
def baz
public :baz
Which is fine but not ideal and I aim for the ideal.
It will be reject anyways but I will still continue to seek for a better option.
Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) about 7 years ago
It will be reject anyways but I will still continue to seek
for a better option.
Who knows - but I think it may be too difficult to change it at
this point.
When it comes to personal preferences, what may work for you may
not work for others.
At the end of the day it's matz who decides about features (and
In streem, matz uses a different concept/syntax, to some extent:
seq(100) | map{x->
if (x % 15 == 0) "FizzBuzz"
else if (x % 3 == 0) "Fizz"
else if (x % 5 == 0) "Buzz"
else x
} | stdout
No |> though.
Note that I have nothing at all against the suggestion here
per se, but I believe that there is a cost associated for
change in many situations, and there should be some kind
of benefit for the change.
I agree with "private def bar" style being ugly by the way -
I always denote when methods are private after the trailing
"end" of the method. But I also very rarely use private in
ruby in the first place - I mostly do so if the class or API
may need some additional "information" to people using the class,
like what they should not use (as far as I know, they can call
it anyway via .send() so the private/public distinction in
ruby does not make a lot of sense to me; and I <3 .send().
Different languages define and use OOP differently).
Style in ruby differs immensely from one ruby hacker to the
next. It is also difficult to reason about. I am sure others
may find my ruby style ugly. I find it pretty. :)
The biggest "rule" I have is that code that I write, should
be really simple as much as possible. Reason being primary
is because I don't want to burden the cognitive load I have
while writing (and as importantly, maintaining) ruby code.
That is also why I do not completely agree with the rubocop
style guide - but rubocop's biggest "wins" are that you can
declare your own style, and then auto-correct/enforce it,
I believe ruby core allows us to come in and discuss matters.
Indeed and at the end of the day, you only have to convince
matz. But I think that the trade-off here is not really worth
it; what may be worth exploring may be to have ruby hackers
re-define syntax part of ruby ... but I am also not sure if
it is ultimately worth to be had (I think most of ruby is
very elegant; with more proliferation, we may have more ugly
code too, and I already think there is quite a bit of ugly
ruby out there in the wild, but that is my personal opinion).
[...] "I don't like how the consistent set of features in
language looks [it can't even be said to be "verbose",
man!], so please introduce a new inconsistent feature
for me to like it [...]
To the above, designing an absolutely perfect symmetric language
that also follows a "there is more than one way to do things",
is difficult. There are even some "functional" features in ruby;
currying/lambda/proc and so on.
Sometimes later changes may change older parts of ruby. I think if
you look at people writing ruby, say, 10 years ago or more, that
ruby will be quite different from ruby today (provided that the
author had similar experience, say after 3 years of using ruby
extensively every day).
Not every change is necessarily due to consistency alone. Take
the lonely person operator - that one came primarily because
someone had a use case (lots of nil queries in a rails codebase),
matz agreed and so came the lonely person operator staring at
the dot.
Anyway, to conclude - I think elixir is cool but ruby is not
elixir and simple 1:1 mappings in syntax changes may impact
lots of people, without necessarily providing substantial
benefits IMO. One can dispute whether there is enough benefit,
but to me, I don't really see the real benefit that we would
get in ruby at this point in time.
By the way, you can always try to have it discussed at the next
developer meeting.
Updated by dsferreira (Daniel Ferreira) about 7 years ago
shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) wrote:
No |> though.
Hi Robert, many thanks for the extensive comment.
The idea of using "|>"
as the proposed pipe operator came from my analysis of https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/13581 issue coupled with long time syntax thoughts.
I proposed a syntax sugar for 13581
as "|>"
or "<|"
. You can read the logic there.
It makes sense in my head.
Resembles the way bash instructions work in multiple directions.
Ruby also has a lot of sh/bash logic in its core.
Using "|"
coupled with "<"
and ">"
seems to me an easy and intuitive way to overcome the syntax problem of having the three operators already with their own meanings in isolation.
But I also very rarely use private in ruby in the first place
People don't really care about it but I do care a lot.
I like to work in top of a very well defined API.
The library API should be reduced to its minimum as much as possible.
And I want total freedom to do whatever inside the library.
So I use extensively public
, protected
and private
I have some feature requests still open that I'm planning to implement in the near future and submit a patch.
One of them is https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/9992 which is about the introduction of an internal
access modifier which would define an internal
interface just visible to the library namespace.
So you can see that this matters are very important to me and impact my daily work.
I love ruby but I'm not being able to express myself in the language like I would like to.
We don't live in an ideal world I know but I believe that my way of seeing the design of a library/gem or module/class brings a new insight into the ecosystem that may be good to consider by the community.
It is not easy to present the full picture of what I have in my mind so I'm starting to do it bit by bit.
With time people will understand better what is my vision and what am I proposing.
That is also why I do not completely agree with the rubocop style guide
I'm with you 100% on this.
But you know, when you work in a big company and if you are the only one speaking in one direction you better end your talk.
Rubocop is now the default in the enterprise ruby.
Luckily I'm now in a position where my voice is heard.
But what I can't do is to tell about features that just exist in my head.
So here I am trying to make my dream a reality.
I think elixir is cool but ruby is not elixir
This proposal it is not about Elixir.
I have never coded a single line in Elixir and I'm not planning to do it in the near future.
I mentioned Elixir just as a reference nothing else.
It seems people like language references when discussing this matters.
If that is not the case please say so and I will stop using those references.
Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 7 years ago
dsferreira (Daniel Ferreira) wrote:
def bar(var) puts “Hello #{var}!” end |> private
Well... I was neutral to a pipe operator, but if people overuse (or even abuse) it like this, I'm now a bit against the feature.
Updated by dsferreira (Daniel Ferreira) about 7 years ago
mame (Yusuke Endoh) wrote:
I'm now a bit against the feature
Yusuke what would you propose as an alternative?
Note that my main requirement behind this is to be able to use private
after the method definition without the need to type its name a second time.
I'm open to suggestions...
Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) about 7 years ago
I don't remember any programming language which puts the visibility of a method at the trailer of a method body. Is it really worth adding a new syntax to replace private def... ?
Updated by dsferreira (Daniel Ferreira) about 7 years ago
shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) wrote:
Is it really worth adding a new syntax to replace private def... ?
For me it is Shyouhei.
Like I said before, I care a lot about the visibility of my methods.
The clear definition of each interface and its preservation over time it is a top concern in my architectural work.
The interface integrity is this way guaranteed by a strict rule deeming that every method has its own access modifier set.
This applies to public
, protected
and private
Naming is hard and very important and the API resembles that. It is sweat printed in. (Just to try to express my emotions about this)
We are talking about hundreds to not say thousands of method name duplications that I have in my code base currently.
I don't mind having the extra work but I'm not everybody.
Now, why do I require the visibility being set after the method definition?
Because I order my methods alphabetically and I don't want to order them by visibility.
By using: "private def ..."
alphabetical order based on method name makes little sense to my mind.
I code ruby because of its elegance and fluidity so I always strive to write code that makes sense to my eyes.
The proposal of the pipe operator makes perfect sense to me because it resembles my bash memories and it comes as natural as a no brainer.
Updated by dsferreira (Daniel Ferreira) about 7 years ago
To add up to this:
When I look into a specific method my first concern is about the source code not its visibility.
Visibility information it is important but secondary when doing code analysis.
Why? Because I'm totally confident that there are no issues associated to the visibility that is in place.
It is something that is their set to be forgotten.
For me something like this would be even better:
class Foo
def bar
def foo
def foobar
Which I could easily do by extending Symbol class but I will not make my code dependent on some "quirk" of my mindset that is not part of ruby core reason being I don't own the code. Other developers use it as well and I don't want to impose this things to anyone.
Updated by Hanmac (Hans Mackowiak) about 7 years ago
Symbol#pri and others will never work because you failed to understand how Object work in ruby
so NO "easily do by extending Symbol class"
there is also using them as modifier for the class scope
class Foo
def bar
def foo
def foobar
Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) about 7 years ago
dsferreira (Daniel Ferreira) wrote:
shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) wrote:
Is it really worth adding a new syntax to replace private def... ?
For me it is Shyouhei.
Like I said before, I care a lot about the visibility of my methods.
The clear definition of each interface and its preservation over time it is a top concern in my architectural work.
The interface integrity is this way guaranteed by a strict rule deeming that every method has its own access modifier set.
This applies topublic
Naming is hard and very important and the API resembles that. It is sweat printed in. (Just to try to express my emotions about this)We are talking about hundreds to not say thousands of method name duplications that I have in my code base currently.
I don't mind having the extra work but I'm not everybody.
To be clear I am not against specifying method visibility.
Now, why do I require the visibility being set after the method definition?
Because I order my methods alphabetically and I don't want to order them by visibility.
By using:"private def ..."
alphabetical order based on method name makes little sense to my mind.
Don't you have difficulties writing elixir code then? They, too, don't take visibilities at the last.
I code ruby because of its elegance and fluidity so I always strive to write code that makes sense to my eyes.
The proposal of the pipe operator makes perfect sense to me because it resembles my bash memories and it comes as natural as a no brainer.
If you prefer sound visibility specifiers rather than implicit ones, I think that a visibility of a method shall be placed somewhere near the method name. By placing private after the end of a method body, that specifier should become too hard to find out the corresponding method name. To me, def ... end |> private seems far less "fluent" than private def ...
Updated by dsferreira (Daniel Ferreira) about 7 years ago
Hanmac (Hans Mackowiak) wrote:
Symbol#pri and others will never work
You're right. Not to much thought put on that one. It is not so easy as it seems from my comment but I wouldn't say never. When working with ruby "never" is a very big statement.
Updated by dsferreira (Daniel Ferreira) about 7 years ago
shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) wrote:
Don't you have difficulties writing elixir code then?
I mentioned already that Elixir it is there only as a reference.
I do not code Elixir.
I think that a visibility of a method shall be placed somewhere near the method name.
The reason I think otherwise is this:
When I look into a specific method my first concern is about the source code not its visibility.
Visibility information it is important but secondary when doing code analysis.
Why? Because I'm totally confident that there are no issues associated to the visibility that is in place.
It is something that is their set to be forgotten.
Updated by dsferreira (Daniel Ferreira) about 7 years ago
Also when I want to look specifically at the API of a certain class I look into its documentation not the code base.
Updated by joelvh (Joel Van Horn) about 7 years ago
Hanmac (Hans Mackowiak) wrote:
Symbol#pri and others will never work because you failed to understand how Object work in ruby
so NO "easily do by extending Symbol class"
there is also using them as modifier for the class scope
class Foo private def bar end protected def foo end public def foobar end end
I'm just curious... does the modifier in the class scope work for you as Hans mentioned, or is it really overall piping syntax that you want for more than just scoping methods? You can use that modifier before each method you define, and it doesn't have to be out-dented if that makes it appear like you're sectioning off the methods in your class.
Updated by bughit (bug hit) about 7 years ago
this important feature discussion has been derailed by a bad description/justification
the purpose of the pipe operator is to enable sane, readable, functional chaining. Controlling method visibility through it is not worth even mentioning.
it's fairly self evident that
fn1 |> fn2 |> fn3 |> fn4 |> fn5
is superior to
the longer the chain the more so
This would not be a casual drop in for ruby, as it needs some sort of partial application syntax (using <> here), something like this
value |> method_or_proc<1, 2>
method_or_proc<1, 2>
would produce (pseudocode since proc invocation uses different syntax) ->arg{method_or_proc(arg, 1, 2)}
method_or_proc<1, 2, _>
would produce ->arg{method_or_proc(1, 2, arg)}
you could get fancier
method_or_proc<1, *, 2>
=> ->*args{method_or_proc(1, *args, 2)}
there's little doubt that this feature would make functional style a lot more pleasant in ruby
Updated by shuber (Sean Huber) over 6 years ago
@dsferreira @zverok (Victor Shepelev) @shevegen @bughit
How do you feel about the syntax from this working proof of concept? https://github.com/LendingHome/pipe_operator
"https://api.github.com/repos/ruby/ruby".pipe do
yield_self { |n| "Ruby has #{n} stars" }
#=> Ruby has 15120 stars
-9.pipe { abs; Math.sqrt; to_i } #=> 3
# Method chaining is supported:
-9.pipe { abs; Math.sqrt.to_i } #=> 3
# Pipe | for syntactic sugar:
-9.pipe { abs | Math.sqrt.to_i } #=> 3
[9, 64].map(&Math.pipe.sqrt) #=> [3.0, 8.0]
[9, 64].map(&Math.pipe.sqrt.to_i.to_s) #=> ["3", "8"]
Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 5 years ago
- Related to Feature #15799: pipeline operator added