



Feature #15955



Added by nelhage (Nelson Elhage) over 5 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Target version:


I'd love a way to apply an UnboundMethod to a receiver and list of args without having to first bind it. I've ended up using UnboundMethods in some hot paths in my application due to our metaprogramming idioms, and the allocation from .bind is comparatively expensive.

I'd love unbound_method.apply(obj, args…) to be equivalent to unbound_method.bind(obj).call(args…) but without allocating the intermediate Method


umethod_apply.patch (5.01 KB) umethod_apply.patch mame (Yusuke Endoh), 08/23/2019 02:40 AM

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 5 years ago

Escape analysis might be able to remove the Method allocation of unbound.bind(recv).call(*args).
In fact, TruffleRuby does it for such a pattern.

So the interesting question for me is whether this should be fixed by the JIT or by a new method.

Could you share a benchmark representing your usage?

Updated by nelhage (Nelson Elhage) over 5 years ago

Whoops, sorry for the belated response -- Redmine email seems to not be working for me. We have a replace_method helper that is a shorthand for doing something like:

orig_require = Kernel.instance_method(:require)
Kernel.define_method(:require) do |*args|
  # … do some pre-processing

We use it in a number of places, including to replace require as part of our custom autoloader (c.f. this talk:

I'm not quite sure how to get a representative microbenchmark; I am sure I could construct ones where the overhead is anywhere from ~0% to arbitrarily high. Profiling shows that as much as ~6% of the allocation on app startup comes from UnboundMethod#bind calls.

There are also other places I'd like to use this idiom. We had an incident the other day related to Sorbet's use of is_a? (a BasicObject subtype that was being passed around had a surprising is_a? implementation) in runtime checking.

I'd love to be able to grab Object.instance_method(:is_a?) and then use that in our typechecking to make sure that we can test true subtyping no matter what monkey-patches are in place, but we know from past work that adding even a single allocation to the common case of runtime typechecking is too expensive.

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) over 5 years ago

Zeitwerk had the exact same use case recently:

i.e. get the true Module name even if the method was redefined.

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 5 years ago

I think this makes sense for convenience and better performance on MRI or during interpretation (vs in compiled code).

Using an UnboundMethod for getting a copy of a method at a given time is indeed a good usage, we use it in TruffleRuby quite a bit.

For the specific case of is_a?, may I recommend using Module#===?
That's much less often overridden, and it works for BasicObject (#is_a? is only defined in Kernel, so not for BasicObject).

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 5 years ago

In fact, TruffleRuby does it for such a pattern.

I wonder that people use this pattern! (I'd never used it except test).

Updated by darkdimius (Dmitry Petrashko) over 5 years ago

I wonder that people use this pattern! (I'd never used it except test).

This pattern currently represents substantial fraction of allocations that Sorbet runtime does, so building a way to not allocate in this pattern might have a sizeable impact in reducing the overhead of runtime type checking.

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 5 years ago

Hi @nelhage and @darkdimius :-)

I'm attaching a patch for UnboundMethod#apply(obj, *args, &blk) as a shortcut to .bind(obj).call(*args, &blk) without allocation of a Method object.

I have heard the same situation as Sorbet for pp. pp calls method method against its arguments. The intention is to call Object#method, but sometimes it is overridden with completely different behavior, e.g., Net::HTTPGenericRequest#method. So pp is using the same hack:

So I agree with the proposal. I'm unsure if the name apply is good or not. I'd like to ask matz at the next dev-meeting.

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 5 years ago

Here is a benchmark:

class Foo
  def foo
meth = Foo.instance_method(:foo)
obj =

10000000.times { meth.bind(obj).call } # 1.84 sec
10000000.times { meth.apply(obj)     } # 1.04 sec

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 5 years ago

Matz approved the feature. The name "apply" was arguable in some terms:

  • We may want to use the name "apply" for other purpose in future.
  • This API will be used not so frequently. Only some fundamental libraries (like pp, sorbet-runtime, zeitwerk, etc.) will use it.

I proposed UnboundMethod#bind_call at the developers' meeting, and matz liked it. I'll commit it soon.

Actions #10

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Applied in changeset git|83c6a1ef454c51ad1c0ca58e8a95fd67a033f710.

proc.c: Add UnboundMethod#bind_call

umethod.bind_call(obj, ...) is semantically equivalent to
umethod.bind(obj).call(...). This idiom is used in some libraries to
call a method that is overridden. The added method does the same
without allocation of intermediate Method object. [Feature #15955]

class Foo
  def add_1(x)
    x + 1
class Bar < Foo
  def add_1(x) # override
    x + 2

obj =
p obj.add_1(1) #=> 3
p Foo.instance_method(:add_1).bind(obj).call(1) #=> 2
p Foo.instance_method(:add_1).bind_call(obj, 1) #=> 2

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