



Bug #17497


Ractor performance issue

Added by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) over 3 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

Target version:
ruby -v:
ruby 3.0.0p0 (2020-12-25 revision 95aff21468) [x86_64-darwin18]


There's a strange performance issue with Ractor (at least on MacOS, didn't run on other OS).

I ran a benchmark doing 3 different types of work:

  • "fib": method calls (naive fibonacci calculation)
  • "cpu": (0...1000).inject(:+)
  • "sleep": call sleep

I get the kind of results I was excepting for the fib and for sleeping, but the results for the "cpu" workload show a problem.

It is so slow that my pure Ruby backport (using Threads) is 65x faster 😮 on my Mac Pro (despite having 6 cores). Expected results would be 6x slower, so in that case Ractor is 400x slower than it should 😿

On my MacBook (2 cores) the results are not as bad, the cpu workload is 3x faster with my pure-Ruby backport (only) instead of ~2x slower, so the factor is 6x too slow.

$ gem install backports
Successfully installed backports-3.20.0
1 gem installed
$ ruby ractor_test.rb
<internal:ractor>:267: warning: Ractor is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby! Also there are many implementation issues.
fib: 110 ms  |  cpu: 22900 ms  |  sleep: 206 ms
$ B=t ruby ractor_test.rb
Using pure Ruby implementation
fib: 652 ms  |  cpu: 337 ms  |  sleep: 209 ms

Notice the sleep run takes similar time, which is good, and fib is ~6x faster on my 6-core CPU (and ~2x faster on my 2-core MacBook), again that's good as the pure ruby version uses Threads and thus runs with a single GVL.

The cpu version is the problem.

Script is here:


Also available in: Atom PDF
