



Feature #19406


Allow declarative reference definition for rb_typed_data_struct

Added by eightbitraptor (Matthew Valentine-House) over 1 year ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Target version:


Github PR 7153


This PR proposes an additional API for C extension authors to define wrapped
struct members that point to Ruby objects, when the struct being wrapped
contains only members with primitive types (ie. no arrays or unions). The new
interface passes an offset from the top of the data structure, rather than the
reference VALUE itself, allowing the GC to manipulate both the reference edge
(the address holding the pointer), as well as the underlying object.

This allows Ruby's GC to handle marking, object movement and reference updating
independently without calling back into user supplied code.


When a wrapped struct contains a simple list of members (such as the
struct enumerator in enumerator.c). We can declare all of the struct members that
may point to valid Ruby objects as RUBY_REF_EDGE in a static array.

If we choose to do this, then we can mark the corresponding rb_data_type_t as
RUBY_TYPED_DECL_MARKING and pass a pointer to the references array in the
data field.

To avoid having to also find space in the rb_data_type_t to define a length for
the references list, I've chosen to require list termination
with RUBY_REF_END - defined as UINTPTR_MAX. My assumption is that no
single wrapped struct will ever be large enough that UINTPTR_MAX is actually a
valid reference.

We don't have to then define dmark or dcompact callback functions. Marking,
object movement, and reference updating will be handled for us by the GC.

struct enumerator {
    VALUE obj;
    ID    meth;
    VALUE args;
    VALUE fib;
    VALUE dst;
    VALUE lookahead;
    VALUE feedvalue;
    VALUE stop_exc;
    VALUE size;
    VALUE procs;
    rb_enumerator_size_func *size_fn;
    int kw_splat;

static const size_t enumerator_refs[] = {
    RUBY_REF_EDGE(enumerator, obj),
    RUBY_REF_EDGE(enumerator, args),
    RUBY_REF_EDGE(enumerator, fib),
    RUBY_REF_EDGE(enumerator, dst),
    RUBY_REF_EDGE(enumerator, lookahead),
    RUBY_REF_EDGE(enumerator, feedvalue),
    RUBY_REF_EDGE(enumerator, stop_exc),
    RUBY_REF_EDGE(enumerator, size),
    RUBY_REF_EDGE(enumerator, procs),

static const rb_data_type_t enumerator_data_type = {


Benchmarking shows that this reference declaration style does not degrade
performance when compared to the callback style.

To benchmark this we created a C extension that initialized a struct with 20
VALUE members, all set to point to Ruby strings. We wrapped each struct using
TypedData_Make_Struct in an object. One object was configured with callback
functions and one was configured with declarative references.

In separate scripts we then created 500,000 of these objects, added them to a
list, so they would be marked and not swept and used
GC.verify_compaction_references to make sure everything that could move, did.

Finally we created a wrapper script that used seperate processes to run each GC
type (to ensure that the GC's were completely independent), ran each benchmark
50 times, and collected the results of GC.stat[:time].

We did this on an M1 Pro MacBook (aarch64), and a Ryzen 3600 We then plotted the

chart showing GC time between callback and declarative marking on arm64 and x86_64

As we can see from this, there has been no real impact to GC performance in our

Benchmark code and harnesses is available in this Github


Requiring extension authors to implement seperate dmark and dcompact
callbacks can be error-prone, and pushes GC responsibilities from the GC into
user supplied code. This can be a source of bugs arising from the dmark and
dcompact functions being implemented incorrectly, or becoming out of sync with each other.

There has already been work done by @peterzhu2118 (Peter Zhu) to try and unify these
, so that authors can define a
single function, that will be used for both marking and compacting, removing the
risk of these callbacks becoming out of sync.

This proposal works alongside Peter's earlier work to eliminate the
callbacks entirely for the "simple reference" case.

This means that extension authors with simple structs to wrap can declare which
of their struct members point to Ruby objects to get GC marking and compaction
support. And extension authors with more complex requirements will only have to
implement a single function, using Peter's work.

In addition to this, passing the GC the address of a reference rather than the
reference itself (edge based, rather than object based enqueing), allows the GC
itself to have more control over how it manipulates that reference.

This means that when considering alternative GC implementations for Ruby (such
as our ongoing work integrating MMTk into
1), We don't need to call from Ruby
into library code, and then back into Ruby code as often; which can increase
performance, and allow more complex algorithms to be implemented.


This PR provides another method for defining references in C extensions, in
addition to the callback based approach, effectively widening the extension API.
Extension authors will now need to choose whether to use the declarative
approach, or a callback based approach depending on their use case. This is more
complex for extension authors.

However because the callback's do still exist, this does mean that extension
authors can migrate their own code to this new, faster approach at their

Further work

As part of this work we inspected all uses of rb_data_type_t in the Ruby
source code and of 134 separete instances, 60 wrapped structs that contained
VALUE members that could point to Ruby objects. Out of these 27 were "simple"
structs that would benefit from this approach, 28 contained complex references
(unions, loops etc) that won't work with this approach, and 5 were situations
that were unsure, that we believe we could make work given some slight

  1. MMtk is the Memory Management Toolkit. A framework
    for implementing automatic memory management strategies


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