



Misc #19684



Added by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 2 years ago. Updated almost 2 years ago.



The next dev meeting

Date: 2023/06/08 13:00-17:00 (JST)

  • Dev meeting IS NOT a decision-making place. All decisions should be done at the bug tracker.
  • Dev meeting is a place we can ask Matz, nobu, nurse and other developers directly.
  • Matz is a very busy person. Take this opportunity to ask him. If you can not attend, other attendees can ask instead of you (if attendees can understand your issue).
  • We will write a record of the discussion in the file or to each ticket in English.
  • All activities are best-effort (keep in mind that most of us are volunteer developers).
  • The date, time and place of the meeting are scheduled according to when/where we can reserve Matz's time.
  • DO NOT discuss then on this ticket, please.

Call for agenda items

If you have a ticket that you want matz and committers to discuss, please post it into this ticket in the following format:

* [Ticket ref] Ticket title (your name)
  * Comment (A summary of the ticket, why you put this ticket here, what point should be discussed, etc.)


* [Feature #14609] `Kernel#p` without args shows the receiver (ko1)
  * I feel this feature is very useful and some people say :+1: so let discuss this feature.
  • It is recommended to add a comment by 2023/06/05. We hold a preparatory meeting to create an agenda a few days before the dev-meeting.
  • The format is strict. We'll use this script to automatically create an markdown-style agenda. We may ignore a comment that does not follow the format.
  • Your comment is mandatory. We cannot read all discussion of the ticket in a limited time. We appreciate it if you could write a short summary and update from a previous discussion.

Related issues 1 (1 open0 closed)

Related to Ruby - Misc #14770: [META] DevelopersMeetingOpenActions
Actions #1

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 2 years ago

  • Related to Misc #14770: [META] DevelopersMeeting added

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) almost 2 years ago

  • [Bug #19681] The final classpath of partially named modules is sometimes inconsistent once permanently named (byroot)
    • Please see the code snippet in the ticket description.
    • The current implementation iterate over RCLASS_CONST_TBL and assign the first name it find.
    • But that table is unordered, so if the module was aliased, the result can be surprising.

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) almost 2 years ago

  • [Bug #11704] Refinements only get "used" once in loop (jeremyevans0)
    • Is it expected that if a refinement is activated for a block, it remains activated if the block is re-entered?
    • This is how CRuby works, but may be confusing to users expecting more dynamic behavior.
    • This would seem difficult to change in CRuby, though JRuby (and maybe TruffleRuby) already operates the more dynamic way.
  • [Bug #18622] const_get still looks in Object, while lexical constant lookup no longer does (jeremyevans0)
    • Should we change Module#const_get to raise NameError instead of looking into Object, for modules and subclasses of Object?
    • If so, should we deprecate the behavior in Ruby 3.3 and change the behavior in Ruby 3.4?
  • [Bug #15428] Refactor Proc#>> and #<< (jeremyevans0)
    • Last discussed at August 2021 developer meeting, no decision made.
    • Calling to_proc if the passed object does not respond to call should be backwards compatible.
    • Do we want to change the behavior of Proc#>> and Proc#<< to encourage their usage with symbols?
    • Alternatively, should Proc#>> and Proc#<< raise error if called with argument not supporting #call (to avoid NoMethodError later when you call the resulting Proc)?

Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) almost 2 years ago

  • [Bug #19702] Promote racc as bundled gems
    • Does anyone have objection this?

Updated by ioquatix (Samuel Williams) almost 2 years ago

  • [Feature #19057] Hide implementation of rb_io_t.
    • So far the agreed approach is to hide the entire implementation and fix dependencies. We tried it and it caused some downstream issues.
    • Are we okay to deprecate the public struct to start with? Removal by what version?
    • PR:
  • [Bug #19717] ConditionVariable#signal is not fair when the wakeup is consistently spurious.
    • Can we discuss whether we should prevent spurious wakeup?
    • No PR yet.. can we discuss best approach?
  • [Bug #18818] Thread waitq does not retain referenced objects, can lead to use after free.
  • [Feature #19520] Support for and, name).

Updated by yui-knk (Kaneko Yuichiro) almost 2 years ago

[Feature #19719] Universal Parser

  • Want to discuss the direction of development (Design) and release management (Release management).
Actions #7

Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) almost 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed
Actions #8

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 2 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

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