



Feature #2715


Optimization to avoid spawning shell in Kernel#system call should check for failure conditions

Added by taw (Tomasz Wegrzanowski) about 15 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Target version:


This is an old issue, I think going all the way back to Perl's system().

Kernel#system is supposed to spawn shell and pass its argument to shell process just like C system(); except it's optimized for a common case of very simple argument, in which case Ruby (like Perl) simply does fork and exec of the string passed, split on whitespace.

This almost works, except shell error reporting is not duplicated. If command doesn't exist, shell would print an error message on stderr, while Ruby like Perl fails silently.

Problem is present in all versions of Ruby including 1.8.7 and 1.9.1.

To reproduce:
$ ruby -e 'system "fail"'
$ ruby -e 'system """fail"'
sh: fail: command not found

Output of both commands should be identical (or at least close enough, details of error message might differ by Unix flavor).

rb_f_system code for VMS and Windows uses different code paths, so I don't know if it's also affected or not.

I wrote a bit more about background of this issue on my blog:


Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Related to Ruby - Feature #3426: exec doesn't allow command lines which begin with an env variable assignmentRejectedmame (Yusuke Endoh)06/11/2010Actions
Related to Ruby - Feature #4477: Kernel:exec and backtick (`) don't work for certain system commandsClosedakr (Akira Tanaka)03/07/2011Actions
Actions #1

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Feedback



Actions #2

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 15 years ago


At Sat, 6 Feb 2010 06:55:09 +0900,
Tomasz Wegrzanowski wrote in [ruby-core:28072]:

This almost works, except shell error reporting is not
duplicated. If command doesn't exist, shell would print an
error message on stderr, while Ruby like Perl fails silently.

Problem is present in all versions of Ruby including 1.8.7 and 1.9.1.

To reproduce:
$ ruby -e 'system "fail"'
$ ruby -e 'system """fail"'
sh: fail: command not found

Output of both commands should be identical (or at least
close enough, details of error message might differ by Unix

What's that you want to do? In 1.9, the former returns nil,
while the later returns false, and spawn and Process.spawn
raise an Errno::ENOENT.

In addtion, system and spawn in 1.9 have been improved very
much, so you don't need to use sh for redirection.

run "fail" command with no output

system("fail", out:"/dev/null", err:[:child, :out])

I wrote a bit more about background of this issue on my blog:

Please describe the rationale briefly on the BTS, not separated

Nobu Nakada


Actions #3

Updated by taw (Tomasz Wegrzanowski) about 15 years ago

Nobu: I want system "fail" and system "''fail" to behave identically - printing error message when command fail doesn't exist.

For Ruby's system() not to spawn shell should be just performance optimization, it should behave the same way regardless of it spawns shell (system "''fail") or not (system "fail").

That's all.

Actions #4

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 15 years ago


For Ruby's system() not to spawn shell should be just performance optimization

I don't think so. Indeed, it is a feature for optimization, but
it is also spec.

Process invocation may cause significant result such as breaking
system. So changing that may cause compatibility issue.

Nobu: I want system "fail" and system "''fail" to behave identically - printing error message when command fail doesn't exist.

"Printing error message" is absolutely new feature.
I move this ticket to feature tracker, though the feature request
is really uncool for me...

Yusuke Endoh

Actions #5

Updated by akr (Akira Tanaka) almost 14 years ago

  • Project changed from 8 to Ruby
  • Category changed from core to core

Updated by akr (Akira Tanaka) about 13 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

I feel the optimization (avoid shell when no meta characters) can be removed.

We have many ways to avoid shell such as system(command, arg1, arg2).

And recent computers are fast enough to run command via shell.

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 13 years ago

  • Assignee set to akr (Akira Tanaka)

Updated by akr (Akira Tanaka) almost 13 years ago

I wrote a patch to remove the optimization:

However it was not good enough because it causes several test failures.

Several failures are caused by pid change which the invoked command is not
direct child process of ruby process.
(This depends on /bin/sh. If /bin/sh optimizes tail invocations,
invoked command process will be a direct child process.)

I think this is incompatible enough.

Now, I feel printing a error message suggested by taw is better solution.

Updated by kosaki (Motohiro KOSAKI) almost 13 years ago


As akr-san described, some shells have tail invocation optimization. Thus, even if ruby doesn't have shell invocation optimization, caller can't assume that spawned process is neither child nor grand child.

Therefore, if some tests were fail, it is certainly test mistake. I still think we can remove the shell invocation optimization. It is a source of confusion and I dislike it.

Of cource, it shouldn't be backported 1.9.x.

Updated by akr (Akira Tanaka) almost 13 years ago

As akr-san described, some shells have tail invocation optimization. Thus, even if ruby doesn't have shell invocation optimization, caller can't assume that spawned process is neither child nor grand child.

If we have shell invocation optimization (as now) and the command line is
simple, the command is spawned as a child process.

So removing the optimization breaks a program which assumes this behavior.

For example, IO.popen("foo bar") {|io| ... Process.kill sig, ... }
will be broken by removing the optimization.

I feel this is incompatible enough.

Updated by kosaki (Motohiro KOSAKI) almost 13 years ago

(6/5/12 3:55 PM), akr (Akira Tanaka) wrote:

Issue #2715 has been updated by akr (Akira Tanaka).

As akr-san described, some shells have tail invocation optimization. Thus, even if ruby doesn't have shell invocation optimization, caller can't assume that spawned process is neither child nor grand child.

If we have shell invocation optimization (as now) and the command line is
simple, the command is spawned as a child process.

So removing the optimization breaks a program which assumes this behavior.

For example, IO.popen("foo bar") {|io| ... Process.kill sig, ... }
will be broken by removing the optimization.

I feel this is incompatible enough.

.... I realized is crazy mistaken feature. It wouldn't work when using
complex cmdline even if we will not remove the optimization. Sigh. (+_+

Updated by akr (Akira Tanaka) almost 13 years ago

.... I realized is crazy mistaken feature. It wouldn't work when using complex cmdline even if we will not remove the optimization. Sigh. (+_+

Killing a complex command line, which invokes many processes, is a different problem.
IO#pid is not a origin of the problem.
spawn also have same problem as follows.

pid = spawn("foo & bar"); Process.kill(:TERM, pid)

Do you say that returning pid feature of spawn is crazy mistaken?

Killing a complex command line needs process group,
as shell job control does.

To return to this issue, I'm considering adding a new spawn option, :shell.
This option disables the optimization.

system("simple command", :shell=>true)

The default of the option is disabled as now.

This option solves this issue as:

  • shell error messages are printed if :shell => true.
  • doesn't break programs which expects simple commands are direct child process.
  • don't need to implement mimic of shell error message printing feature in ruby.

Updated by kosaki (Motohiro KOSAKI) almost 13 years ago

On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 3:21 AM, akr (Akira Tanaka) wrote:

Issue #2715 has been updated by akr (Akira Tanaka).

.... I realized is crazy mistaken feature. It wouldn't work when using complex cmdline even if we will not remove the optimization. Sigh. (+_+

Killing a complex command line, which invokes many processes, is a different problem.
IO#pid is not a origin of the problem.
spawn also have same problem as follows.

 pid = spawn("foo & bar"); Process.kill(:TERM, pid)

Do you say that returning pid feature of spawn is crazy mistaken?

Killing a complex command line needs process group,
as shell job control does.

To return to this issue, I'm considering adding a new spawn option, :shell.
This option disables the optimization.

 system("simple command", :shell=>true)

The default of the option is disabled as now.

This option solves this issue as:

  • shell error messages are printed if :shell => true.
  • doesn't break programs which expects simple commands are direct child process.
  • don't need to implement mimic of shell error message printing feature in ruby.

Seems make sense.

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 12 years ago

  • Target version set to 2.6

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) over 7 years ago

  • Assignee deleted (akr (Akira Tanaka))
  • Target version deleted (2.6)

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