Feature #3917
closed[proposal] called_from() which is much faster than caller()
I propose to introduce Kernel#called_from() which is similar to caller()
but much faster than it.
There are some cases to want to know from where current method is called.
In this case, Kernel#caller() is used.
But Kernel#caller() has performance issues for these cases.
- caller() retrieves entire stack frame. It is too heavy.
- caller() returns an array of "filename:linenum in `method'" string.
User must parse it and retrieve filename and linenum by rexp.
It is also very heavy weight task.
Therefore I propose Kernel#called_from() which is very light weight
compared to caller(). A certain benchmark shows that called_from()
is more than 20 times faster tan caller().
こういう場合は通常 Kernel#caller() が使われる。
しかし Kernel#caller() は、こういった用途ではパフォーマンスが非常に悪い。
- caller() はスタックフレームをすべて取り出す。これは非常に重い操作。
- caller() は "ファイル名:行番号 in `メソッド名'" という文字列の配列を返す。
そのため、Kernel#called_from() を追加することを提案する。
このメソッドは caller() と比べて非常に動作が軽く、ベンチマークでは
called_from() は caller() と比べて20倍以上高速。
called_from(start=1) -> array or nil
Returns file name, line number, and method name of the stack.
The optional start parameter represents the number of stack
entries to skip.
Returns +nil+ if start is greater than the size of
current execution stack.
Raises ArgumentError if start is negative value.
Example code¶
1: def f1()
2: f2()
3: end
4: def f2()
5: f3()
6: end
7: def f3()
8: p called_from() #=> ["example.rb", 5, "f2"]
9: p called_from(0) #=> ["example.rb", 9, "f3"]
10: p called_from(1) #=> ["example.rb", 5, "f2"]
11: p called_from(2) #=> ["example.rb", 2, "f1"]
12: p called_from(3) #=> ["example.rb", 15, ""]
13: p called_from(4) #=> nil
14: end
15: f1()
Use Case¶
Case 1: logging method
def log_info(message)
filename, linenum, _ = called_from() # !!!
@logger.info "#{filename}:#{linenum}: #{message}"
Case 2: debug print
def debug(message)
filename, linenum, _ = called_from() # !!!
$stderr.puts "*** DEBUG: #{filename}:#{linenum}: #{message}"
Case 3: deprecation message
def send(args)
filename, linenum, _ = called_from() # !!!
msg = "send()' is deprecated. use
send()' instead."
msg << " (file: #{filename}, line: #{linenum})"
$stderr.puts "** warning: #{msg}"
Case 4: ActiveSupport::Testing::Pending
module ActiveSupport::Testing::Peding
def pending(description = "", &block)
#caller[0] =~ (/(.):(.):in `(.*)'/) # original
#@@pending_cases << "#{$3} at #{$1}, line #{$2}" # original
#print "P" # original
filenemae, linenum, method = called_from() # !!!
@@pending_cases << "#{method} at #{filename}, line #{linenum}"
print "P"
Case 5: activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/module/delegation.rb
class Module
def delegate(*methods)
#file, line = caller.first.split(':', 2) # original
#line = line.to_i # original
file, line, _ = called_from() # !!!
module_eval(<<-EOS, file, line - 5)
Case 6: caching helper for template system
def cache_with(key)
data, created_at = @_cache_store.get(key)
filename, = called_from() # !!!
## if template file is newer than cached data then clear cache.
## (performance is very important in this case.)
if created_at < File.mtime(filename)
data = nil
if data.nil?
len = @_buf.length
data = @_buf[len..-1]
@_cache_store.set(key, data)
@_buf << data
in template file¶
<% cache_with("orders/#{@order.id}") do %>
Order ID: <%=h @order.id %>
Customer: <%=h @order.customer.name %>
<% end %>
Attached benchmark shows that called_from() is much faster than caller().
This is very important for logging or template timestamp check.
$ ./ruby -s bench.rb -N=100000
user system total real
caller()[0] 1.890000 0.010000 1.900000 ( 1.941812)
caller()[0] (retrieve) 2.190000 0.010000 2.200000 ( 2.225966)
called_from() 0.100000 0.000000 0.100000 ( 0.102810)
called_from() (retrieve) 0.100000 0.000000 0.100000 ( 0.102133)
Another Solutions¶
Adding new gobal function may be refused.
The followings are another solutions instead of new global function.
Extend caller() to take 'count' parameter.
For example:start = 1
count = 1
caller(start, count) #=> ["filename:linenum in `method'"] -
Extend caller() to take 'conbine' flag.
For example:start = 1
count = nil
conbine = false
caller(start, count, conbine)
#=> [["filename", linenum, "method"],
# ["filename", linenum, "method"],
# .... ] -
Add new standard library 'called_from.so' instead of Kernel#called_from().
あるいは Kernel#called_from() ではなくても called_from.so を標準添付
I tried to implement the above solutions, but failed because
vm_backtrace_each() seems to search stack frames in the reverse
order of what called_from() requires. -
I can implement called_from() as user library in Ruby 1.8.
It is allowed to access to stack frame in Ruby 1.8, but no in 1.9.
This is why I submit this propose. -
実は上記のanother solutionsを実装しようとしたが、called_from() では
直近のスタックフレームから辿りたいのに対し、vm_backtrace_each() は
逆の順番で辿ることしかできないようなので、実装を諦めた。 -
Ruby 1.8 では拡張モジュールからスタックフレームにアクセスできるので
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 14 years ago
基本的に賛成なんですが、alternative なアイデアということで。
(1) caller の拡張案
(a) 配列の要素数を指定するオプショナル引数を加える
caller(n, m) => n 個上の caller から、m 個だけ情報を取り出す
caller(0, 1) => ['...']
caller(0, 2) => ['...', '...']
*1 を指定したら配列じゃ無くす、というのは、きっと良くないんだろうな。
(b) 配列の要素をFrameInfo オブジェクトとかいうものをでっちあげる
caller => [frameinfo1, frameinfo2, ...]
FrameInfo#type # iseq->type 相当(でいいのか?)
FrameInfo#name # iseq->name 相当、メソッド名とか
FrameInfo#line_no # これまでと同じ行番号
FrameInfo#filename # これまでと同じファイル名
FrameInfo#to_str を定義することで、文字列を期待していた今までのコード
iseq を持たせるような実装になるのかしらん。
FrameInfo#binding とかやると、caller_binding みたいな話になるんだけ
*CallerEntry とかの名前のほうがいいのかしらん。
(2) called_from の返値を FrameInfo みたいなのにする
FrameInfo の定義は上記の通り。
vm_backtrace_each の順番は変えちゃうかも。でも、今 iseq 周りの実装をそ
(2010/10/08 0:46), makoto kuwata wrote:
Feature #3917: [proposal] called_from() which is much faster than caller()
http://redmine.ruby-lang.org/issues/show/3917起票者: makoto kuwata
ステータス: Open, 優先度: Normal
カテゴリ: core, Target version: 1.9.xI propose to introduce Kernel#called_from() which is similar to caller()
but much faster than it.Background¶
There are some cases to want to know from where current method is called.
In this case, Kernel#caller() is used.But Kernel#caller() has performance issues for these cases.
- caller() retrieves entire stack frame. It is too heavy.
- caller() returns an array of "filename:linenum in `method'" string.
User must parse it and retrieve filename and linenum by rexp.
It is also very heavy weight task.Therefore I propose Kernel#called_from() which is very light weight
compared to caller(). A certain benchmark shows that called_from()
is more than 20 times faster tan caller().現のメソッドがどこから呼び出されたかを知りたい場合がときどきある。
こういう場合は通常 Kernel#caller() が使われる。しかし Kernel#caller() は、こういった用途ではパフォーマンスが非常に悪い。
- caller() はスタックフレームをすべて取り醜。これは非常に重い操作。
- caller() は "ファイル名:行番号 in `メソド名'" という文字列の配列を返す。
これも修操作。そため、Kernel#called_from() を追加することを提案する。
このメソドは caller() と比べて非常に動作が軽く、ベンチマークでは
called_from() は caller() と比べて20倍以上高速。Spec¶
called_from(start= -> array or nilReturns file name, line number, and method name of the stack.
The optional start parameter represents the number of stack
entries to skip.Returns +nil+ if start is greater than the size of
current execution stack.Raises ArgumentError if start is negative value.
Example code¶
1: def f1()
2: f2()
3: end
4: def f2()
5: f3()
6: end
7: def f3()
8: p called_from() #=["example.rb", 5, "f2"]
9: p called_from(0) #=["example.rb", 9, "f3"]
10: p called_from(1) #=["example.rb", 5, "f2"]
11: p called_from(2) #=["example.rb", 2, "f1"]
12: p called_from(3) #=["example.rb", 15, ""]
13: p called_from(4) #=nil
14: end
15: f1()Use Case¶
Case 1: logging method
def log_info(message)
filename, linenum, _ =alled_from() # !!!
@logger.info "#{filename}:#{linenum}: #{message}"
endCase 2: debug print
def debug(message)
filename, linenum, _ =alled_from() # !!!
$stderr.puts "*** DEBUG: #{filename}:#{linenum}: #{message}"
endCase 3: deprecation message
def send(args)
filename, linenum, _ =alled_from() # !!!
msg =send()' is deprecated. use
send()' instead."
msg << " (file: #{filename}, line: #{linenum})"
$stderr.puts "** warning: #{msg}"
endCase 4: ActiveSupport::Testing::Pending
module ActiveSupport::Testing::Peding
def pending(description =", &block)
#caller[0] =(/(.):(.):in `(.*)'/) # original
#@@pending_cases << "#{$3} at #{$1}, line #{$2}" # original
#print "P" # original
filenemae, linenum, method =alled_from() # !!!
@@pending_cases << "#{method} at #{filename}, line #{linenum}"
print "P"
endCase 5: activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/module/delegation.rb
class Module
def delegate(*methods)
#file, line =aller.first.split(':', 2) # original
#line =ine.to_i # original
file, line, _ =alled_from() # !!!
module_eval(<<-EOS, file, line - 5)
endCase 6: caching helper for template system
def cache_with(key)
data, created_at =_cache_store.get(key)
filename, =alled_from() # !!!
## if template file is newer than cached data then clear cache.
## (performance is very important in this case.)
if created_at < File.mtime(filename)
data =il
if data.nil?
len =_buf.length
data =_buf[len..-1]
@_cache_store.set(key, data)
@_buf << data
endin template file¶
<% cache_with("orders/#{@order.id}") do %>
Order ID: <%=@order.id %>
Customer: <%=@order.customer.name %>
<% end %>Benchmark¶
Attached benchmark shows that called_from() is much faster than caller().
This is very important for logging or template timestamp check.$ ./ruby -s bench.rb -N0000 user system total real caller()[0] 1.890000 0.010000 1.900000 ( 1.941812) caller()[0] (retrieve) 2.190000 0.010000 2.200000 ( 2.225966) called_from() 0.100000 0.000000 0.100000 ( 0.102810) called_from() (retrieve) 0.100000 0.000000 0.100000 ( 0.102133)
Another Solutions¶
Adding new gobal function may be refused.
The followings are another solutions instead of new global function.
Extend caller() to take 'count' parameter.
For example:start =
count =
caller(start, count) #=["filename:linenum in `method'"]Extend caller() to take 'conbine' flag.
For example:start =
count =il
conbine =alse
caller(start, count, conbine)
#=[["filename", linenum, "method"],
# ["filename", linenum, "method"],
# .... ]Add new standard library 'called_from.so' instead of Kernel#called_from().
あるいは Kernel#called_from() ではなくても called_from.so を標什付
I tried to implement the above solutions, but failed because
vm_backtrace_each() seems to search stack frames in the reverse
order of what called_from() requires.I can implement called_from() as user library in Ruby 1.8.
It is allowed to access to stack frame in Ruby 1.8, but no in 1.9.
This is why I submit this propose.実は上記のanother solutionsを実装しようとしたが、called_from() では
直近のスタックフレームから辿りたいのに対し、vm_backtrace_each() は
逆の瞬で辿ることしかできないようなので、実装を諦めた。Ruby 1.8 では拡張モジュールからスタックフレームにアクセスできるので
// SASADA Koichi at atdot dot net
Updated by kwatch (makoto kuwata) over 14 years ago
2010/10/8 SASADA Koichi ko1@atdot.net:
基本的に賛成なんですが、alternative なアイデアということで。
(1) caller の拡張案
(a) 配列の要素数を指定するオプショナル引数を加える
caller(n, m) => n 個上の caller から、m 個だけ情報を取り出す
caller(0, 1) => ['...']
caller(0, 2) => ['...', '...']
確か似そうですが、さほど困るほどでもないと思います。'.first' を付けるだけだし。
*1 を指定したら配列じゃ無くす、というのは、きっと良くないんだろうな。
(b) 配列の要素をFrameInfo オブジェクトとかいうものをでっちあげる
caller => [frameinfo1, frameinfo2, ...]
FrameInfo#type # iseq->type 相当(でいいのか?)
FrameInfo#name # iseq->name 相当、メソッド名とか
FrameInfo#line_no # これまでと同じ行番号
FrameInfo#filename # これまでと同じファイル名FrameInfo#to_str を定義することで、文字列を期待していた今までのコード
もそのまま動く(ほんとかな?)。iseq を持たせるような実装になるのかしらん。
FrameInfo#binding とかやると、caller_binding みたいな話になるんだけ
ど、これはやらない。*CallerEntry とかの名前のほうがいいのかしらん。
(2) called_from の返値を FrameInfo みたいなのにする
FrameInfo の定義は上記の通り。
vm_backtrace_each の順番は変えちゃうかも。でも、今 iseq 周りの実装をそ
makoto kuwata
Updated by runpaint (Run Paint Run Run) over 14 years ago
I can't follow this discussion, but I'll note proposal #1906 that also aims to provide an alternative to #caller
. (Oddly, I, too, hacked on vm_backtrace_each(), and related functions, to try to implement the aforementioned). I'd prefer a Hash/Struct to be returned, rather than an Array, and favour #backtrace
or #caller
taking a count argument rather than defining a new top-level method for such a narrow use.
Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) over 14 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Assigned
- Assignee set to ko1 (Koichi Sasada)
ko1 changes implementation around iseq and may change the order of vm_backtrace_each,
so he want us to wait for completion those changes.
Updated by kwatch (makoto kuwata) over 14 years ago
Hi Run Run, thank you for your comment about Kernel#caller.
2010/10/29 Run Paint Run Run redmine@ruby-lang.org:
I can't follow this discussion, but I'll note proposal #1906 that
also aims to provide an alternative to#caller
. (Oddly, I, too,
hacked on vm_backtrace_each(), and related functions, to try to
implement the aforementioned). I'd prefer a Hash/Struct to be
returned, rather than an Array, and favour#backtrace
taking a count argument rather than defining a new top-level method
for such a narrow use.
Ko1 has the same idea as what you proposed on #1906.
He want to change return value from "filename:linenum: in `name'"
to structured data type which is very similar to what you proposed.
And I already proposed to add new argument to Kernel#caller() in order to
specify backtrace depth, instead of adding new top-level function.
Please check out 'Another Solutions' section on this ticket.
Ko1, could you read #1906 if you change return value of caller()?
makoto kuwata
Updated by ddebernardy (Denis de Bernardy) over 13 years ago
I'm not making much sense of the japanese in this ticket. Is this (or #1906, which also looks neat) anything that might make it into ruby 1.9.3? I was wondering how to get the calling file's name earlier today without resorting to caller() -- which yields an unnecessarily large string array.
As an aside, there's this sender gem written in C here, in the meanwhile:
Updated by Anonymous over 13 years ago
Feature #3917: [proposal] called_from() which is much faster than caller()
+1 for this one--I was wishing for this the other day (or for caller
to give you depth starting from the current method...)
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from Assigned to Feedback
I made caller_locations() (see [ruby-core:45253] [RFC] RubyVM::FrameInfo.caller method).
Maybe the last problem is naming of this method.
Updated by trans (Thomas Sawyer) over 12 years ago
#caller_locations, is this what I just (re)proposed in #6646? Sorry if so, I can't read Japanese :(
Maybe better name: #callstack ?
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
I close this ticket.
Let's discuss naming issue with