



Bug #10661


The "possible reference to past scope" warning is quite frustrating and is forcing me to change my variable names from what I want

Added by myronmarston (Myron Marston) almost 10 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Target version:
ruby -v:
ruby 2.2.0p0 (2014-12-25 revision 49005) [x86_64-darwin12.0]


I find the change in r48986 to be quite frustrating. It's forcing me to change many of my variable and/or method names if I want to keep my ruby code warning free (which is a thing we enforce in the RSpec code base).

The problem I see is that, in my experience, it's quite common to use the same name for a local variable in one part of a file that you later use for an arg-less method name at a later part in the file.

Consider this ruby command:

ruby -w -e '[1, 2, 3].sample.tap { |rand| puts "Random value: #{rand}" }; puts "Another random value: #{rand}"'

This produces:

-e:1: warning: possible reference to past scope - rand
Random value: 1
Another random value: 0.7483347748677992

Changing the rand call to self.rand is one solution I would consider to avoid the warning, but it doesn't work here because rand is private (as it comes from Kernel), so I'm forced to change the block local variable name to a name I do not want.

In RSpec it's an even bigger issue as it's quite common to have a common name for a certain collaborator role in your tests where in some cases there's a helper method (often defined using let) that exposes an object for that role and in other tests you might build it in-line and assign it to a local. In our rspec-mocks test suite, we had 280 warnings from this. I went through and changed many variable and method names to names I do not like as much (e.g. the_dbl instead of dbl or klazz instead of klass) simply to avoid this warning:

While I can understand the kinds of errors this warnings helps you avoid, I think that it is too strict and noisy in its current form.

Related issues 1 (1 open0 closed)

Related to Ruby master - Feature #14153: [PATCH] resurrection of # -*- warn_past_scope: true -*-OpenActions

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 10 years ago

Myron Marston wrote:

Changing the rand call to self.rand is one solution I would consider to avoid the warning, but it doesn't work here because rand is private (as it comes from Kernel), so I'm forced to change the block local variable name to a name I do not want.

You can use rand().

While I can understand the kinds of errors this warnings helps you avoid, I think that it is too strict and noisy in its current form.

Any idea of less-strict form?

Updated by myronmarston (Myron Marston) almost 10 years ago

You can use rand().

Good point. I'm so used to calling arg-less methods without parens that I didn't even think of that here! I'll probably use that rather than renaming variables or let declarations in the 500+ warnings I'm fixing in the RSpec suites.

That said, I've always liked that Ruby supports the same syntax for local variables as for an arg-less message send to self. Avdi's screencast on barewords explains how this can be helpful to be able to refactor from a local to a helper method:

This is basically the entire idea of let in RSpec -- when you've got the duplication of creating the same named object in multiple specs as a local variable, you can extract that object definition into a let with the same name and not have to update the referencing syntax. This new warning makes let much less usable for RSpec and Minitest::Spec users who run with warnings enabled, as they may get warnings when doing this refactoring if the same name is used by a local variable earlier in the file (which may be a different context that creates the collaborator object with different parameters or whatever).

Any idea of less-strict form?

That's a hard one. Given that it is implemented in the parser, I don't see how it could know there is a method def and that it should therefore not warn. I think this issue shows a weakness in Ruby's warning system: it's all or nothing. This warning is helpful in some circumstances, but harmful in others (IMO) since it inhibits bareword refactorings, so it would be nice to be able to opt-out of this warning while still running with the rest of Ruby's warnings enabled. Could the magic comment system (used to set a file's encoding) be used to opt-out of specific warnings?

If that's not feasible, my preference would be to see this removed, as I think being able to refactor between local variables and methods (such as RSpec's and Minitest's let system) is very useful and any warning that inhibits that is, IMO, harmful. Plus, in almost 8 years of doing Ruby, I can't think of a single time I ever hit a situation where this warning would have helped me.

I can completely understand if you're not willing to remove this warning, though!

Thanks for being willing to engage on this so promptly.

Updated by xshay (Xavier Shay) almost 10 years ago

This is going to warn for most RSpec suites. The following pattern is common (I have it in all of my projects) due to the common let extraction myron talks about:

(sample of a spec from one of my projects - you can also see this in the RSpec commit Myron linked)

describe Event do
  describe '#complete!' do
    it 'marks event as complete' do
      event = Fabricate(:event)
      expect(event.reload.ran?).to eq(true)

  describe '#set_handicap!' do
    let!(:event) { Fabricate(:event, distance: }
    let!(:runs) { [
        event:      event
    it 'updates a handicap and start time for a run' do
      run = event.set_handicap!(runs[1].competitor_id, 300)

      # ...

While I can understand the kinds of errors this warnings helps you avoid

I'm not so convinced on this. The test included with the change already breaks in a fairly obvious way. I haven't seen this class of problem affect any of my newer developers*, and I speculate that the warning might be too technical to be obvious to newer developers anyway - "scope" is a more advanced term.

Put another way: I'd like to see a stronger case made for this change (or any "less strict" version) that justifies breaking such a common pattern.

*yes, this is a small sample!

Updated by myronmarston (Myron Marston) almost 10 years ago

I'm also seeing this warning from rubygems in the ruby-head builds on travis:

/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-head/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.3.0/rubygems/compatibility.rb:25: warning: possible reference to past scope - path
/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-head/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.3.0/rubygems/specification.rb:2480: warning: possible reference to past scope - name
/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-head/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.3.0/rubygems/specification.rb:2482: warning: possible reference to past scope - name


This shows that it's not just a problem in spec-style suites -- it shows up in normal code that ships with Ruby. In general, when parts of the stdlib emit warnings, it hinders everyone's ability to run Ruby with warnings enabled, as stdlib warnings get mixed in with your own, so you train yourself to ignore warning output since it is always present (or, more likely, you turn warnings off). IMO, Ruby should not ship with new types of warnings until the stdlib has been updated to avoid the new warning. Besides ensuring the code ruby ships with is warning-free, it also works as a good vetting tool to show that the situations that the new warning warns about are actually worth having warnings. In this case, it looks like the warning was committed on release day, with no chance for the community to provide feedback on the warning in a preview or release candidate.

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 10 years ago

Myron Marston wrote:

You can use rand().
Any idea of less-strict form?

That's a hard one. Given that it is implemented in the parser, I don't see how it could know there is a method def and that it should therefore not warn. I think this issue shows a weakness in Ruby's warning system: it's all or nothing.

Indeed, and far as I remember, some feature requests for it has been proposed.

This warning is helpful in some circumstances, but harmful in others (IMO) since it inhibits bareword refactorings, so it would be nice to be able to opt-out of this warning while still running with the rest of Ruby's warnings enabled. Could the magic comment system (used to set a file's encoding) be used to opt-out of specific warnings?

Like warn-indent?

Myron Marston wrote:

I'm also seeing this warning from rubygems in the ruby-head builds on travis:

/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-head/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.3.0/rubygems/compatibility.rb:25: warning: possible reference to past scope - path
/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-head/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.3.0/rubygems/specification.rb:2480: warning: possible reference to past scope - name
/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-head/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.3.0/rubygems/specification.rb:2482: warning: possible reference to past scope - name

The first one is the bug that found by this warning and fixed at r48985.

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Applied in changeset r49082.

parse.y: disable past scope warnings

  • parse.y (gettable_gen): disable warnings of possible reference
    to a local variable defined in a past scope.
    [ruby-core:67162] [Bug #10661]
Actions #8

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) almost 10 years ago

  • Backport changed from 2.0.0: UNKNOWN, 2.1: UNKNOWN, 2.2: UNKNOWN to 2.0.0: DONTNEED, 2.1: DONTNEED, 2.2: REQUIRED

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) over 9 years ago

  • Backport changed from 2.0.0: DONTNEED, 2.1: DONTNEED, 2.2: REQUIRED to 2.0.0: DONTNEED, 2.1: DONTNEED, 2.2: DONE

ruby_2_2 r49509 merged revision(s) 49082.

Actions #10

Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) almost 7 years ago

  • Related to Feature #14153: [PATCH] resurrection of # -*- warn_past_scope: true -*- added

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